Come on Sup Forums, all Jews aren't bad.
It's not logical to think that every Jew is somehow part of an evil scheme.
Can't we just agree that a lot of Jews are evil, but a lot of Jews aren't?
Come on Sup Forums, all Jews aren't bad.
It's not logical to think that every Jew is somehow part of an evil scheme.
Can't we just agree that a lot of Jews are evil, but a lot of Jews aren't?
That's definitely true.
Shapiro is a lying Zionist POS manlet, though.
This kike needs to die
I'm pretty evil desu, so is every other Jew I know. Not allowing White losers to kill you is evil.
Zionist jews are evil. Self hating jews like Bobby Fischer and Larry David are cool with me.
Family is a great example.
Abby is a talented opera singer and a lovely, demure, very attractive young woman.
Ben is a manlet demon with a lust for goyish blood that will only be satisfied when a libertarian greater Israel has been created at the cost of the lives of all young American goyish men.
No Shlomo, you're a mensch. Choose life so that you might life.
there are plenty of good jews. murray rothbard was based af and an honorary aryan, for example. ben shapiro is a neocon zionist scumbag, however
I don't get it, why does Sup Forums prop up these internet attention whores 24/7 like Varg, Shapiro, Johnson, Sargon, Peterson and Southern? We all know they're just self-promoting narcissist cybersluts who will say anything to get your views, likes and upvotes. Sup Forums about discussing ideas, not a platform for dozens of me-me-me whores.