So, who got layed off from ANN today?
So, who got layed off from ANN today?
Other urls found in this thread:
probably you.
Okay user, why did ANN fire you?
Spill the deets.
Dunno but whoever did has destroyed the site lmao
Wasn't me. I only saw it on Twitter a moment ago.
Wait is this real? This is fucking amazing.
You can't go back and access any of their older material through search engines. It's index page or bust. They obviously have their materials backed up elsewhere so it ought to be back up in the day
The right wing authoritarian news network gets taken down? Really?
Someone give me a rundown.
Who the fuck bothers to make these? Just looking at this shaved 3 years off my life. Go the hell outside people.
Gundamfags had enough of Lauren Orsin's border-line Anita Sarkesian propaganda.
>I fuck hoes like an african
Something Blood Alone related happened today and I just wanna read about it
I appreciate shitting on ANN's terrible writers and I do like me some Ruben, but if this is some pussy Sup Forums shit, color me annoyed.
>getting this mad at ANN
>Yosuga no Sora should have been banned by the Isihara Commission News Network
Who cares? The owner is a piece of shit who hates anime and has actively banned anyone who likes loli or incest anime. Not to mention they're always a week late to every scoop and focus on bullshit western releases and shitty opinion pieces. You'd be better informed following random Japanese twitter accounts.
Apparently the domain expired and someone bought it quick. Holy shit
They were a convenient hub for cast and crew on any given anime
>Something Blood Alone related happened today
Wait, what? Really? Looking at the author's twitter, all I can find is some mention of V12 coming out at Comiket from a few days ago.
I think that was it.
That's literally not how registries work user, there's a 20 day hold after the domain expires where only the original registrant can renew the domain but the redirect itself is disabled, unless they sold the domain it wouldn't go from operational to this in a day.
It's a DNS error anyway.
>you will live to witness the death of ANN
What's going on here? Someone bought the ANN domain?
Either they sold it or someone broke into their account with the registry website and is transferring it permanently to themselves.
What a top fucking lad
Who shut down ANN website and why are Gundam fans pissed off at ANN?
>why are Gundam fans pissed off at ANN?
Skewed translations to make Tomino look bad and pushing a series Japan and long time gundam fans reviled.
Probably Gundam fans because something something Anita bullshit
Who cares, they weren't even a news site they've always been on the tier of Yaron or IGN only reblogging announcements and shitty opinion pieces. There's a lot of news going on between the chaos surrounding the future of Comiket and the protests about the olympics regarding the freedom of expression organized by groups like the AFEE, and
>Safari cannot open the page because the server cannot be found
It isn't, they can't sell it until after the grace period, however if you bought it from a scummy registrar reseller like godaddy they are the ones who own the domain and can sell it immediately, but if you bought it first party like most people who run websites as large as ANN should know to then you have a fairly long grace period before it can be sold out from under you.
Name:nathan ahh
Street:420 aicin lane
Postal Code:0000
Email:[email protected]
i wish i had [email protected]
Email:[email protected]*
Just have them split up natsucomi into three different conferences in that year. One for industry, one for fags and one for waifu fags.
Don't fucking risk it all just because you want to be stubborn.
I'm not sure this song isn't a parody.
So someone cracked ANN's password on the registrar's site, which was probably just the admin's password on the website, and transferred it to their fake account, this is going to be a long and tedious phone call for our dear retarded ANN admin.
It's bigger than that user, the venue is being shuttered for 4 years starting this winter, and splitting it up won't reduce the fact that trying to find a venue that the same amount of people can attend near Tokyo is neigh impossible and asking every artist and fan to ship halfway across the country is ludicrous. It's not the only related issue either, the government is trying to use this as an excuse to ban anything they see as off putting to foreigners, especially in and around the site and in Akihabara.
Fucking spics.
/m/ actually doesn't give a shit about ANN, so don't blame us.
It divided the fandom since Orsini started reviewing gundam. You think evageeks, MAHQ, or Anime Suki would be next?
I think their problem is that they're easily pandered by hyped shows like Re:Creators, and hipster anime like Aku no Hana.
>Who cares
Don't we just find this entertaining?
Forgot Macross World.
>but if you bought it first party like most people who run websites as large as ANN should know to
You would really hope, wouldn't you?
