Teachers should have guns

Do you realize how stupid you sound when you say teachers should have guns? Imagine a teacher shooting a student...

-Most teachers wouldn't be able to pull the trigger
-Most teachers wouldn't bother going to the shooting range to practice due to their heavy workload and they'd miss if the situation ever occurred
-If the teacher got shot and killed by the shooter thats just another gun and more ammo for the school shooter


Monitored entrances/exits with metal detectors. Problem solved.

Weak bait

>Shoot the guard, run through the metal detector or put your gun in a led case.
Problem solved.

Nice rebuttal.

>alarm goes off
>shooter starts indiscriminately killing kids
>"It's a good thing we installed that metal detector. Now we know the shooter brought a gun to school"

>See metal detector
>See gun free zone sign
> Walk through metal detector with fully loaded AR15 and 5 high capacity magazines.

Wat do now?

Show Swedish flag

I'm not anti gun. I'm anti teachers having guns genius.

Me: 1
Pol: 0

I don't think all teachers should carry. But I think any teacher should be given the chance to take advanced tactical training and be given a special permit that allows them to carry a concealed weapon on school grounds if they so choose.

>-Most teachers wouldn't be able to pull the trigger
you and i must have had different teachers. teachers i had gave no fucks for anyone.
>-Most teachers wouldn't bother going to the shooting range to practice due to their heavy workload and they'd miss if the situation ever occurred
why not regulate it? a mandatory training event during the off semester and a reconfirmation of skills halfway during the school year. drawing from an open carry, aiming, and shooting is not some magical feat that only years of practice can solve. you can teach proficiency in a day.
>-If the teacher got shot and killed by the shooter thats just another gun and more ammo for the school shooter
what are you thinking? is the shooter going to run through the halls duel wielding tomb raider style? get fucked you socialist.

There is probably just going to be one fat piece of shit guard manning that metal detector and he is probably bored out of his fucking mind or busy checking out all the 16 year old sluts in yoga pants.

It would be super easy to blow him away and then proceed with the school shooting.

Please... they are too busy screwing students


*cue cyberjazzfunk*

>you and i must have had different teachers. teachers i had gave no fucks for anyone.
What they would shoot a 13-18 year old student...i'm pretty sure there's a difference between teachers not caring about their students doing work and shooting them in the head.

>why not regulate it? a mandatory training event during the off semester and a reconfirmation of skills halfway during the school year. drawing from an open carry, aiming, and shooting is not some magical feat that only years of practice can solve. you can teach proficiency in a day.
You're assuming there are teachers that would agree to shoot their student in the head and you're also assuming they'd be willing to even own/purchase a gun.

>what are you thinking? is the shooter going to run through the halls duel wielding tomb raider style? get fucked you socialist.
Not a socialist, and no. He bursts in the door and shoots the teacher in the chest and head before the teacher can reach for her gun/load her gun/think to fire her gun/teacher shoots and misses.

Nice one, Paco.

I wouldn’t just let them carry a gun around school, but if it’s locked up somewhere safe I think they should have keys to unlock it after training. Or just hire some armed guards or something, in my old high school we had a cop in our school at all times




>giving yourself points
you the kid no one played with in school.

Me: 2
user with shit digits: 0

The overwhelming majority of terror attacks in Israel are stopped by armed civilians, not law enforcement.

You're right. It's much better to let the shooter run out of ammo and kill himself while the police wait outside.

Fucking libtards.

all they need are metal detectors and armed guards.

Ghetto schools have 1-3 cops stationed at them. Some are undercover cops.

I remember we had 1 cop with a gun at all times. One teacher was a retired cop. I think my vice principal was a retired/reserve cop with a gun.

The cop always had his sidearm with him. And he had a gun in his office.

I'm talking about teachers specifically and i'm not talking about israel, jew.

>You're right. It's much better to let the shooter run out of ammo and kill himself while the police wait outside.
>Fucking libtards.
ps: I'M NOT LIBERAL, Jesus fucking christ you americunts are ignorant.

