Mexican anons show your national pride.
Mexico Thread
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viva la serpent raza
hello friend, you mexican bro?
This man will save Mexico.
Not so fast!
>3rd place
>abolutely lol
>having anything to be proud of
>The Russian bots already making AMLO pepes
Mexico is not as dumb as the US to elect some maniac just cause he has some good memes and shit.
Por quién van a votar mis taquitos?
Yo por Anaya
Go mop the floors.
as an american i owe you greasy brown goblins a fucking apology
i thought nowhere on earth could be worse than the trash and filth i saw in Tijuana. That was until I got to Europe. Seriously, Mexicans are bro-tier compared to the human trash that Ive found on this continent.
Im going to go home and hug the first beaner I see. Thank you for your awesome food and humbleness. Please keep mowing my lawn and cooking my burritos and well be friends forever.
Sin dudarlo, AMLO 2018
We wuz kangz
we didnt two times because le nafta
the result?
the us only invested to extract resources
and they elected a mexican hater
and they screw us with travel alerts and unilateral modifications to our agreements when posible
the drug war: THEIR idea
there is nothing good from keeping these policies
>We wuz kangz
real talk i was saying to myself "italy is just like mexico with ruins" but then i remembered you all have ruins too, personally i think y'all have better food too
mexico 1 - italians 0
Does somebody have the pic of the Mexican nazis with the "El futuro es en tus manos" subtitle?
By the way Mexican nationalists in Mexico are fucking based and I've never had a bad experience talking to them. Leftist Chicanos over here are cancer though.
México es bueno, excepto por sus políticos ineptos y la gente pobre con malas intenciones :/
el peje
pero no me molestaria si gana el anaya
todo menos meado
we just need to rediscover ourselves
Facists are bad, that's why we're getting rid of el PRI
>Mexican anons show your national pride.
Show senorita titties anons
The US is our economic partner and we need to stick to them as much as possible, otherwise, we'll be another fucked up Venezuela. Isn't it so nice to go out and walk into stores and be able to buy whatever the fuck you want or eat wherever you want whatever you want? This is a product of capitalism, and its beautiful.
It's so fucking terrifying to think about an AMLO presidency. Congress will probably block whatever the fuck he tries to do, though. He can still fuck out shit up when it comes to Foreign Affairs and shit like that.
>personally i think y'all have better food too
I disagree
>México es bueno, excepto por sus políticos ineptos y la gente pobre con malas intenciones :/
Why do you accept drug cartels?
Fuck off with any bullshit that doesnt involve logistic issues with procuring arms and the means to USE THEM
fuck off beaner fix your shitty country then come post on american internet.
im considering a job offer in Merida
could any knowledgeable user give me a quick rundown
>Mexico is not as dumb
Just look at our current president for fuck sake you deluded idiot. Peña is way WAY fucking dumber than trump. México is the dumbest fucking country in the world right after Venezuela.
Por qué quieres votar por el peje user?
>could any knowledgeable user give me a quick rundown
dont go, its a shithole only marginally better than europe
>We wuz kangz
Actually they were but they treated the surrounding tribes like shit with the raiding and the enslavement and the cutting out of the hearts and all.
One day a blonde haired god arrives with his boomsticks to free all the oppressed tribes.
Aztecs get BTFO.
Never recover.
>Just look at our current president for fuck sake you deluded idiot. Peña is way WAY fucking dumber than trump. México is the dumbest fucking country in the world right after Venezuela.
What is wrong with Peña? The peso has been 'stable' during his presidency, considering all the shit that has happened strengthening the dollar and fucking the peso up, like Oil prices literally crashing, if AMLO would've won in 2012, the Dollar/Peso would be at least at $23. Also, Peña has done lots of good things, isn't it nice when you're driving through our beautiful highways and see foreign gas stations, like Shell and shit like that? It's beautify of the free market.
Prepare to get assaulted by narcos and hated by indios. Other than that it has great beaches, bitches not so much.
You have nothing to fear. Actually we are worse than Syria in killings and violence; we also have the worst economic devolepment in all of Latin America.
>we also have the worst economic devolepment in all of Latin America.
