It's begins. War on Video Games Redux.
It's begins. War on Video Games Redux
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Good. Vidya is for manchildren
>let me stack this shit sandwich with thoughts & prayers
Do these people even care anymore about subtle nuances in agenda pushing?
Mental illness is a contributory factor and a much larger one than video game usage. Let's ban all video games and post term abort all children with mental illnesses and behavioral issues and the school shooter problem will 100% disappear.
It's like 1999 again
>Marilyn Manson
>nine inch nails
>lets continue to find more scapegoats instead of actually focusing on the real problem
>it's the video games!
>no it's the guns!
>no it's white people!
>no it's republicans!
Mental illness is a scapegoat. We've always had mentally ill people. It's the general destruction of morality and community that leads to feelings of isolation and loss of hope. I wonder who could be behind this degeneracy?
You don't have a constitutional right to video games.
They, like everything else, will be sacrificed on the altar of the 2nd amendment.
Punching hookers until quarters fall out is a form of art, your plebian!
Some random fagbook post isn't a nation-wide moral panic.
>significant roll
I was actually going to joke and say that it's currently more likely that Russians will be blamed for this by Democrats than video games but that has literally actually happened with Schiff pretending that Russians hackers wrote the 2nd amendment.
Video games teach people to solve problems and analyze threats. Some of them also teach people how to manage money and resources, which leftist milennials are notoriously bad at. In a society where threats are nonexistent and female concerns dominate politics, video games are the only thing keeping children logical.
People are more mentally damaged by social media than video games. How many people an hero over being bullied on social media, or perceiving that others are much happier than them, versus those who an hero or kill others over video games?
Video games with guns promote the second amendment. Notice that people who hate guns tend not to like shooters.
>Deflecting because you have no defense
The desperation you show trying to defend something is just sad. And this is coming from someone who likes guns and doesn't want them taken away.
Ban video games, and shootings will still happen. Then we'll go back to blaming violent music, then violent music, violent stories and novels, ect. Everything but tackling the real problem.
leftists are the new christcucks whining about everything all the time
80's kid here, I grew up playing Mario and Zelda and shit
I didn't become an Italian plumber who kills turtles or an elf
(((AAA))) games just have you walk down a path and watch a movie
It's not just video games, it's the whole culture of degeneracy
Or maybe you read the fucking spree killer's manifesto to see exactly why he killed. People are moronic.
Normie republicans are fucking retarded
Absolute lol.
Apparently not. Just let it fucking fly these days. Consequences be damned.
>It's like 1999 again
it really is
>bushes and clintons still curcling the drain of american politics
>politically-corrent bullshit
>constant moral panics about the most banal shit
time is a flat circle.
>when you don't pay or a recruit your soldiers and there is a never-ending supply
>There is an ocean of frustrated, angry young men who discount their frustrations on video games
>People want to stop them
This will end well ;^)
>8 year old allowed to play a game that's rated M
>parents watching tv instead of giving their child love and guidance
>guns cause all of this trouble
Shooters are degenerate mentally derranged criminals, but at least they’re gunning for a real life high score. All these Soyboy gamers infected with SJW rage because muh vidya are just beyond pathetic. “It teaches real world skillz” what, like virginity? At least the sad cardboard collecting otaku get out of moms basement ...
this picture shows the problem directly. its not the video game which is the problem its the parents. we live in an age in which kids are raised by schools and councillors who take orders from higher authority's who don't know anything about little Timmy, schools, councillors and governments only know about an average taken from research of thousands of kids most likely from a another state/county/city/village/country. but you know who should know whats best for timmy, do you know who has the best ability to stop Timmy from shooting up a school? that's right his parents. parents may not know how to raise every child on earth but they should know how to raise Timmy which means they are responsible for him. if we stop relying on "educated officials" and "experts" who know nothing about an individual child with problems because they have to work with class fulls of kids and instead got parents to focus on their child because they have the ability help their own child then we can stop school shooter as there is no way for a child to go against the 'system' because there will no longer be a 'system' and instead there will be a family.
How many people play games and don't have any violent tendencies? I want that stat.
they're looking for simple answers to a complicated question.
I'm not going to work 24/7 so Shekelberg can earn a few more shekels and pay alimony to ungrateful white women.
very good point. Didn't pick up on that, but you're right. The parents are ignoring the kid, which has way more of an effect on the child than a game.
This. Gayest hobby out there. GET A LIFE.
Yes. What do they hope to accomplish by banning porn and video games, things that are keeping these frustrated young men docile? Or do they have a poor grasp of cause and effect?
A war on video games is a war on Pyra.
I play pretty much only Animal Crossing, and I can confirm, this game makes me want to kill things
Why limit it to "gun-related" murder?
I have a job and spend what little free time I have on games. Each of you can fuck right off.
Computer games are harmful, anyone who's ever driven a car directly after playing GTA can attest to this.
Golf is the gayest hobby ever.
they tried this before and it din't work, but i'm sure it will this time.
you´re not fooling anyone benito
Not like it changes shit, if there is a correlation is the actual opposite.
Are you serious? If you got the urge to run someone over after GTA, you were a psychopath all along anyway.
Then why isn't everyone murdering everyone else right now?
>conservatives where against video games throughout the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's
>liberals where against video games throughout 2014, 2015, and early 2016
>conservatives are now against video games again as of 2018
I just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
Just saying that by gaming the results like that, even if not needed, it makes the whole study ridiculous. It would be like adding in Somalia, where they have almost no video games.
Why do they always fuck up the arms...
>got the urge to
Who said anything about urges ? I'm talking muscle memory, habituation, not conscious desire.
