How would 17 vs toppo work out?
Dragon Ball Super
17 would fuck him up
Reminder latino fanbase sucks they are toxic af
Be honest, when the next Dragon Ball series comes around, do you see yourself watching it? No matter how good or bad it turns out being.
Personally, I'll probably end up waiting tell that series is finished or start in the middle like I did with Super. Too exhausting keeping with with all the junk and the fanbase.
Toppo owns hard.
Why are all the best DB waifus blue?
reminder Caulifla stinks
Is Toppo going to fight his twin universe counterpart?
What did Vegeta mean by this?
Could have won by now if they revived Cell & let him train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for those days.
Actually try to talk about something or kys, you fucking retards. If we get b&, it's your fault.
Androids have infinite stamina but they can still get blown apart under certain threshold (F-Trunks vs Androids after Cell). However, Toppo cannot exert himself to kill in this specific tournament, so he's fucked.
Nice discussion there, Pedro.
Literally too perfect for Super.
Follow me here,
If buu absorbed him, would that be stronger than if cell absorbed buu?
Columbine Gohan when?
If you are latino you should be ashamed
We should have been banned long ago honestly.
For actual discussion: What part of GT did you think was good and would like to see return in Super? I really liked the fact that overusing the Dragon Balls had actual consequences, and I really like the Dragon's designs, even if some of them were lacking in personality.
>inb4 ss4
probably. hard to say since cell never absorbed anyone other than civilians and the two androids
Frieza sells more in Japan
SS4 (they can call it Primal Saiyan or whatever)
Evil dragons
Someone trying to get revenge on the Saiyans
how exactly did vegeta learn to sense ki, and at what point in his battle on Earth did he figure it out?
You can't decide what you are, being ashamed of it is pointless.
I want to marry Jiren
They would like a little androgynous faggot
Is Geran /ourguy/?
Fuck off ,Alejandro. I'm tired of your shitposting.
>U6 and U7 have the same races
>U2 and U11 apparently all like over the top posing
>U4 and U9 have lots of furries
What makes U3 and U10 twins?
I liked Majuub except for the fact that he never did anything
I liked ssj4, especially in the jap audio
I liked Oceanus Shenron and Syn Shenron, but none of the other shadow dragons
If it focuses on Pan and Bulla doing lower scale adventures.
>She's annoying, guess I will have to take care of her
>oh wait that guy over there already took a shot at her guess I won't have to spend my own energy here
>Cell trains for 47 minutes
>unlocks Kaio Ken Golden Cell Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
You shit on Toei and Toyotaro all fucking day, and the writers and animators as well.
This guy fucking RUINED the LATINO OPENING, and we're supposed to eat it up? Fucking kill yourselves
>next Dragon Ball series
I can barely think of what they can do to go from here other than the demon realm much less a new series
And I thought Mexicans on this board was just a boogeyman.
again the original opening is shit
>and we're supposed to eat it up
no one said that. It's just that it's shitty he had to shut sown accounts because people were sending him so much hate
>This guy fucking RUINED the LATINO OPENING
he is just a singer he doesn't deserve DEATH THREATS
They're parallels. Alternate universes. Brains vs brawn.
What if U9 allowed Frieza in, Frieza somehow obtained some Dragon Balls & wished back his next strongest kin (because he needs more men), accidentally bringing back Cell instead of King Cold & then U9 has Frieza & Cell on their team?
I say that a fun gimmick for one of the weaker universes is that they have great magical ability but little for combat so instead of providing their own fighters, they use their magic to revive strong warriors from different universes to fight for them.
>oceanus shenron
100% agree
She had a really cool design and its a shame she doesn't appear in any of the games.
I mean, she's in Heroes, but that doesn't really count because everybody is in Heroes.
Brains vs brawn and both with terrible performances in the ToP
Also, reminder that the incompetent U9 gods doomed their universe into the fate of being first one erased through their incompetence: falling into Quitela's lies and targeting U7 so hard due to it.
Everyone, let's stop fighting and be happy for one moment.
Let this picture melt into your heart and enjoy the warm feelings.
holy fucking shit i just had a revelation
buu is my favorite character, and pretty much everyone is forgetting he can absorb people, myself included. it would never, even happen but imagine if buu absorbed cell and freiza
i can only cum so much
>sending death threats to a singer you don't like
Gohan Pedros have outdone themselves.