>all they need are metal detectors and armed guards.
This in all the schools in America? How much money would that cost exactly?

>1-3 cops

my graduating class was 1000 kids. There were 4000 total in the school, and that was back in 2004.

1-3 cops aint gonna cut it. 20 maybe.

Then they shouldn't be teachers.

You're as libtarded as it gets. You're flying a socialist flag ffs.

Meanwhile in Poland...

you misinterpret the idea that someone who is caring is incapable of defending themselves.
and you're assuming there are teachers that are incapable of defending their students from attackers.
>Not a socialist
your flag says otherwise there pal. nazis are national socialists.
>reach for her
where are you getting the idea that all teachers are female? or the idea that a teacher doesn't lock their door during a class period?

>Nice one, Paco.
you talk about me assuming, but you're taking a whole lot more liberties than me there, bub.

Metal detectors are a retarded idea but we already have plenty of cops, and if there’s not enough there’s plenty of people who would do it.

I had a construction contract in a school here. A 90% nigger school. There is police checkpoints at the three entrances with bullet proof glasses and metal detector with cattle bars to only allow a nigglet at the time. The police has better equipment than our military and have a few guard dogs. The student doors are only open few minutes in the morning and afternoon then bolted down and the police patrol the corridors. I could not believe canada was at that point.

nice b8

Your ignorance amazes me. I don't think teachers should have guns so i'm a "libtard", fucking americans bring a bad name to the word conservative, sad.

>you misinterpret the idea that someone who is caring is incapable of defending themselves.
Implying liberal teachers in america would even want/own guns.

>and you're assuming there are teachers that are incapable of defending their students from attackers.
I'am. I don't doubt some can but the majority wont be able to and if the shooter has any sense he'll pray on the weak. "mr harrison is pretty nifty with guns, I asked him about them and he seems to know alot but miss garrison knows jack shit..I think i'll kill her first"

>your flag says otherwise there pal. nazis are national socialists.

>where are you getting the idea that all teachers are female? or the idea that a teacher doesn't lock their door during a class period?
The majority of teachers in the us are female, know your country, Sanchez.

Pay them a monthly bonus to carry after they have passed a training course. You act like learning to shoot is difficult. It isn't.

School Shootings Solved:
1. Greatly increase number of resource officers per school.
2. Give teachers a bonus to carry.
3. Media blackout of shooter's face and name.
4. Hold state legislators and school administrators criminally liable if they fail to provide proper security.

>plenty of people who would do it.
Plenty of crazies that would shoot kids because he's a trigger happy cunt with no real training. Look at the state of your cops...you want regular people to help?

>flies nazi flag
>claims he's not a libtard
>calls someone ignorant

Whew lad.

Pay them a monthly bonus for nothing? So if there's never a shooting you just want to give them money for training. I don't subscribe to gibs or communist ideologies.

1. Shouldn't even be a thing, cops should be out fighting actual crime not partrolling a high school with xm's and ar 15s because some kid might have a fucking gun...your country amazes the rest of the world, you know that right?

2. No. That's just more taxes you'll have to pay so if you really want then okay, sure.

3. I agree. Students would most likely leak it to some news organizations (low tier) but I agree.

4. I agree under the circumstances.

OP is right, vast majority of teachers are used up old women abusing their tenured status to make it to retirement. I wouldn't trust them to be competent enough to keep the firearm secured from an assault or sticky fingers of a few teenage nigs, much less be able to keep their shit together in an active shooter situation. Throughout all 13 years of school I only had 7 male teachers, 2 of them were fat sacks of shit, 3 I could possibly see defending the kids, and 2 I know would rise to the occasion (1 former SeaBee, 1 Vietnam infantry vet). The rest were old women.

I'm having a hard time thinking of a good solution desu. I like the idea of having armed guards of some kind on campus, but I don't think teachers or even police are good to fit the bill.

