Professor who chased Charlottesville driver with gun attacks camera man
This thread needs a bump.
Saw this nutty soy boy, with his German military getup and his shitty "anti war" Japanese flag.
He looks like the quintessential fascist, but ironically proclaims himself anti-fascist.
I hear that a lot of former left wing terrorists during the 70s ended up becoming professors. Granted, this guy is younger than that claim, but I'm sure liberal terrorism never ended.
Is there any sources to liberal domestic terrorism that is never talked about from back in the 70s?
Cultural anthropology is the the fucking epicenter of left-wing nuttery. It was full of left-wing nuts before Gender Studies were established, and it only got worse since.
press charges against him. A campus isn't private property.
Yes, like Weather Underground. They started out in 1969 (technically 70s).
what a fucking coward lmao
"HELP They're asking questions call the police who's lives dont matter!"
psst the left is always been fascist except they want to enforce suicidal psychotic social and economic policies because some old jew in the 1800s said there would be utopia.
They are literally a nation wrecking death cult
I think technically they can prohibit certain people in certain areas at certain times, perhaps.
But he was just being a fucking weasel.
He's going to be deposed for the lawsuit anyway. I hope he can afford a good lawyer.
Actually ... no. I hope he has to go with a shitty public pretender, like most of us.
Pigs in a blanket - fry them like bacon.
The Weather Underground were nihilist anti-whites who shaped the modern world we see.
And Sup Forums is the lightning bolt to destroy them and all their works forever. We are a decentralized open source thinktank. They were always cloak and dagger and lived their lives in fear.
OT, but the Muller indictment was total shit, too. I read it cover to cover, all 37 pages of innuendo and bullshit for what amounted to identity fraud that happens by the millions every day. Only difference: they happened to find some Russians.
Everything the left is trying is falling apart. I am really wondering if the Democrats are going to fall apart. It's good to be alive. Maybe better times are coming.
there was nobody in frame with a gin. there was a idiot who hit the car with i think a skate board which seems to have got the driver to floor it and 3 idiots who charge it after the crash with pipes and a crow bar but nobody was seen in any footage with a gun
Eh, Sup Forums is going to lose importance. I think we peaked, but there are other places. There is a kind of ... "global consciousness" that is slowly awakening. A Global Consciousness Project - that sounds kind of like a Noetic Science. Someone should create something like that. Maybe they can also research psy phenomena and global synchronicity. It's too bad nobody at any respectable institution like Princeton would ever do something like that.
underrated post
Dirty little antifag
I really wonder if there is such a thing as a Noosphere.
Truly insightful.
The mission statement of his "redneck" commie group is about arming nonwhites to defend themselves against whites.
What's the black–white kill rate again?
He has nothing to worry about. He is a precious antifa, so Jeff Sessions will protect him. If the right-winger had harmed him in any way, the Drumph FBI would throw the conservative in jail for years, like Skrelli, Cantwell etc etc.
Don't harm any precious antifa or leftist, or Drumph will crucify you.
Q predicted this
>professor dressed up in military camo for no apparent reason
And why exactly do schools keep these psychopaths on their staff?
At 37:40 and 1:31:30 he openly admits to pointing his rifle at Fields' car.
But now, Fields' attorney has the archived video and more importantly grounds to supeona his faggot for any social media accounts he might have. If this post is real, than this diagram checks out and Fields walks. The guy that went by himself to Charlottesville because he wanted to meet people, and that was crying and frantically asking if anyone was hurt to the arresting officers.
Heyer's death is solely on Dixon's faggot hands.
Uh! Uh! I know!
That's a fun one. It gives me a chance to quote one of my favorite studies for triggering SJWs and BLM:
Fryer Jr, Roland G. An empirical analysis of racial differences in police use of force. No. w22399. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016.
The fun part is that the guy is black and at Harvard.
The paper shows that police shoot white people at higher rates than they shoot black people.
bumping a non jewish shill thread
I hope this guy goes down.
Car was stuck on a 1 way road with a gun pointed at him, no wonder he sped off.
I'm a Jew. Die, peckerwood!
He says he waved him on with his rifle. It'll be interesting to hear Fields try this as a defense, but that's probably the best thing he has. Has Fields released a statement claiming that he did it as an attack as opposed to fleeing from a gunman?
And considering Blacks interact with police at a higher rate, that is saying something.
where did he admited chasing James Fields?
This guy could easily go to jail for a very long time
He's right to be scared
the voice of our generation
>The paper shows that police shoot white people at higher rates than they shoot black people.
Because there are no consequence for killing whites: Autumn Steele, David Hooks, The wii-remote holding kid.
Not in the video.
This one.
>academic chases murderer with legally owned firearm gets angry with retarded filming him in public
But it's really by design
The leftist literally wants to see society burn, because they want everyone to be brought down into the dirt with them
He admitted to pointing a rifle twice, a class 6 felony in Virginia.
Fucking idiot. Do you think a precious antifa is scared of any jail time?
You think the jewish judge is going to allow his jewish friend (the professor) to spend any time in a jail?
Fuck we're suppsed to be non-retards, but I'm beginning to have my doubts
Don't forget Daniel Shaver.
They didn't "end up." Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers literally talked publicly about it as a plan, it's called "the long march through the institutions." He had a fight with some of the other Weathermen when he first proposed it because they were still committed to "direct action."
>Professor chased Charlottesville driver with gun
How come I never knew this?
A Jewish professor with a German military jacket. That's funny.
You do recognize the flag on his shoulder in the reporter's video, right?
Plot twist...Antifa and an AR-15 are about to be the reason the most infamous racist of the decade gets off for killing some fat whale with his car...O this timeline is delicious.
Do you mean how come no MSM outlet reported it?
You know why.
