The board chairman of Academy City who should have been defeated turned into a beautiful girl and revived!?
For some reason Hamazura puts on a full body strengthening suit you can't attach and detach (TN: equip and unequip?). In the middle of the confusion Accelerator attacked that!? On top of that Kamijou, reverse sexually harassed by by Aleister turned into a silver haired young girl, is also confused.
Feel free to correct any mistakes you might see in the translation.
>Mobage's OP is Only My Railgun instead of No Buts! or FIXED STAR Why is this allowed?
William Bennett
I wonder what exactly has happened to make Hamazura put on armor and Accelerator start attacking things. Remember, Accelerator doesn't attack unless one of his girls are in danger or he thinks attacking will benefit Touma.
Jose Watson
Blake Long
Xavier Anderson
Kayden Hill
>Index III with Railgun S quality literally never
Aaron Hughes
>Railgun S quality It's pretty low.
Sebastian Fisher
>probably minimal to no Mikoto this volume
Sounds good
Nicholas Barnes
I wonder if female Aleister sexually harassing Touma is seriously hinting at sex magic
Xavier Nelson
>yfw it ends with Aleister compromising and just asking him to eat semen cookies
Parker Bell
I don't know if it's worrying or not that I can see that seriously being the case
Nicholas Wood
>Aleister needs some kind of magical energy that is generated by sex to do something that will save them and suggests fucking Touma >Touma finds another source of this energy that's not sexual >Aleister pulls it off but is disappointed because (s)he really wanted to fuck Touma
Caleb Phillips
So how's the revamped combat treating you?
Adrian Gutierrez
>On top of that Kamijou, reverse sexually harassed by Aleister turned into a silver haired young girl. What the fuck? another shit-troll?? Source? Dengeki summaries don't come out 'till Aug/10
Kevin Smith
Magazine scans and time zone differences must be accounted for. It's real
Anthony Perez
>It's real, yeah "sexually harassed by Aleister" as real as S3 Photoshop
Chase Thomas
It's not photoshopped, though.
Adam Morgan
I wonder if Based Mikoto will be in this volume to save it like she always does.
Jonathan Gutierrez
Chase Hall
She'll get her pointless kawaii blushu illustration and paragraph of Touma "angst" but it seems like her presence in this volume will be minimal
Brandon Scott
That's a shame. At least the next Railgun chapter and SS3 will be something to look forward to.
What are these? Are they drawings from you or are they for the game or something?
Cameron Perez
Just realized I had Touma's clothes wrong all along. The hoodie wasn't from the dumpster dive, it's an undershirt he wears under the school uniform jacket from time to time. The dumpster dive was a blue cardigan with a distinct pattern at the base. He never wore it again after NT6.
Adrian Anderson
Those are character skins from the game.
Parker Cox
Does Kuroko have any good ones?
Joseph Wright
Wait, I checked again and the hoodie also debuts in NT6, so it's probably also part of the dumpster dive. He probably kept the hoodie shirt but threw away the blue cardigan then.
Gavin Cook
Are the Kuroko skins good?
Lincoln Taylor
Do you have pictures of the Kuroko skins from the game?
Easton Jenkins
I haven't seen them but I bet they gave Kuroko a cute maid skin.
Noah Sanders
I can't think of really any of any other skins Kuroko might have besides her uniform and a maid skin though. How many skins do each character get?
Ayden Jenkins
The A∴A∴ is a spiritual organization described in 1907 by occultist Aleister Crowley. Its members are dedicated to the advancement of humanity by a perfection of the individual on every plane through a graded series of universal initiations. Its initiations are syncretic, unifying the essence of Theravada Buddhism with Vedantic yoga and ceremonial magic. The A∴A∴ applies what it describes as mystical and magical methods of spiritual attainment under the structure of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and aims to research, practice, and teach "scientific illuminism".∴A∴
Code accepted 星3568 Thank you
Hudson Gray
Kuroko might get a swimsuit skin but that would be pretty lude considering what one I'm guessing they'd use.
Christian Miller
They could give Shirai the uniform Saten and Uiharu wears as one. In that music vid where they switched they actually looked better in the other uniform in my opinion.
Wyatt Powell
A winter Kuroko would be cute. They could bundle her up.
Sebastian Harris
Halloween Kuroko?
Kayden Martin
For whatever reason I think Kuroko's outfit or go to costume would be a witch with a long hat but minimum clothes for Mikoto.
Dylan Wilson
Jason Thompson
What are the triple dots in-between the letters for.
Luke Lopez
Kevin Sullivan
I bet the stupid game doesn't even have a Halloween level..
David Cruz
>yfw Vento becomes playable >yfw we finally get casual Vento through game skins
Dylan Robinson
Hey isn't that the artist who drew for the Ar Tonelico serie, or am I blind ?
Cooper Morris
What do you all think about an adult Kuroko skin?
Dominic Hill
Pajama Kuroko is always a possibility. Remember in the anime she wore them purple pajamas?
Evan Johnson
>Hey isn't that the artist who drew for the Ar Tonelico serie Yep.
Samuel Martin
It would be cute if you could switch hairstyles. Straight hair Kuroko would be fun for a bit.
Levi Scott
Election day Kuroko skin from when she was the president of the United States.
Lincoln White
straight hair kuroko in pajamas
Christopher Wright
Kuro Kuro Kawaii blast skin.
Rainbow anime clothes with panda backpack.