I don't think that's true, do you have a source?
sorry m8
you cant play mindgames with me
we are not going to end like venezuela
you cant use that boogieman with me
we used to have a 6% gdp growth before tlcan,misteriously it collapsed just before salinas for him to pull that problem->solution
why do we just grow 2%? its easy, the earning instead of beeing reinvested here are used to build skycrepers in new york
i am not in war with jewtalism, i am just an economic protectionist and if i have to elect an amlo to tear tlcan apart i will
We are literally only bellow Brazil
parte de mi porque vivi en cdmx cuando fue gobernador, y fue un gobierno relativamente bueno
cuando has escuchado escandalos como los de veracruz puebla coahuila con los defeños?
parte de mi odia el tlcan, aunque puedo vivir con el pero ahora con trump es la fibra de la dignidad
amlo es libertario con los pequeños empresarios asi que por mi bien por ellos
estoy a favor de las drogas
no me interesa los problemas morales de los de guadalajara, yo quiero que se acaba la guerra contra las drogas
estoy a favor de que se descentralize el gobierno
entre otras razones
More than parteners we are their fucking dogs, they have 0 respect for us, they can spit on our faces with a Wall and then sell us abunch of old trash missiles for $100m usd that we MUST buy. I love capitalism more than you my dude but usa is a fucking dick to us.
>the beauty of the free market
>when the international petroleum cartel sabotage your refinery project in calderon presidency, THAT IS FREE MARKET
>when Peña sabotage PEMEX an extremely profitable company using the sindicate as his beligerent arm, THAT IS FREE MARKET
we must stop this
either this or revolution, and you know it, your chose m8
I honestly believe that Latinos in America should copy the best of what they have seen in America and go back and fix Mexico. Mexicans need their own 2nd amendment.
you legitimately have no reason to be smug none
your people are known as lawn mowers and maids
what the fuck reason do you have any pride? what have you personally done to help your people?
i used to be sad about the conquest, now I know the spic spanish were the superiors and thats why they won
>we used to have a 6% gdp growth before tlcan,misteriously it collapsed just before salinas for him to pull that problem->solution
We had a 5% GDP annual growth 5 years ago.
>why do we just grow 2%? its easy, the earning instead of beeing reinvested here are used to build skycrepers in new york
Why grow 2% because the one of the most important contributors to our economy, Oil, is fucked up.
I wonder if POL could meme Mexico out of being bottom tier.
>I wonder if POL could meme Mexico out of being bottom tier.
only if we genocide the subhuman mestizos
And how will AMLO change that? By spitting back to the US? And ruin our economic relationship (that we need more than anything. That won't give you 6% growth, if anything that shit will cause a fucked up recession)
Define bottom tier
mexico gdp is back at 2007
so much for a succesful presidency
i bet you literally are a shill
>Define bottom tier
Guess not, oh well.
>also see this user's post
haha ok ill define it for the subhumans
>worst violent crime on earth
>trash everywhere
>no intellectual exports
i could keep going but why? they wont understand
>ruin or economic relationship
by ruining their mineral extractions m8?
they dont invest unless its that or northern cheap slave labour
and their government screws any investments in the turist sector regularily
fuck them
i bet it would be beneficial
we could use protectionist measures that we give away with tlcan
literally "sutituticion de importaciones" golden age again
and how will AMLO make this shit better?
See the correlation with the price of Oil.
god damn beaners are fucking stupid, i take back everything i said
yall deserve nothing more than cleaning my shit and taking out my trash
stay south of the border you sub humans
because of people like you we dont progress
but no worries
at this rate we will be able to use cdmx as our milkcow
those communist from the capital sure dont know what they are doing
FUUUUCK, I remember that video.
Now I have to puke
Mexico needs its own Pinochet.
AMLO wont fix shit even if he wanted. México is fuckin doomed not because of its president but because of its people. I will not put my future and hopes into some asshole. Im just gonna leave this god forsaken shithole to rot, and ill hopefully forget that i was born in here.
>those communist from the capital sure dont know what they are doing
The fuck do you mean?
¿Algún nacionalista hispano blanco aquí?
and they dont need to give for free the resources or enslave themselves to make their economy grow
mexico city checkin in
que pasá
hi, mexican anons! i'm white, but have absolutely no problem with you fine folks. thank you for tacos. those things are awesome. what do mexicans think about niggers? do you have any niggers in mexico? if so, do they suck as bad as the niggers here do? personally speaking, i really, really hate niggers. i wish they'd all 'disappear'. forever.
and by electing AMLO how the fuck will that shit change? He won't do anything.
Carlos, is that you?
>Im just gonna leave this god forsaken shithole to rot,
stay there we dont want you spic
you arent better than your people you may be the best kernal of corn in a shit pile but i still dont want you
stay in your shitty country seriouslky, NOBODY WANTS YOU
claro que si
whats up
Is the JQ (jewish question) finally becoming mainstream?? Do you think the Zionist banking elite is realizing the more Muslims they flood into Europe, the more antisemitism will increase?? People are talking about things 24/7, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Being in my late 20's, I've been awakened since about the age of 16 about Europes eternal (((foe))).
