Season 2 when? This was surprisingly fun and the furry MC was better than expected.
Season 2 when? This was surprisingly fun and the furry MC was better than expected
Great main characters. Meh writing. Ridiculously bad villain.
There wasn't really a villain in the end, was there?
The rogue witches?
Murdering people makes you a villain.
That's like everybody in the show.
Depends on how successful DVD sales and the mobile game are, I'd wager.
Can they even be called villains when they're almost completely uninvolved with the primary conflict?
Murder is not the same as killing somebody.
Holdem is practically the most evil person in the show. He captures women and literally chains them to his bedchamber while blowing off his vow to protect Albus.
Did Zero ever get the barbed dick?
Not while he was awake.
Not until Season 9 akihabara black label back room exclusive.
Wait really? LN translations when? Too bad this show isn't popular enough.
This was never explained, if he's supposed to protect the granddaughter what the fuck was he doing fucking around with slave bitches?
My wife, Emilia, is so cute.
How are the sales so far? Did the nips even like this?
Did he do anything wrong?
is this autism?
Being a siscon was his problem.
The angriest I got at him was when he suddenly claimed that he was burdened with terrible regret at his murders.
That was so fucked up.
Wagahai Witch was too good for this world. I might have to buy the LNs.
>Oh, you DIDN'T want me to genocide a bunch of people so you could go outside? Shit, my bad
I want to see this boy wearing micro skirt.
Its sad that after so much anime any time I see a slightly androgynous character, I automatically assume they're the opposite gender that they claim to be and I'm right most of the time
Whatever happened to the tavern girl with the hot body that tricked Youhei?
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho vol1 363
This is a reality.
>Make perfect girl
>Scare everyone off with furry looking MC
But MC is actually good. Damn you, Japan.
>draw a boy
>call him a girl
This shit is worse than drawing a girl then calls her a boy
Why is she so perfect?
No. Traps are worse
>Great design
>Great personality
>Great chemistry with MC
I admit I was put off by the furry MC too. Glad I gave it a shot.
That's false, she's A-cup
I didn't even realize the author was a full blown furryfag till half way through the season. I just thought it was a regular man turned monster thing. Honestly, I ended up liking him as well and their chemistry was too good to ignore.
>author was a full blown furryfag
Damn. I hope MC does turn into a human at the end of the series
That would be nice.
Zero won't let him turn back, because she needs her comfy bed.
Would have been better if it was just cute traveling sol, similar to spice and wolf
Does he have a dick?
the girl might be cute, but she's going to be ridiculously loose if the dude does anything
It is kind of a traveling anime
What else would he do with them?
Honestly, I don't get why does Yohei make people so angry. He's a pretty likeable character.
You know why.