what ruined the internet?
What ruined the internet?
Autocomplete and Non-nerds
corporate jew greed
Social media
Vietnamese basket weaving imageboards
human nature
easy access, women and jews
The Normies and the rules and regulations they brought with them.
its availability
This. Fpbp
Women. Serious. Every time roasties infiltrate a male dominated space, they ruin it.
Fedora Tippers
I could go on and on
Women. Phones. Social Networks and Web 2.0 "everyone can post content effortlessly" shit.
>what ruined the internet?
White people. Definitely white people. Just look at Sup Forums for evidence.
Non-geek normies flooding it with faceberg, plebbit, etc
The tubes got tangled up with all these things that are going on commercially. The internet is not just something you can dump something on. It's a series of tubes!
Social media
He probably did more for the betterment of society than your whole family
Corporate consolidation of the internet. Same shit that ruined the American dream.
I don't know what makes me sicker. All the animu shit or that it's clean and oragnized.
It started when it changed from arpanet. Then all the AOL dickheads showed up.
The internet was ruined when conservatives learned how to use it.
I miss the days when conservashits didn't know how to use the internet and stuck to talk radio.
Smart phones and mobile devices. When it was still only based on PCs it was still mostly a nerd thing.
Under 30s and their bullshit all irony all the time routine. Just fuck off you smirking little shits
soyboys and leftists
Money. The internet was completely different 20 years ago when it wasn't taken seriously. Everybody used to have their own personal websites and the whole web was a sort of proto social network that no single entity had control over.
Then corporations found ways to make money off of the web and we started to see companies like Yahoo, Amazon and Google use their influence to gradually brainwash people into being dependent on their sites. Then MySpace, Chadbook, etc came around and got people hooked on the idea that they could have their own little "piece" of the web that they don't actually control. More power was consolidated and eventually we got to the shitty state we're in now.
The scots ruined the internet! The scots even ruined scotland..
jews did. Groups like the adl had a lot to do with it.
Jews ruined free speech on you tube as well. They started chipping away back in 2008.
By Rev. Ted Pike
Can ADL End 'Cyber-Hate'
On YouTube?
>Many are worried by YouTube's recent announcement of collaboration with the Anti-Defamation League to eliminate "cyber-hate" on its website. If YouTube gives ADL too much control, free speech there may be a thing of the past for critics of Zionism or Christian critics of homosexuality. Censorship of the internet is especially ominous when driven by definitions of "prejudice" and "hate" as twisted as ADL's.
>But there is hope. Most non-Zionist internet organizations and servers do not share ADL's extreme, even paranoid definitions of hatred, anti-Semitism, and homophobia. If internet content is factual, well-documented, non-racist and not actually anti-Semitic, ADL will encounter difficulty persuading YouTube to ban large numbers of politically incorrect users.
heh, that got a laugh out of me
simplification and mass availability
nazis, jews and pedophiles
unironically tumblr
Take a look at your picture, now look behind the white kid, remove all that’s behind him, and it will be good again.
The net went down the shitter the day it became widespread to the world.
How can we go back to the late 90s/early 2000s. I miss those days before every normie was on the net. It used to feel like a community. It required a little brainpower and nerdiness to access. You needed a PC. Now the barrier is so low every normie is browsing on their smartphone while they take a shit. The signal to noise ratio is so bad now. There are millions more people on the net but it feels so much lonelier.
this guy nailed it
social media was a gateway that allowed the normies in. The internet used to be like a exclusive club for higher IQ kids
I highly doubt that
average people ruined it.
the people who made the internet easy touse for retards. before that they couldn't figure it out.
Money. ie jews.
> tfw phone posting while I'm taking a shit at work
Truthful answer, it's democratization, it used to only be the computer literate online, now it's so easy to get here that every moron is here spewing their moronic opinions all over the place.
when the typical IQ dropped below about 115 it just became complete trash
we were promised flying keyboards...
before access to the internet was easily accessible women would make fun of and mock men who used the internet and computers. Now with the advent of social media and smart phones, more women are on the internet then ever before. Once women join a space they ruin it.
