>The deaths of 17 being used to try and take away the rights of 327,000,000
The deaths of 17 being used to try and take away the rights of 327,000,000
Other urls found in this thread:
>only 17 people have ever been shot to death in the USA
"every right wing nutjob"
Sure government you can have my guns, come grab them
Bad goys?
It says a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. Therefore, all people have the right to own firearms, and it will not be infringed. Well regulated as in well conducted or well trained. It doesn't state it's a requirement to be well conducted or well trained to own a firearm, it states it's necessary to maintain the security of a free state.
Constitutional rights are not conditionally applied, they are applied to all citizens. With due process we may remove convicted felons right to vote and own firearms, but that is on an individual basis.
Fuck off leaf you can land yourself in jail for not using someones preferred pronouns, you don't know anything about fundamental rights because you don't have any.
Oh, you goyim.
The militia mentioned specifically means any adult capable of wielding a firearm. The intent is that if anyone threatens America you have this surreal and devastating opposition that can oppose them.
I really feel that too many are inundated by the comfort blanket of modern society. Existence isn't soft. Existence isn't kind. Existence isn't altruistic. Nature is red in tooth and in claw, and if you give up your ability to fight and to defend yourselves, the people taking it away damn well know the face of reality and will use it against you.
>100s more people die from alcohol/car accidents/heart disease/tobacco/etc
B-b-but Australia!
>spree shootings just as freqeuent as before the ban (i.e. fucking never)
>masacres just as frequent, perps start using arson instead of guns
They're all over the comments sections of YouTube as well.
It's horrifying to watch people advocate for their own subjugation.
How much of it is just bots/soros shill4bills? Majority of all Democrats & Republicans are opposed to outright banning guns. I think it's a mix of ignorance and robots.
>Yes Goy 5 of the victims were Jews after all that's almost 6 million so give up your rights all ready if not you are a racist and want anoda shoah
Jews actually benefit from selling arms you moron
>What is the other thread when this image was posted
you must be that dumb
"the right of the people"
Go fuck yourself.
Why even cite Australia? The buy back program only took less than 1/3 of guns out of circulation
>A well regulated militia
Militias are obsolete, hence,
>What is reservists?
>What is the US Army (population: 1 million+) ?
>What are nukes
>What is the USMC
>What is the Department of Defense
Yes, we do need people with guns to protect the states. We need tighter control of guns - all rifles (not pistols, you can bring it to your home) should be kept in an armory in your local town. And if you want to use your rifle just get it and put it back again. More background checks (if you are mentally disabled, or have extremists tendencies you shouldn't get a gun/rifle)
T. Based USMC guy
"During colonial America, all able-bodied men of certain ages were eligible for the militia.[2] Individual towns formed local independent militias for their own defense.[3] The year before the US Constitution was ratified, The Federalist Papers detailed the founders' vision of the militia.[4][5] The new Constitution empowered Congress to regulate this national military force,[6] leaving significant control in the hands of each state government.[7][8]
Today, as defined by the Militia Act of 1903, the term "militia" is primarily used to describe two groups within the United States:
Organized militia – consisting of State militia forces; notably, the National Guard and Naval Militia.[9] (Note: the National Guard is not to be confused with the National Guard of the United States.)
Unorganized militia – composing the Reserve Militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, not a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia.[10]"
Media lies about ww1
>20,000,000 dead
Media lies about ww2
>75,000,000 dead
Media lies about Korean war
>1,200,000 dead
Media lies about Iraq war
>1,000,000 dead
When do we start talking about about limiting the freedom of the press?
And with that, your term "militia" does not imply the citizens of the United States of America, but those who are in the ranks of the Militia of each States itself.
>A free state is obsolete
>The constitution is obsolete
>All rifles should be kept in an armory
You are so dumb. You are very dumb. For real.
>FBI did not do its job
>Liberal faggots still blame guns
Retard, I said Militias are obsolete, not the fucking constitution.
You're fucking dumb af.
>what is the US Army Reserve act (replacing militias as primary source for providing men to fight)
Here because you don't know how to google shit
I was just thinking about this the other day.
