Sup Forums cultists BTFO by based neuroscientist Sam Harris

Sup Forums cultists BTFO by based neuroscientist Sam Harris

you guys need to go on the attack



I agree. Harris, like Jordan Peterson are both reasonable intellectuals that know that there need to be restrictions on guns. Why are you guys so primitive?

>I'm having nightmares about Trump, "plz don't elect him guyz"

He's a fucking disgrace. The emergent properties of consciousness are empirically obvious, yet he wants to make the absence of pain sensations the ultimate value in the world.

His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is a secular Jew.[6]

that awkward moment when the NRA is the organization who promotes firearm safety courses/classes/general safety and embodies the intent of the 2nd amendment whereas the ILA is the lobbyist group.

Man, I thought he wasn't an idiot.

Is it possible to be so smart you become retarded?

way more people die of drug overdoses. Does this mean they should abolish their political influence as well?

*the major drug companies i mean.

>dangerous influential cult that must be stopped











So, how come gun laws are different in different states? It's more difficult to get a legal gun in NY, right? Isn't the state infringing there?

>retweeting yourself

He has made a lot of pro-gun staetement. He wrote a blog and had a couple of podcasts about it. He owns several guns for self-protection.

How many deaths are caused by alcohol every year? Where is the same respective outrage towards alcohol from these intellectuals? There isn't any. Why, because you can't tie alcohol to a political party. This is pure propaganda and intellectual dishonesty at it's peak and you're a fool for falling for it.

Alcohol mostly kills people who have themselves chosen to drink it.

The real mystery in the aftermath of coincidences like this, is that the Jews retain any political influence at all. They should be recognized for what it is: a dangerous cult.

Same with guns

How about the fact that the first school shooting in the US happened in 1989 when the market for assault rifles was completely unregulated?
So it's not easier accessibility of guns that cause these mass shootings, you could mail order machine guns in 1920 without ANY checks.
Makes me wonder what's the real change in US society that causes these mass shootings? Could it be degeneracy introduced by jews like Sam Harris?

*they are

i fucked up

But he's literally wrong and retarded for thinking the NRA handles any lobbying. All they do is promote firearm safety and patriotic usage. The ILA is the lobbying group who should receive any and all hatred due to alleged blood money.

Attacking the NRA is just ignorant in the context of his tweet. It takes 5 seconds of googling to know the difference between the NRA and ILA

They're just funded mostly by lobbyists. Nothing to see there.

(((((completely forgets about how most gun deaths are suicide)))))

Really disappointing, I thought he wasn't an idiot.

Those kids' right to life sure was infringed

The Constitution does not guarantee that individuals will not carry out any crimes.
That's the kind of snark that will make you seem retarded almost everywhere. No one will look at that comment and say: hey, that's smart, hehehe. You sure showed them.

If only there weren't laws making it illegal for any minor to not be attending, at the least, a government-run educational system 5 days a week for 10 months of the year every year for 12 or so years, they might not have died there at school.

welp you heard the britcuck boys

go burn the constitution


just lost a lot of respect for Sam Harris. What a dumb cuck.

Federalism. Technically anything short of banning/confiscation of all guns is fine under the 2nd amendment. It's just on a national level you have restrictive states vying with less restrictive states so you get more lax laws. Imo no gun law has ever been proven to lower gun crime rate so the restrictive states aren't really doing themselves any favors

the only way to overtake the nra is with money...most of their hold on congress is the fact they support ONLY people that will support their agenda or have people run for office that will uphold their beliefs

So there's your bias revealed. You're willing to rationalize and justify some deaths and prop others as examples for needed change for political purposes. Tell that to the mothers of MADD.

>It's more difficult to get a legal gun in NY, right?
Handguns for the average Joe, yes. Which I find despicable since every cholo has an illegal handgun. Though most Whites who would otherwise get one legally have been forced down the same route. Though if you're a bigwig you can not only more easily get a handgun, but a CC permit. It's fucked and people love it. Though buying a rifle in NY is easy as fuck, I can drive to my local Dick's and buy a one no problem

Did you expect the NRA to throw a few million to the Brady Campaign?

A gun doesn't kill, the person using it does, a knife, a bomb, a hammer, they don't wake up one day and decided to go kill someone.


>retweeted himself

We don't have a gun problem. My father bought me my first rifle at age six. Shotgun at eight. Most of my friends were similar. We never considered killing people with them. We have a culture problem. America has drastically changed for the worse.

You're only supposed to space out the horizontal word not the vertical word.

You know, for all the times shills keep saying Sup Forums is BTFO, you think it actually would be.

I've said this and people jump down my throat. It's like we're not living in a dying Empire or anything, or that Americanism isn't constantly under attack from all angles, or the Constitution isn't constantly being spat upon

how people can have any respect for this faggot is beyond me

If everyone was peaceful there would be no need for guns. That's the point he's making. He's a philosopher so he has to explain things in simple terms to ordinary people.

Back in the day we use to put crazy retards in special busses and special rooms so they didn't roam freely. Now we let them run wild because feels.


