What would the series be like if other students got One for All instead of Izuku?
Boku no Hero Academia
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It'd have either gone to Vault Boy or Todo.
this, vault boy was a runner up to inherent one for all. Izuku would have probably ended up like the Vigilantes as he missed the entrance exam.
How broken would he be with OfA?
He's already broken, so it'd be like typing tgm in the console while playing on very easy.
More broken then All Might's teaching methods
Pick one Hero to Boku no the Academia of.
Better than Izuku for powerlevel effects, but less heroic than him
I want to kiss Aizawa sensei, until we cant breath and we have to cling to each other for support to stay standing!!!!
Question from the other thread. If Deku gets captured instead of Bakugou, how does the rescue play out? Does Bakugou go? Same questions for it it was Todoroki or Iida that got captured too.
>does bakugou go?
No, he will furiously masturbate to the tough of Deku possibly getting tortured and dying, then will cry himself to sleep
Well he is a coward piece of shit who didnt want to save a little girl from an obvious bad guy.
>Best friend getting together with your crush
Why must she suffer?
The Best
Stain will get mad if he ever meet Bakugou
who will be madder tho? Stain or Boomboy?
When is Toga going to take Bakugou's virginity?
Where did this meme about Mirio not being as heroic come from?
Mirio made the right call, he and Deku would've gotten killed if they tried to save Eri right there.
I'm not saying I agree with that choice, but they still have a chance to save her this arc.
the thing is, if someone with a quirk got one for all, how do we know what effects it would have? Who's to say we would get someone with All might strength and a quick added? for all we know, it could effect people in that it super enhances their quirk but does little to their body
I think he will faint earlier than you think
All Might literally says Todoroki would get added strength AND his Ice and Fire as an example
Probably not
The most likely scenario would be Ochako, Todoroki, and Iida who spearhead a rescue plan. Momo and Kirishima would come along as well, just like in the canon scenario. Kirishima might try to convince Bakugou to go, but it's more likely that Bakugou would just shrug Kirishima off, act tsun for Deku, and brood privately in his room.
After he gets covered in blood, but maybe she will take Stain's and Deku's first
He couldn't be a kissless virgin, could he?
His bodi didn't move on it's own
Shitty hero
Stain, he has the power of pure shinnen on his side
Anons as well as All might himself don't realise that the only reason it's possible for AM to be that heroic and save the day from situations like that is because of OFA
mirio a shiiiiiiiiit just like frog
I am going to rape froppy!
Who scared Endeavor this much?
Of what? That Todo and Momo have an adventurous, affectionate, physical relationship? You only post that because you're jealous of them.
The jews
I post this because I think they're CUTE
You can try. You will drown.
Is stain still a virgin?
It's coming user. The madman will return to us, I can feel it.
Todoroki has a way to go.
Which one of the adults ISN'T a virgin?
oh I don't remember that
never mind then
Let's try to put an end to the shipping war.
Does Deku actually give a shit romantically about Ochako, Froppy, Toga, or anyone?
He forsake pretty much all of his life, if he didn't lost it early on the chances are low.
Seeing Todoroki act like a genuine autist is cuter than anything else
Only All Might
He still has a working penis.
Any good doujins to be expected in C92?
He can work it with his hand.
You tell me
None of them at the moment , and don't know why tsuyu is there since she isn't even interested ether
Do you think Shouto's child will rebel against him by trying to make Endeavor proud?
If it doesn't happen in the manga it doesn't mean anything.
Endevor will be dead by the time that happened
I'm not a fag like minetA. This time the frog will feel my dick in her angus
I just hope we get more straight doujins. I'm sick of all the fujoshit.
>It shouldn't be possible to have taste this shit.
She's pretty insistent on getting him to call her by her first name.
But in all honesty I put her there because people ship her with Deku. She's pretty hard to read so you can't really tell.
He MIGHT give a shit about Ochako, that's me being honest.
She made the name Kacchan used to demean him and turned into a legitimate Hero name for him. That implies that she definitely had an impact on him.
No, Deku is gonna be #1 and Ochako's gonna end up with Bakugo
>his kid thinks Grandpa Endeavor is so cool
>Shoto can't stand to tell him the truth until he's much older
>has to deal with his childs Endeavor worship
I miss the madman dude
That's pretty much exactly how the scene played out in the manga though.
>She's pretty insistent on getting him to call her by her first name
she does that to everyone
But then who do you think is for Deku? No one?
He's got a little soft spot for Ochako "Ghetto Queen" Uraraka but Deku's a career man through and through.
He cares more about heroing then relationships.
He's AllmightSexual
How can the "traitor" be a student of 1-A if the entire 1-A class heard that Momo tracked the VA and knew where they were hiding Bakugou, and that she gave the information to All Might, yet didn't warn the VA?
I'm telling you to use the manga as a source. I know that's how that happened but you need to use proper proof.
Twas a joke.
>He cares more about heroing then relationships.
This is not shown
You know the fucking answer, why bother asking? Oh, i get it, farming (You)s, take it.
Shipping wars need to end, they really don't matter right now. There's a child being killed over and over for bullets.
At least wait for an arc to acknowledge it.
Use the MANGA.
I'm trying to see how people legitimately justify shipping their pairings.
pretty sure it has been demonstrated multiple times.
Deku is still a horny teenager, but the true love of his life is being a hero.
cake momo is beautiful
He's probably jerked it to Toga considering she keeps shoving naked tits in his face, but I wouldn't call that romantic feelings.
No, you're projecting. Deku has never been in a situation where its one or the other. Nor has he stopped making friends or spending his time with them, which are also relationships.
The only student in the manga that has somehow drew some connection between romantic relationship and heroing is Ochako.
How do you satisfy his horniness?
>proper proof
Don't ever shine a blacklight over his AllMight figures.
>he will never use his scarf to tie up your hands and immobilize you while he takes his time and feels you up
What's being said here?
Too many people just translate the kansai-dialect normally or turn in into a hillybilly 'fer sure ah reckon's. Just a little bit of slang is correct, not ghetto though.
Having friendly relationships and seeking out romance are two different things. He'd probably be receptive to a romantic relationship but he's certainly not going out of his way for one, meanwhile almost everything he does is for his dream of becoming a hero.
So yes, being a hero is higher on the list than have a girlfriend for him even if he wants one.
"Ching chong ding dong ho lee fuk."
Knowing Deku he's probably complaining about accuracy.
Here's to hoping this artist's dedication infects Hori
Man, who knew Japs could speak Chinese in a Hero society future.
Why do people ship Bakugo and Toga? She wanted to stab him back when the villain alliance got him.
Deku has never once thought his personal relationships got in the way of his goal. Romance is different but there's still nothing to suggest he thinks any differently about that either. So this idea that he'd knowingly put it aside is coming from nowhere.
Like I said, the only person who's made an actual choice and thought one would get in the way of the other is Ochako.
We don't know what Deku would do if she just asked him out out of nowhere. So yeah, "He's too busy thinking about superheroing" is bullshit. He just simply hasn't been in that position yet.
But he doesn't love All Might in that way.