Yes, but again, the Latino is even shittier
He fucking deserves it, you faggots can't understand how big Dragon ball is here, Dragon Ball Super in Latino is like one of the biggest events in history over here.
If he fucked up the Opening, he unironically deserves death, this was supposed to be a glorious moment. Goku is fucking back, after all this time, and the opening that we have to see until the ToP arc is fucking trash
Zeno's parents.
>second person to make Jiren do something
>first was Kale
Note is pure!
Probably not. We don't know if Perfect Cell could still absorb people.
Where is the source on all of this ? i bet caulifags just falseflaggin again
the four high-grade universes
the dragon god, and his connection to U6+U7
training uub
how the fuck ancient super saiyans obtained a ritual to become gods
not to mention they have shitloads of easy filler scenarios with how nearly everyone has a day job now
Please tell me this little girl's dream was to meet Goku and Vegeta
Why didn't they just have buu absorb a whole bunch of strong characters? Easily would be a top tier fighter
the gohan pedros thing is a falseflag, My favorite character is Vegeta.
And the death threats are real, and well deserved
actually she was hoping for sasuke
>the dragon god, and his connection to U6+U7
>training uub
>how the fuck ancient super saiyans obtained a ritual to become gods
Yes. And her dream came true.
I hope they use the japanese version of the OP when Goku uses Kaioken vs Hit, otherwise its going to ruin Marios performance.
you, uh, drop your reply there?
>And the death threats are real, and well deserved
wow there dude i know Sup Forums is shitpost/edge central but if thats true then it's kinda sad
Ten bucks says the next arc will deal with U7/6 and the Namekians.
>tfw too intelligent to watch Dragon Ball with latino dub
Obiously the superior choice is watching Dragon Ball in japanese with english subtitles.
Next arc will be nothing, because Super is finished.
yea I forgot my image.
It's not sad, if you can't understand the importance of Dragon Ball in LatAm then I don't have anything to discuss with you.
The singer fucked up something that's one of the biggest events in history for us, he deserves nothing but shit
Pedro calm down, nobody cares about an intro song. Half of you spics skip it anyway.
It ends with Goku gaining an honorary status from Zen-oh. That way we see his progression from a Podunk boy to a multidimensional god.
How fucking new are you, faggot?
Yall burgers and spics need to bow to the best dub
Wendel Bezerra > Mario CastaƱeda > Masako > Schemmul
>sending death threats just because you didn't like the opening
this is some narco tier mentality
You don't understand anything, until the ToP arc, we have to watch this dreadful opening, I can't enjoy Super likes this, I will be forced to skip it every single time, and that is fucking bullshit
fellow latino here stop sucking Adrian Barbas pene the OP wasn't so bad
Also reminder Toei choses who does the OP
we're getting at least 150 episodes, and I doubt even Toei can stretch the ToP out that far
>people actually arguing about some retarded beaner shit
The moment Josafat sings the chorus is when it goes downhill, because in the beginning he was doing fine.
If the Japanese don't care about the openings nether should spics.
Do South Americans and Mexicans only care about opening songs? What the fuck.
No, we care about everything, but the opening is important as well and THEY FUCKED IT UP
Not josafats fault la concha de tu madre
El director de doblaje y toei ponen la letra y el cantante
no es bueno pero tampoco es tan malo
>ToP winner asks ALL the universes erased by Zeno to be brought back
>universal Zamasu comes as part of the package
>all the ningens and gods there in the world of void have to unite forces and take care of that threat by themselves now, no leaving it to Zeno this time
>Literally a single Mexican chimping out because of a fucking opening song
Just filter this fucking ape and move on guys
The first opening sucked cock even in japanese though.
I never got pumped even once when watching it.
that bulge
Why can't Dragon Ball have good OPs anymore? And no, this isn't only about the taco dub. Super's Japanese OPs are dogshit too.
yes but he didn't translate the op he just sang it and he has the same tone as the japanese singer
fuck off barbafag go back to signing your petitions or some shit
I prefer to discuss with this fucking spic, or do you really want the CHADhan and CHADlifla posting the entire thread again? at least this is different
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
Toppo wins.
ok dude you need to chill it's a fucking chinese cartoon for japanese boys
Barba is a fucking god and he actually likes Dragon Ball, he puts passion in it, unlike this faggot.
Adrian would've told Toei that the lyrics were utter shit
I really like the Spanish voice actors, phenomenal at what they do. Some characters I prefer in Japanese, some in English, some in Spanish.