I don't watch videos where the left laughs at us. He knows he is safe in Drumphs justice department, because he is a precious leftist.
If he were a conservative like Skrelli, he would have cause for worry. He would probably already be in jail.
Dude, shut up. Don't jinx this timeline. I like it and don't want it to split again. Praying to Kek was the best thing we've ever done.
>Snorts cocaine off keyboard
How can I find this faggot OP?
digits and fields walks cos of this
You are incredibly dumb. Watch the video.
James Fields is innocent.
We cannot let this die.
By reading this post KEK negates the jinx
His name was Seth Rich.
Will Fields lawyer use this in his defence?
That would mean Fields did involuntary manslaughter
Where is Skrelli? You don't like reality. If you support Drumph too much, the justice dept will throw you in jail.
If you troll Hillery, Drumph will throw you in jail, if you insult a jew in a tweet, Drumph will throw you in jail (Eichmanwald tweet)
Tell me where Skrelli is.
They are going to try and bury this.
We should blast this all over the Internet, so the prosecution can't deny it.
Guys, this needs to spread like wildfire. Please make it happen. It will help him, I think.
>flees confrontation
>begging for police assistance while ragging on them every chance he gets
>the soyest of goys
>"Move past me!"
Heres where he admits it:
How could we reach his lawyer/family?
I watched the video more times than I could stomach and I never see him reach into his pants.
I only saw that the girl got a pussy pass and could just mozy over.
And a Cuban or Puerto Rican guy living in California who had an online indentity theft business. Apparently the mightly Kremlin hackers out-contracted to him.
He has a shitty public defender, so he is probably going to push him to take a fucking plea bargain.
This is Field's public pretender:
Charles L. Weber, Jr. Attorney & Counselor at Law
Address: 415 4th St NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
Phone: 4349774054
The guy has such a faggy voice that is hard to believe he is using guns.
Probably. She does have both videos and downloaded archives.
The problem is that the DA will not charge him with that, too high profile. They will go for Murder 1, and they will lose.
The post verdict chimpout is going to be great.
For a delicious sandwich?
He has no chance with a public defender. Plus, he has a shitty track record. Fields is in a pretty bad spot. Someone should fundraise for him so he can afford a proper lawyer, like all the rich Antifa kids.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Sup Forums was crowd founding the defence for officer Darren Wilson back in the days. Maybe people should start do again for Fields.
I hope so. This still frame alone is damning. Shouldn't the long haired fag in the pic be held to account also?
>Charles L. Weber, Jr. Attorney & Counselor at Law
Eh, I'm usually a lazy asshole, but I just sent his lawyer a message. He probably already knows, but just to make sure.
What the hell is "rest in power"?
It's a bullshit phrase that was overtaken by SJWs, an alternative expansion to RIP (Rest in Peace).
It's meant to convey that someone's death was not in vain, that they died for a cause.
He was blackout drunk with a BAC of .29.
>Public defender
No chance to win this case without a proper lawyer. Isn't Field one of Alt-Right's members? Are they not doing anything about this?
she didn't get a pass. she didn't read into her pants.
watch RIGHT before he gets shot
Liberal terrorism didn't end, it made it to the white house
This needs to be spread.
>cop:are you both drunk?
Why don't they TELL the police officer if they're drunk or not?
>tell him you're drunk
>understands you can't understand his instructions
>able to live
Alt-Right? Members?
I didn't know there's a membership. I never received my card.
It's grassroots movement, like most other things these days. It's like saying "He's a MGTOW - he should get a MGTOW lawyer."
Although, in the case of MGTOW, there's probably a chance they do have some legal chops, dealing with family courts, which is probably THE most male hating, gynocentric institution in the world.
But Alt-Right "member"? Well, he has enough of a profile that he could fundraise on Hatreon.
The closest I could find is this:
Not sure if he even tried. He should. Absolutely.
I think there is a lot of bullshit that public defenders are just as good as regular lawyers. I call bullshit. Their case load is insane and all they do is tell you to take plea bargains. Look at Brian Banks and countless others.
I hope Fields isn't so bluepilled as to be completely blind to this. If he had the cash of OJ Simpsons, he could have probably run over a dozen land whales and gotten away with it - because the car seat of his Dodge didn't fit his ass well enough. kek
>Alt-Right? Members?
>I didn't know there's a membership. I never received my card.
This. Calling oneself alt-Right is going along with their narrative, their worldview.
>be user
>have differing viewpoints from the mainstream
>mainstream sees this, and puts you in a box called "alt-Right"
>call yourself alt-Right
>don''t realize you are still dancing to their tune
As you accept and legitimize their worldview, you will never be free.
They caught "Putin's Chef". Maybe the Puerto Rican guy is Putin's sex slave.
>I didn't know there's a membership.
Same goes for Antifa user. I don't think you need a registration form to join the other side. Maybe the right is under-funded, unlike the left (Soros money). Eric Clanton surely got a better lawyer than Field.
Antifa has organizations. They have institutions. In fact, they ARE the institutions. It's rather that Antifa is an EXTENSION of the institutions.
We are the reverse. We have no institutions, because we are the counter culture.
what doe he mean by this?
On point post matey.
He works as a Professor at the university of North Carolina. Good luck.
I just wanted to set up a project, but I'm having trouble with the site.
Does anyone know of a legal fund for Fields?
I know who he is and where he is when. But I don't want a retaliation campaign. Physical harassment works just fine for Antifa - well unless you go overboard with bike locks, maybe. But it never works out for the people that the media narrative is against.
Checked mate, I gentlemanly concede Meme-Flag user
we are also the lunatic fringe with the majority of the guns. fucking with us was a mistake, should have left big boobies in video games, but nooooooo... they dun fucked up.
No homo. Buy some of my shitcoin.