>Playing video gaymes beyond the ps2 era
Go learn a musical instrument, electric wiring or coding you fucking morons.
I wonder what would happen if feminists touched the chemical industry
is CHE the last bastion of manhood??
Maybe your just a shitty driver, bre.
The sad thing is some of you statist muhh degeneracy fucks would be perfectly fine with banning video games. I wish you'd get off this fucking board and go to Reddit where they have the censorship you want.
Why do so many leafs hate vidya?
>associating gays with negative things
so progressive, leaf
Video games have actually helped a lot of people, the people who want to ban them have little to no enjoyment in their lives. If anything stuff like First Person Shooters have helped anger issues with people and have prevented them from committing crime.
OP's image is nothing more then We Wuz Boomer-tier posting. It goes to show how the older generation has a lack of understanding.
Hope this makes your day better, leaf
Muh Degeneracy is a stupid argument, even Fascists had their own fetishes and such. Goebbels was literally a cross-dresser while Hitler was into Scat.
Nice boomer image buddy, did you get it off your latest facebook page.
Fucking THIS.
Not implying. expressly stating.
They are coping with the fact they watch black people exercise as entertainment so they pretend men who play video games and have fun are soyboys
Good God, why they keep blaming anything but the shitty parents that raised those children?
Maybe parents should be fined for not observing the age ratings
>Goebbels was literally a cross-dresser while Hitler was into Scat.
Next tme change flag, fuckin leaf
Or the children themselves? Just because you were abused and neglected doesn't mean you have to become a crazy psychopath.
>WoW on a console
Ok Wolfe, I’ll do it!
if you let your children play games designed for adults you deserve a school shooting every week.
Wtf I hate wagecucks now
>playing while standing up
>Games cause Rape, Sexism and Racism
>Games cause shootings
>Games cause degeneracy
I hope they go after video games and porn. Young men are gonna FREAK, and they'll turn right inevitably.
Video games are what young men sink their social aggression into. When this is tampered with, the containment floodgates burst forth.
just like 20 years ago;
stop letting tv babysit your kids abd actually fucking parent them
notice how the two fucks in the pic have no idea what their kid is doing
What caused all this trouble is the complete and total destruction of the ideas of Faith and Family. We have been dominated by a culture of nihilism and anti-theism. Man without God is the worst of the beasts, and we can see this with the rise of crime and the support for endless war.
Video games are just like degenerate rap music they speak ideas into your mind of what is or isnt ok to do, to say it doesnt have somekind of influence on youb especial on weaker minded people is retarded.
>Degenerate film, music, and manchild culture all around
>Doesn't think it has any impact on our society.
This shit culture has got to go. That and the psychosis inducing pharmaceuticals that they put these kids on. Guns are cool though.
you can confront your kid to all the violence in the world, let him play violent games, watch gore movies etc...
it's no problem if you still do your job as a parent
School shooters have ghost parents who never could connect with them in any way but by feeding them drugs
Violence in video games is a non-issue and everyone knows it since Columbine..
Shitty fucking parents is the only issue that matters
>sitting for anything other than sleep
I only see libs in a united front, everyone else has mixed feelings, avoids it, or an uneasy alliance
>Pretending there is a father in that household
That recruiters face. What was written on that paper Sup Forums?
Mussolini and Nazbol are better then Hitler in almost every single way.
Boomers are retarded, especially ones who are cartoonists. Don't expect them to do research when making straw man arguments. The only reason why they're posting on Sup Forums is because our board has become so advertised on stuff like r/the_cuckshed that we are basically becoming the new Sup Forums
t.someone who's never played them
Forcing your kids to do labor work isn't going to stop them from becoming killers either, Video games have actually prevented a lot of people from acting out on their urges.
So on the left we have a guy giving his life away to the eternal warfare jew, on the right we have a guy socializing and having fun in Vanilla Wow.
I don't. I spend alot of my time playing Vidya.
Don't reflect your personal habits onto others, Manuel.
>"Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post"
>Implying wars aren't part of God's plan
vidya having a negative influence on a child's attitude and behaviour is merely a scapegoat used by leftists who don't believe in accountability, hardcore ignorant baby boomer conservatives who are frightened by the advancement of technology and pretend they're experts on a medium they know nothing about or shitty parents who excuse their child's shitty behaviour by pinning it on another cause for the same reason as the hardcore conservatives despite the fact it as parents it's their soul responsibility to instil their child with values and morals; if a video game can do that better them they're probably trash at parenting.
True. However only a shitty parent would not notice there is something wrong about his kid, for example my cousin has been in treatment since he was 8 because of his abdolute lack of empathy torwards other living beings and he managed to become a functional living being.
Btw that is one cute neko.
I fucking hate these faggots, because I used to be a manchild who played videogames my entire high school and this kind of shit doesn't help.
Imagine being criticized for doing any sort of aggressive masculine behavior as a kid in classes and told that you are wrong for having them and the way women think are just superior. You give up socializing and just decide to play videogames, only to be told that you're a toxic man there too.
Give men a reason to fucking be men and they'll stop playing video games. Tell them about how strong men are the ones who create civilization and the glories of lifting. How the fuck does demonizing men who are already being demonized help.
No, I'm an excellent driver, an excellent driver, I'm an excellent driver, however, if you play a game that encourages reckless driving for a few hours, then go drive, you might instinctively adopt a less than cautious approach, you might run over a couple of hookers or do a few barrel rolls, generally just little things which may be frowned upon by other road users.
I'm beginning to think Japanese can't draw.
Kid in Hawaii are playing violent video games too.
The difference is they can't easily acquire assault rifles and commit massacres in school.