Liam Gomez
How about a Kuroko skin where she's been pierced by a dozen of her own spikes and bleeding out everywhere? That's definitely canon.
Robert Wood
At this point I feel like filtering the word "Kuroko" in it's entirety.
Nathan Taylor
Ohh ho hoo! what about goth loli Kuroko?
Brandon Powell
Kuroko will die in NT19.
Matthew Reed
Luke Martinez
Eli Nelson
So like a battle worn Kuroko skin? It would be cool if she walked while holding her shoulder or something.
Benjamin Martin
Brody Ramirez
Railgun and Accel returns this month, right?
Julian Sanchez
I would pay for a Kuroko voice pack that reads all the dialogue for you.
Christian Bell
Railgun is next month.
Hunter Gray
Accel Yes, Railgun on Sept, 27
Ryan Gray
>Railgun next month Fug
Grayson White
CSI Academy Kuroko skin for the special fans who remember the detective scene. Mikoto would also get one.
Ethan Martinez
The spinoff fucked up kuroko and mikoto's relationship. In OT7, when tokiwadai was first introduced, mikoto was smiling the entire time she teased kuroko. In the anime and spinoff, she looks straight up revolted during scenes that she would be smiling during in OT7. I guess it was for the sake of le crazy lesbian kuroko meme.
Jason Campbell
I dare somebody to post this scene.
Cameron Sanchez
I bet half of my balls, into Haimura Fem-Aleister NT19 front cover
Ryder Sanders
Exactly. Nobody here is Kuroko forever. You're all just fakes.
Nathaniel Hernandez
needs more jpg desu
Lucas Barnes
That's right kuroko, Onee-sama would rather be fondled by well endowed women like konori-senpai! Your tiny body will never be good enough for her.
Jayden Cox
Mii is already with the best guy in the entire series. Mikoto is like a worm to her.
James Lee
>yfw Railgun skips straight to NT19
Aiden Williams
>tfw no Mikoto boyfriend Why even live?
Mason Roberts
>In the middle of the confusion >Kamijou, reverse sexually harassed by by Aleister Is the confusion created by the events in NT 19 or Touma's harem pissed off by Aleister and make a riot?
Blake Allen
Confusion by Hamazura and Accel's fight?
Lucas Smith
Railgun is by far more popular.
Adrian Thomas
John Jackson
Why was Railgun's daihaseisai arc so much better than OT's?
Cooper Brooks
More Mikoto. Also isn't hard to be better.
Nathan Lee
More Touma, Gunha, Misaki, Sisters, exploration of the dragons, Level 6 Shift, and bringing Gensei back as an actual villain makes it seem like a finale for the Railgun manga. Touma's and the others choices actually have an effect on how the story is resolved.
Sad how, Misaka pretty much gets shafted by everyone.
Jordan Reyes
Thomas Hernandez
Maybe they should give her that Halloween skin in the game and her passive could be that every time she takes a step with them oversized t-rex stompers she does earthquake damage to nearby enemies.
Ryan Wright
>Sad how, Misaka pretty much gets shafted by everyone. Now that's a bait. Only Misaki performed actually better.
Joshua Allen
Can someone help me out with this capcha? How the hell do i do this?
Jayden Mitchell
If we're talking about how interesting each character was in that arc, Mikoto is towards the bottom of the list. Misaki, Dolly, and Mitori are up there by default since we got their backstory. Touma and Gunha's teamup is quite literally the most entertaining part of the arc and what everyone says they look forward to in Railgun S3. The arc also followed up on Kuroko's character arc from OT8 and gave her good scenes, especially when she beat up Mitori at the end. Sure there was the whole Mikoto's rage against the city being unleashed thing going on but that's not what the arc is remembered for.
John Gonzalez
My least favorite thing about daihaseisai in the LN is how loooong it is. Not a good arc to split across two books where shit only goes down in the second of them. OT12 was the same way. If the shit that happened in Railgun was OT9, or 10, and the shit with Oriana was the remaining book, it would have made both more fun in my opinion. However, though I'm sure Kamachi always believed he would expand Mikoto's role in the franchise, I am unsure he was aware of how much he would be using her at the time. Railgun's arc was far from his mind, and it is only in hindsight that I can have this opinion.
Josiah Jones
I exaggerated. MOST characters shafted Misaka. She doesn't even fight any of the bad guys at the end and ends becoming a damsel in distress that Touma, Gunha, Misaki, and Shirai had to save. In fact, Misaka's original goal of saving Misaka 10032 wasn't even needed because Misaki already saved her after Baba's mosquito bit her. The only thin she did was scare Baba and make some dumb threats to Misaki's clique after Kongou got her shit pushed in.
Face it, Misaka was useless throughout the arc. Even Saten was more useful. In fact, she was a detriment to Misaki's plans against Gensei and endangered everyone at the end. She didn't even fucking know there was a prototype Sister of hers, talk about useless.
Jose Morris
Haven't read since NT14. Is Accel still irrelevant?
Levi Gomez
He'll be relevant in NT19. He's having a rematch with Shiage, even if it's accidental.
Noah Miller
Dude, Mikoto got development in that arc, she's ALREADY at the top because of this. Misaki, Dolly and Mitori got completely formulaic tearjerker bait backstories, and Touma and Gunha teaming up on someone who didn't give a single flying fuck about them was pathetic at best and was easily overshadowed even by Mikoto dominating Baba. And dragons were already shown in Index, so no surprises here either.