ITT Animes that didn't age very well

Why CCS?

First, Tomoyo uses a camcorder. Nobody uses a camcorder now. It is an obsolete piece of hardware.

Second, cellphones doesn't have any screen. It is outdated.

Third, no internet.
If Sakura did all her magical stuff on the streets now, it would all end up over the internet. As everybody has a cellphone with camera, and every corner has security cameras.

You don't understand what it means for a work to age well or not. It's more about how good it looks and how good the story is in comparison to later works, not whether the technology on display is obsolete, or whether later advancements would make it difficult for the events portrayed to happen.

CCS aged well because it was made at a time before all those things existed. And the upcoming Sakura sequel is going to suck hard because they're forcing smartphones into it.

OP is an idiot, as usual.

that isn't what aging well means you idiot. It aged well in the aspect that current generations/future generations can still watch and find value in it.

and you're retarded.

Seriously, where the fuck do you retards even came from?

What an amazing comeback OP.

This bait isn't even good and people are still taking it.

i'm not OP, they use the same logic which is retarded, therefore that's not me


>I'm not OP
>they were wrong so clearly its not me
You gotta wear the mask the whole time OP or people will notice.

OP is a faggot

>baiting with the queen of Sup Forums
This is how I know you are a newfag

CCS is a classic how dare you

I think OP is huge faggot and also

So by your logic, every show doesn't age well. Even a show you watch today full of shitty smartphones and internet references will be obsolete 20 years from now since it doesn't have the later technology references.



Not even CCS threads are safe from trolling anymore...

>CCS aged badly because it used technology which was current at the time
>not knowing that something being labelled as 'dated' is due to things such as exploring themes which are no longer relevant in current society, picked a design theme which was far too specific to its era, or its use of pop culture references haven't aged well

OP is a moron.

Fate/Prisma Ilya pulled off the Cardcapturing Magical Girl anime better anyways

The focus in CCS is the slice of life story about relationships and growing up, not the card capturing. Way to miss the point of the show.

Best side character.


Please be b8. Jesus fuck, that isn't what aging badly means. sage btw

So a show not being set in the current time period is a 'flaw'? Do you hate period pieces?

>Do you hate period pieces?
Who doesn't?

This is a pretty funny meme, ignore the haters user.

Sensible people.

90's technology like the VHS is timeless comfy.

That's not what "didn't age well" means.

Unironically kill yourself if you're serious

This is stupid beyond the possible immaginable.
Have you ever tried reading any book?