>A proven kike wants to take other individuals rights
Tell me something new.

Murder is illegal.

>Expecting shills to ever be right
Once they get BTFO they just stop posting

Those are some fantastical mental hoops you're jumping through
>It's amazing the NRA has influence still
>It's a cult
>This is somehow a philosophical statement on human violence
Also, if everyone was peaceful would no one hunt? Does peace come with a hippy vegan mentality? Fuck off

yeah hence the guy being in custody you complete retard

>go burn some outdated piece of paper written by traitors

And nothing of value would be lost

Ask him if Israeli citizens should be allowed arms.

Strange. I'm sure USA does not keep anyone inside with force. People not liking it, could just leave. Isn't Mexico gun free?

let's burn the Geneva convention so we can gas your entire island

Mao Zedong said that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Does Sam Harris or OP think he's a better communist than Mao?

>Technically anything short of banning/confiscation of all guns is fine under the 2nd amendment.
So what the fuck are these constitution autists always going on about.

Wrong. Niggers and mexicans have a gun problem. Go lookup white crime rates here

We have the same problem in Europe although not so extreme (yet) But we'll get there

Americanism is under attack because your country is basically controlled by jews.
Before I realised that all these seemingly senseless wars in the Middle East (at least for you guys) were for Israel I was a fierce Anti-American.
And the jews pay you back for fighting their wars by destroying your culture and your people.

Pain tempers the flesh and the will. Sam Harris is spoiled by a life devoid of real strife. He will die in his luxury and never realise true strength. Whether you pity him or find yourself disgusted that our world should allow such a weak individual to exist, is up to you.

Remind us again how many violent gatherings the NRA is responsible for?

And then lets compare that to.. I don't know.. Lets says BlackLivesMatter or Antifa..

And this guy is supposedly a educated, doesn't know what a cult is.

You don't think there is a difference between murder and suicide?

Thank you based jap.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious, but the media and Hollywood are so kike'd no one notices

Serious question, how many mass shooters have been NRA members?

>Sam Harris
>Muh NRA
>Retweets himself

The question is whether a futuristic society can exist that does not require guns for self defense.

>prideful autistic jew thinks himself superior to everyone else without thinking things through properly
>autistic and up his own arse enough to retweet himself
Left wing Ben Shapiro

And you got this from his tweet how? Mind you I have no clue who this fuckhead is, what he stands for, or what he does. So please, tell me as someone observing this statement in a vacuum how you managed to derive that from this tweet?

Can anyone remember how Sam Harris became a (semi) public figure. The first thing I really remember was the 4 horsemen thing. Did anyone actually buy his first book? Was he propped up by (((media))) because he was known to be (((their guy))) since his (((mother))) made (((golden girls)))?

Le magnificient neuroscientist resorts to ad hominems because he can't leave his libshit bias.

It's always guns of course, not their ""progressive"" politics of the last 40 years that drives people to do such things. School shootings were unheard of before the 80s at earliest. People are driven insane by having their very nature forcefully altered.

liberals all wound up about guns, but they say nothing about millions of illegals wandering around killing countless Americans

>NRA has a lot of money
Why do leftists believe this? Is it the transitive property of evil ie $ = EVIL = guns = NRA?
The NRA spent a whopping 30M in 2016. That sounds like a lot except that Mike Bloomberg spent more by himself. Gun prohibitionists spend between 20-50 times what pro-rights groups spend each election but still lose. The reason the NRA has influence is that they have millions of people who aren't keen to be deprived of their human right to self-defense. Gun control is an issue that only the pro-rights side cares about enough to be decisive. Money doesn't beat passionate volunteers. TV ads can't replace your fundamental right as a human being.

Aren't you late for you daily acid facial scrub mate?

They stopped following you because you were no longer worthy of leading others. You only have yourselves to blame for being too weak to command respect and loyalty.

Libfags gonna libfag, I guess.

It supposed that tyranny cannot exist in a state with a right to bear arms which is false since men must be willing to use the arms against a tyrannical force, not merely bear them.

A man that cannot see obvious symptoms of psychopathy in people(his support of Clinton) and cannot recognize leftist ideology as inherently destructive(his recent statements about white "supremacy") is in no way at all a neuroscientist.

Sam Harris is a blatant fraud dressed up using a calm, "rational-sounding" hypnotic voice.

You have yet to show me how you get this from this guy's tweet as you say here >If everyone was peaceful there would be no need for guns. That's the point he's making.
>That's the point he's making.
I ask you how he makes that point you respond with:
>The question is whether a futuristic society can exist that does not require guns for self defense.
So I asked again, and again you haven't shown me how he makes this point, but rather you go and make a statement tangentially related to what you initially posted. It can only lead me to believe that he isn't making any of these points and you're just posting for the sake of posting

We love big organizations that could everything therefore the NRA controls all guns so it's their fault.

what a stupid fucking post you dumb paki. No gun was used in Manchester.

People need to stop responding so such obvious bait, like this thread