I'm buy Sup Forums if I had the money, maybe turn /m/ into a mecha and monster board so we can determine what gundam Dracula would pilot.
Certainly, it's always fun to see idiots fuck up, but they've never really been anything more than annoying so it's no great cause for celebration like if CR got shit on.
Just because you want it to bother us doesn't mean it does.
> they've never really been anything more than annoying so it's no great cause for celebration like if CR got shit on.
There was that time they tried to do streaming. They just sucked at it so much that it died fast.
Macross World is too autistic to be bothered by ANN.
This will just be another in a long line of failures swamped with the admin's angry rants about anime he doesn't like and Sup Forums and bad journalism. I hope they stay dead but it's more likely they'll come back and be just as shit at everything for a while more.
Didn't somebody just change the url and managed to leak something? Can't remember what series it was.
>Didn't somebody just change the url and managed to leak something?
Yep, OreImo.
Why are people hating on this Orsini gal. What did she do and why do people care about her in the first place?
Why does Sup Forums hate streaming?
lurk moar
Sup Forums doesn't hate streaming, they hate websites with shitty encodings, shitty players, garbage translations, and abysmal quality while limiting their bandwidth making it a terrible idea to use for anything. If a service offered an actual source stream in good quality without limits and not restricted to a shitty web player it would be fine. Sup Forums does not have a problem with over network video or over internet video, they have a problem with the whole shitty industry in the west that has cropped up creating and selling this garbage while they cry and moan about giving back but only pay a flat fee.
>right wing
It's literally a hive of liberal degeneracy where they ban you for saying trap or want to discuss problematic anime like Cross Ange or Tenshi no 3p.
It's a site run by a tranny and a gay guy who insist Steven Universe is better than every anime and Japan should take notes from it
Most of newfags will say something about quality, but really it's:
>forces you to see ads on the streaming website
Other way around
Because it's inferior quality and means you haven't archived your anime because you don't take it seriously enough, basically it's for newfags and casuals and only people born post millennium who mainly use reddshit would think it's a good idea. The kind of people who would use VLC if they did ever download anything.
How is the fight for lolis going anyway? I remember the Tokyo governor trying to turn the city into "anime-land" or something, how did that go?
because what happens when your internet cuts out and you can't stream?
I've got a few externals full of backlog just for this occasion.
Any update on what's going on at ANN? The site keeps going between the clock/song and being down.
Their twitter was taken over, too.
Bio has the name "nat" in it. There's also @AnimeNewsNet (no tweets about what's happening) but the @Anime handle was the one linked on the site.
Good god.
Probably had a master password for all of it.
Some shit like "admin1", "password", or something similarly retarded.
The guy's server most likely can't handle the load
>not using ublock
It's 2017, why are you still not using an adblocker?
Fight for lolis is coming to a boiling point, it's a pretty big divide within the LDP itself right now between the rural MPs and the industrial MPs.
Whatever bullshit the Tokyo governor was trying to do it's all been total chaos so far between no money and literally every venue being a major financial loss to the city to shut down for the renovation period. There's a lot of vapor stories floating around right now about Abe being on the take from various criminal entities, the whole situation is going to hell in a slow boil so it will be interesting to see what happens after the explosion.
Maybe the otaku riots will rival the Detroit ones.
Doesn't block out the watermark. Also:
>not being able to pick the encode/subs you want
>stream sites don't update for BD releases
>comment sections
It's 2017, and you should stop streaming.
It's probably on the guy's laptop.
>Their twitter was taken over, too.
Account was disabled
Can't access the site right now, was this the song playing?
I got to be honest, I have not been this happy from watching a site get hacked years, god bless that nameless hero.
This one actually.
The guy who runs the site had his twitter suspended for some reason. HAH get fucked, god I hate them so much, this is so satisfying to watch.
What's the origin of this? Any reason behind? Some autist got fired up and decided to take it down?
He hired anita Sarkeesian to do some reviews on Gundam and BnHA
>Tweets: 77,4 K
Twitter was a mistake.
Someone cracked their domain registrar password and transferred the domain to their own bogus account.
>we're working to fix the problem
That translates to "The admin is furiously making phone calls to a web organization and will be spending hours between powerless Indians and waiting until the actual 9 to 5 workers who could fix this get up"