>Pay them a monthly bonus for nothing? So if there's never a shooting you just want to give them money for training. I don't subscribe to gibs or communist ideologies.
Why pay a security guard if the bank never gets robbed?

1. Do your politicians have armed security? Do you understand why the Second Amendment exists?
2. Worth it, obviously. Nice to see the Left so concerned with taxes and spending though.
3. Good.
4. Good.

Government workers executing children when they misbehave in their mandatory educational gulag.

>Implying liberal teachers in america would even want/own guns.
not everyone is liberal, and not every liberal is antigun. if you left the basement you would know that.
>mr harrison is pretty nifty with guns, I asked him about them and he seems to know alot but miss garrison knows jack shit..I think i'll kill her first
how many school shootings are mass shootings on a scale and parameters similar to florida? since columbine, there have only been 2 other school shootings where a student was the shooter.
more like hiding. afraid of something, user?
>The majority of teachers in the us are female, know your country, Sanchez.
majority is not total, dumbass.

here's your last you. enjoy it.

>I'm having a hard time thinking of a good solution

Home schooling via Skype.

>public school teachers
>not jumping at the chance to justifiably shoot a student

>I'm having a hard time thinking of a good solution desu
segregating schools

>heavy work load
Try a real job idiot.

You are miss representing the argument. The proposal is to allow teachers to seek training and legally carry a concealed gun while at work in school not force them to carry.

>Do you realize how stupid you sound when you say teachers should have guns? Imagine a teacher shooting a student...
It would be great for discipline
>-Most teachers wouldn't be able to pull the trigger
LOL, you are not a teacher are you? Considering how students behave nowadays, after 15min of class any teacher wants to slaughter his class. Twice.
>-Most teachers wouldn't bother going to the shooting range to practice due to their heavy workload and they'd miss if the situation ever occurred
On the contraty, shooting is a very relaxing activity, nothing better after a busy day.
>-If the teacher got shot and killed by the shooter thats just another gun and more ammo for the school shooter
Then, teach theachers to shoot well.

>The proposal is to allow teachers to seek training

I don't think training exists regarding carrying a firearm amongst children. nobody does that so who is going to teach you? Nobody would ever advise that, it is like carrying a gun in a prison. Children are like monkeys.

Lefty teacher PMSs and shoots students. Brilliant solution.

SECURITY GUARDS not teachers.

they can cut PE, social studies, and unnecessary stuff like that.

the tech is cheaper now than it used to be in the 1980s.

Armed teachers is a good idea but not every teacher on campus, just some of them with special training and of a young age.

5-6 teachers and a school cop. One teacher per floor or area should be packing the heat. Their ID would be secret.

Give all teachers .357 jframes and a box of bullets. You literally point the gun and pull the trigger.

Give all teachers who want to carry, a $250 monthly bonus for doing so. If half the teachers sign up, Douglas High School woukd have had some 35 armed teachers inside the school.

There you go faggot. I just solved the problem.

This. Trained people with body armour. On campus at all times. Teachers with guns among students will lead to even more shootings.

>-Most teachers wouldn't be able to pull the trigger
So the ones that do will
>-Most teachers wouldn't bother going to the shooting range to practice due to their heavy workload and they'd miss if the situation ever occurred
That's what summer is for
>-If the teacher got shot and killed by the shooter thats just another gun and more ammo for the school shooter
That's actually a decent point, but that's why they shoot first

But another point is that if they're protecting students cops might mistake them

This is how stupid Americans are. Finland, Swiss, France, Leaf, Brit, Malaysia, etc... Whatever you do don't be this...please.

Kids and teens will find a way to take the gun away from you. An airhead somewhere will lose it or forget to lock it down. Giving angry teens access to guns is extremely dangerous.

I worked as a teacher for a while. Kids will fuck it up somehow. Guards may work. Armed teachers will fail. Maybe it can work in unies and such. With smaller children forget it.

Remember... No Russian

Yeah. I mean the only reason it doesn't happen now because muh gun free zones, right?