>leftists constantly bitch about overpopulation and how humans "should literally just go extinct"
>17 members of America's 320m population (~0.00000005%) die in a mass shooting out of the blue
>"wtf we NEED to stop mass shootings!!! turn in your guns NOW!!!"
>blacks kill each other off by the hundreds in chicago every year
Thanks for the opinion.
>Constitutional rights are not conditionally applied, they are applied to all citizens
McDonald v. Chicago is the last word on the issue as of now, yeah?
>hundreds in just a few years
>The deaths of 17 being used to try and take away the rights of 327,000,000!!!1!1!!!!1!1!1!!!!!
You deserve to die aswell as anyone you love and care for
I bet more people have died to defend the right to guns, and other freedoms in your shit-ridden cuntry.
>most average chicagoans know guns aren't the issue
illegal guns don't exist to these people
they legitimately believe if you outlaw it, it disappears overnight
lmao millenials are going to be the ones that end up getting guns banned
how does it feel republicucks?
I think guns should be illegal.
The 2nd amendment was meant for muskets, not machine guns. At the very fucking least, make 30 round clips illegal and reduce them to about 5 shots per clip. I think it's absolutely fucked that even the biggest retard can go get an assault rifle 15 from wal-mart, now that, is scary.
Why is Sup Forums scared of guns becoming a privilege? Scared your history wont let you get one?
Obvious troll.
3/10 you tried.
>You deserve to die aswell as anyone you love and care for
Wow you really have the moral high ground
Shall not be infringed
A constitutional right is only as powerful as those willing to bleed for it.
Will you fight, or shall you die like a dog?
taking the bait here but:
>those exact same muskets referenced by the left are illegal under their current & proposed legislation (bayonet mount)
the talking point is full of shit and should be immediately ridiculed
they don't even want us to have access to the same weapons we did 250 years ago
300,000 people at a minimum defend themselves in lawful shootings yearly
while the USA only has 10,000 gun murders
and no that 30,000 number is bullshit, suicide isn't fucking murder it's suicide.
>The crime of one is being used to take away the rights of 320,000,000
That is what the 2nd amendment is for dip shits! So we can shoot back!!! Stop trying to deny this!! Would you have these shootings if someone was able to fire back?
Never mind those millions of illegals and legal immigrants that kill thousands of Americans each year.....we don't want to talk about THAT
Why would we care for a Canadian's input on our laws? Your house is on fire, put it out before lecturing us.
We need guns to prevent a tyrannical state
the end
forever and ever
kill yourself
...sit down and write the biggest check you can to fund the left in removing the tea party and the nra
>"30 round clips"
>user is a leaf
Maybe learn what you are posting about, ignorant one
it's called a magazine
and....I could kill someone with a hairbrush if I wanted to
Its the russian bots that want white people to have guns!!!!!!!
It's [current year]. Tyranny doesn't exist anymore. You are just paranoid.
I would never oppress you, just trust me :) If you don't place blind faith into everything you are paranoid.
>being so assmad that you have to repeatedly reply to the same comment in a failing attempt to prove that you really aren't a retard
>home confiscated to house refugees
>must be 18 to buy plastic picnic knives
>jailed for offensive tweet
A case can be made that there is more oppression worldwide now than any time in the past what with the global surveillance infrastructure and all. Even the good ol USA is oppressive as shit. Hell, we have privileged first worlders complaining about having too much liberty and actively asking their government which is supposedly run by a Nazi to strip them of their freedom.
Why does pol disprove of redflag laws?
A good chunk of these mass shooters display warning signs.
Why would you want someone filming dead animals buying a AR-15 + bumpstock?
The founders didn't leave us to argue over what it meant, here is George Mason explaining it in the Virginia Convention on the Ratification of the Constitution.
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."
It literally was intended to mean everyone as the right of THE PEOPLE.
800 people were killed in mass shootings from 1986 to 2017.
That is:
-1/5 of the number killed by underage drinking every year
-1/13th of the number killed by drunk driving every year.
-1/80th of the number killed by overdoses every year.
School shootings aren’t even a fucking blip.
*the rights of ~190,000,000
non-whites don't count as American
We'll consider banning all guns if dems consider banning all abortions.