>pic related
wifi and mobile internet access. back when you actually had to sit on a computer terminal to access the net, it kept all the fluff out.
when they gave the public the internet on mobile phones etc it attracted normies who subsequently became the main marketing target of the internet and therefore ruined it for everyone, forever.
White people started the internet
iphone literally ruined life as we know it.
>smartphones, tablets and (((social media)))
Sup Forums unironically looks and runs like an old school bbs. almonds activated.
And still you can't use the quotation mark right.
Destroy extremists.
>White people started the internet
By white people, I mean the really white ones who act in super white ways, like shilling for Trump or talking about how spicy food is terrible. These kinds of white people used never to be online. It used to be all nerds who cared more about their networks than about white supremacy or the KKK. Now the Internet is filled with retarded minority political groups like Trump shills who just fill the place up with memes. Even Sup Forums used to be good before all this shit happened.
> when the typical IQ dropped below about 115 it just became complete trash
Yeah it used to require a certain amount of wealth: PCs weren't cheap, neither was access! It also required a certain amount of problem solving and brain power to successfully get online and interact in any form. Is the darkweb the next true internet?
Do you mean where it replaces the apostrophe with slashes when parsing to the browser?
I remember in the 90s the net was just a tool you used at school or work. Now it's an everyday thing (obviously), if you wanted to know what someone was doing you phoned or asked them in person.
I remember when sms was a thing and everyone thought it was stupid. Why the fuck would you want to just send a little message to someone?
fuck off boomer
remember youtube?
memes, memes all around, sneezing panda's, funny looking, sounding motherfuckers from all countries doing stupid shit
then after jewgle took over,...
you click on trending now and it's just vloggers with contracts doing advertisement masked as honest interested youths in these useless products,... and let's not forget the constant pandering of shitty nigger music up there.
Jewish spying. Big Brother Jew is watching you no matter what you do.
I loved scholastic book orders as a kid. So much awesome educational stuff that was actually fun to read and had good illustrations. I really hope they haven't been polluted by the current wave of SJWism.
Easy access to it. It should have been limited to technologically literate people with good education.
>what ruined the internet?
It happened in two phases.
Phase 1 - 2005: Kikebook rises in popularity. This changes the nature of the internet and begins the process of attracting more shallow types. You still need an actual computer to use the internet, so the vast majority of normies are still filtered out.
Phase 2 - 2008: Smartphones become commonplace. Now every normie and every shitskin has access to the internet. Not surprisingly, they flock to vain pursuits like kikebook and twatter first, but spread out to the rest of the internet quickly enough.
Ugh at that wire management. Literally spent time fixing up everything except the wires to post for that photo
conservative twitter
‘Twas e-mail, and the ftp
Did route and telnet to the node.
All rlogin to Xterms free
To let gopher download.
“Beware the Internet, my son!
The posts that spam, the speech that’s free!
Beware the Netscape cache, and shun
The AOL mail id!'”
He took his HP mouse in hand.
Long time a higher bandwidth sought —
And wished had he for his old PC
A faster modem bought.
And, as that wistful thought he gripped,
The Internet, with bait of flame,
Ran applets through the Javascript,
And mailbombed as it came!
The war he waged! As on each page
The HP mouse he double-clicked!
And ’twas absurd, the hype he’d heard
‘Bout sites that he had picked.
“And, hast thou surfed the Internet?
Come link my page, my newbie bud!
O Lycos night! Yahoo! Excite!”
He messaged on his MUD.
‘Twas e-mail, and the ftp
Did route and telnet to the node.
All rlogin to Xterms free
To let gopher download.
>advertisement platform
>porn addiction creator
>narcissism generator
>shopping device
>universal surveillance machine
I can't image who did all that.
normies, women, (((them))) obviously and niggers and SJWs
the internet is a jewish creation...
I need to step from /pol, i see jews everywhere
Also internet on cell phones and obama phones
Social media
social media
social media
nu journalism
I'll throw in Sup Forums, since it advanced trolling beyond being light-hearted banter into being sadistic monster-making
Oh yeah, and DRUMPF
that and mainstream social media