Do you know?
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Angel about some dudes tweets?
if they think we are angry then they are in for surprise
Pitifully low effort slide thread.
Stuff like this is a part of it
Because my cousin fuck their whites wives while they at work.
This too
I can't think of a reason
It's moved beyond parody at this point
White men excel at literally everything, including mass shootings.
Because Fuck You?
Actually that'd be minority groups still winning for total numbers, whites just have higher kill ratios.
Man don't get angry with me man.
>whites just have higher kill ratios
>implying any other stat matters
They have to deal with niggers, chinks, and pajeets.
>"...the white working class that finds itself attracted to Trump... The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible."
-Kevin Williamson, National Review.
This is what the establishment thinks of white males. White males have finally started to notice.
Well that and whomever is more likely to actually attempt the dirty deed?
Last time I checked whites didn't really have much gang violence, meanwhile Chicago Is one of the murder capitols of Earth.
So, more like apples and oranges.
it's genetics
Because they lack the foresight to see the problems down the road.
Dunno. You tell me.
>Receiving backtalk that is fact based and logical, opposed to your pseudo-English screechings =/= angry Wheypipo.
The many white races are angry that their native clay is being despoiled by those invited to it. It is a conquest of a peaceful sort, but still, an attempt to take from us our lands. Worse still, is that they find themselves unable to direct this rage productively - the systems that should serve them, instead serve the invader and when women and children are raped and killed, they shrug it off, worrying only for the acts of disrespect these acts inevitably breed from we native folk.
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
Barbarism. Why did you free them? I know we did, first, but, we were on a lot of opium at the time.
Its due to small, limb dicks.
I'm being to wonder that myself
Reason 4
Reason 5
Flareon, I choose you!
Baby's actual name is lil fuck nigga.
Wakanda NIGGA!
Is that how niggers respond to the electricity getting turned off?
It's what we do. And we do it well.