With these shootings in America, and the complete LACK of coverage on women being brutally raped in Europe.. i think people are becoming more and more distrusting of the Jew media. Some girls that i know even talk about it openly. Are we winning?? Do you think there are ANY whites in government fighting back?? You would think some of these whites that "sellout" would be at least racially aware of whats going on, and want the best for whites? What gives... "Kissinger describes atmosphere within the Trump White House as a war between Jews and non-Jews"
I HOPE this is true. What do you anons think.
Thank you for making Mexico great. I love you.
no problem
living in merida rigth now
great city, one of the most safe cities of the country. great food. some a+ tier women, but a lot of mayan decendents. a lot of culture and history
but god damn is hot here. like really really really hot
o i am sorry you chilango m8?
i in general have a crush for you and your economics
literally the only ones that know what they are doing in this country
but i you are i suspect you are the son of one of those refugees from other states that dont get why avarage chilangos are so lefty
but if you want to suck oligarch cock then go ahead
well, cdmx is relatively the nicest part of the country and it has nothing to do with "favoritism" i in will trust the chilango colective in this one
there is a reason why jalisco is going leftly with Nueva Alianza
but since they are shadowed by pan still i will vote peje
>what do mexicans think about niggers?
Most mexicans hate blacks.
>do you have any niggers in mexico?
No, I've only seen one nig in my life and it was a French teacher who went to my school to shill for the French language and shit.
>do they suck as bad as the niggers here do?
This teacher seemed like a pretty well read guy, so I guess the nigs in Mexico at least are well educated.
The only things good about this country are the women and the food.
Everything else is shit. Our culture idolizes corruption and our people fuck things up for themselves.
If youre from murica dont worry, i fucking hate that country right after mexico and i will never even consider to even put a foot in there. The further away of this whole continent i get, the better.
>Everything else is shit. Our culture idolizes corruption and our people fuck things up for themselves.
best thing is the cartels
all you braindead beaners are good for is me watching you carve each other up like the animals you are
tienes novio???
there were nazi bombings in germany back in the 90s
i dont have a problem with jews
>If youre from murica dont worry, i fucking hate that country right after mexico and i will never even consider to even put a foot in there. The further away of this whole continent i get, the better.
try again faggot, europe doesnt want you either, would rather have the africans desu
>Actually posting a photo of that Jewish cunt
>o i am sorry you chilango m8?
No, I'm from Queretaro and everyone hates AMLO here.
Yes, please leave the continent. In fact, if you live anywhere that you don't flush the toilet paper after you wipe your ass please go.
Mexico and the rest of latin america is so fucking naturally beautiful I would love to see what it could be with some good, clean white people living there.
The darker the natives the bigger the shithole
Kek like i want to go to future middle east, no one wants to go to your insipid country full of goats and african niggers.
italy is the country of flavour you uncultured brown speck of human waste
i hope you are at least a good catholic, because if not, you are nothing
What kind of people do you see in Europe??
>i in general have a crush for you and your economics
>literally the only ones that know what they are doing in this country
Also, Mexico City is fucked beyond repair, did you know Hillary Clinton literally had fundraisers there? It's literally NYC tier but uglier.
i told you
i have a crush for chilangos
they are ugly but they are the only ones with a brain in this country
even if i am more of the movimiento ciudadano kind of left i still will vote for peje
as expected, treasonous neoliberals dont like anything but money
if it were for me i would give you the bullet
please, fuck off and never come back
>amerimutt flag
>show your national pride.
Y-Y-Yes, Meade is the best president for the this beautiful country! Please don't kill me.
But you have hotter women, motorsports and sick art
We have hot ish women, boring soccer and baseball and paintings on rocks
I hate religion and i'm planing to go to a coutry where this trait predominates i'm done with you all fucking brainlets.
>Mexico City is fucked beyond repair
>still in better shape than the rest of the country
>hold the country together
yea, i was born in nuevo leon, i know what dealing with "neoliberals" "capitalists" is like
there is nothing wrong with social programs
there is nothing wrong with public infrastructure
there is nothing wrong with social freedom
cdmx all the way
It's not like we have a choice... I'd rather be stopped by a cartel convoy than a policeman
You cant kill the Anti-American sentiment that President Trump winning has awoken.
i will and that's okay, tbqh i would not even waste a bullet in you.
>i have a crush for chilangos
Man, I'm so smart I replied to your post before you even posted it.
The shills don't give a fuck if its raining, they still want their torta and refresco.
>there is nothing wrong with social programs
>there is nothing wrong with public infrastructure
>there is nothing wrong with social freedom
Everything is wrong with dem programs, why the fuck should I pay for some other niggas shit? Who pays for my shit?
>He won't do anything.
Yes he will, siding with latin american countries that hate US imperalism.
*tips sombrero*