The boy literally showed pictures of his guns, and repeatedly said he was going to kill some other kid, and said it over and over. The police did NOTHING about it. Yet they're blaming guns, and not the police for not doing anything.
Apples vs oranges. People die of lots of different shit, but school shootings are highly traumatic events that no kid in the western world should have to deal with. America gets a lot of things right, and not everyone is a fat retarded amerimutt, but the refusal for tighter regulations on weapons is pretty retarded. Literally no good reason except that it's fun to own military-grade firearms. US should adopt gun laws similar to Canada. That won't prevent shootings all together, but it will keep guns out of the hands of crazy fucks and limit their effectiveness against multiple targets. Do you really expect 10+ nogs to come at you fully armed to justify those thirty rounds?
But hey, shit probably won't change. Enjoy your mass shootings, ya'll.
The left in government shill for gun control, the right against it. It's a show for their base. They know better than to try though. The U.S. would turn into a shit storm of violence and probably tank the world economy. At least every country with a economy based on the U.S. dollar so...all of them.
NO WAY. Banning abortion would cause the nigger population to EXPLODE. And simultaneously having us disarmed....
We kill unborn children at nearly the same pace Hitler killed Jews.
Don't forget they include in that 30,000 justified police shootings. The left is such faggot pieces of shit.
the left deserve to die desu. Their entire ideology is complete cancer
that's what 1 of hundreds of delegates said u retarded freak
This is always what cracks me up. People always point to Europe and Commonwealth nations as proof that gone laws work. But they ignore that these countries have ALWAYS had low gun crime. It's not like they had US levels of gun crime, passed stricter gun regulations, and then all of the sudden the rates plummeted.
They just never had the frontier culture and gun culture that we do in America. It also helps that have fewer nigs and beans too, which account for a significant chunk of our gun homicide. White gun homicide rate in the US is on par with other westen nations.
Digits have confirmed. And you're right. Just a few short years ago I felt a connection to every citizen of this country. The left just keeps pushing more insane authoritarian shit, though. They don't even have the ability to step back and realize that every area they dominate and set the local laws the area is a crime ridden shithole with an inordinate amount of wealth disparity and heavy taxes. They just keep importing and protecting people who aren't even fucking citizens and then moving to red areas and slowly fucking them up too. Anyone who is paying attention can see the writing on the wall and if they are not stopped they will destroy this country. I don't want to share a country with them anymore. I want them cut out like the tumor they are. If only the could leave well enough alone but they don't live and let live - they have to control every little thing.
I thought the right was bad when Obama got elected. When Trump got elected the left lost their minds. I don't see it ever getting fixed. We might as well just balkanize before we start killing each other.
They don't even want to hear that though. I had one nigger argue with me that blacks are actually like 50% of the population and states don't count most of their citizens as black because they get more taxes that way. My mind went pic related. Then you try and point out nations with strict gun laws that are worse off and they just completely ignore you and go back to harping about abolishing the 2A or accuse you of advocating the death of children. I legit want to reach through the intertubes and slap them in the mouth sometimes. These people aren't interested in the truth and so used to being absolutely hysterical that they will never see truth.
Don't forget that the mass shooting high score still belongs to a Norwegian.
Brother of Nikolas Cruz ‘has been sectioned against will’
>This is the first and only time this has happened
No different than a few thousand degenerate LGBT trying to make hundreds of millions let them into public bathrooms they don't belong in.
I thought so too. Looking back all it was was a bunch of old folks sitting in lawn chairs and waving flags over what turned out to be legit grievances against a President not just making up rules as he saw fit but installing people in every branch at every level who do the same thing. The levels the left have reached is insanity. They legitimately think deporting people that are here illegally while flaunting their sense of entitlement in our faces is in par with muh 6 gorillion.
Look at the way they are treating high school kid's reactions to this shooting. The kids are in hysterics they say but instead of being adults, calming them down and pointing out you have like a .0000001% chance of being shot at school they are using these kid's fear to push their agenda. The sobering thing is most of them don't even realize what they're doing. They can't even see it because inside they're children themselves and following the direction daddy media has pointed them in.