You know the fire extinguisher case: " in case of fire break glass"
Put some CQC guns and ammo in some heavily secured cases and label them "in case of shooting, break glass" in every classroom, hallway.
Have 1-5% of staff proficient with guns and drills and authorized them with keycard/finger print/whatever to take those guns out.
Have a different alarm system to be triggered if a shooting event... not the fire drill alarm.

So many criminals hate the police but you never see a shooting on a police station.
Cause they're NOT sitting ducks.

Nazis aren’t libtards you mongrel brainlet

Some basic firearms and tactics training will get rid of lefturds teachers. They are supposed to work in libraries NOT to "teach".

The real reason we shouldn't give teacher guns is because the teachers are likely mentally ill and might start shooting their students.

Obviously you've never been down south.

Maybe if it was mandatory to carry and train with a sidearm, the teaching profession wouldn't attract so many pussies incapable of living in the real world.

I mean, why shouldn't teachers be responsible for the safety of their students?

Israel schools have a strict policy of armed guards, mandatory firearm training for all teachers, and regular active shooter drills for the students. In the past 20 years they've only had two school shootings, each ended with a teacher or guard killing the attacker.

Military veterans should be given preference for those cushy teacher jobs. The schools should be run like boot camps, by people who were soldiers. Will improve Discipline among the students, remove the cancer of left wing educators, and entire institution armed and ready to repel attackers.

> "Teachers should have guns"
pic related

>what is a police officer/entrance security guard
I went to school in SC, and after a black kid accidentally shot himself in the leg, they installed metal detectors and would search bags. No one brought their guns to school after that.

What is the downside exactly?

we're not talking about gang bangers bringing in their pistols to act hard, we're talking about kids walking in with assault rifles and like 20 magazines on a day when they fucking snap

Weak bait.
Individual classrooms will have armed security guards, or general increase in hall security, and entrance security, before teachers have guns.

Schools will just become more like prison than they already are.

let teachers with concealed carry permits carry on campus.
the teachers who actually care (male and conservative) would take out a real school shooter in a second flat. when they send in the isreal death squads theyre kind of fucked regardless but multiple concealed carriers could defend themselves and others easily

Have you ever noticed how nearly all of these kids set their rifles up in the bathroom or something? They're not walking through an entrance with a rifle, and they DEFINITELY won't be walking towards armed police with it.

Holding a rifle doesn't make you impervious to 9mm.

I guarantee you there's a trigger happy cop somewhere that would LOVE to work a detail where he gets to gun down some kid like you describe. On the downtime, get to check out hot high school girls.

imagine a teacher in a classroom with the keys to lock the door, and they lock the door, with a gun, and they go crazy. wow, great fucking idea OP! whats with the sudden retardation thats filled Sup Forums???

My public high school had metal detectors and like 20 security guards.

I felt like I was in a cage within another cage at all times. I didn't even want to go out with my friends to buy pizza. I felt like the outside world would fuck me up.

Teachers wouldn't shoot a student that mowing down their other students? Doubtful.

Your logic about what "most teachers" would do is probably wrong. And you don't need every.single.teacher packing, a handful of teachers/admins at every school packing would suffice.

So now we're trying to prevent this epidemic of teachers shooting the students? What kind of drugs are you on?

>every teacher should have a gun in the classroom
i dont know how you could have possibly misconstrued my statement regarding the OP retard. every teacher right now does not own a gun in the classroom, and giving every teacher a gun in the classroom would inevitably lead to a teacher shooting a student that is unarmed

They do this in some black areas.

Kids can be fucking dumb and the teachers patience is not infinite. Giving teachers guns would be one way to weed out stupid from the gene pool, I guess.

No one misconstrued your statement, retard. You created an insane, off topic scenario in which you envisioned teachers locking up students in a classroom, then killing them all. REAL low IQ fantasy. We are not trying to prevent teachers from shooting students. We do not have any problems with teachers shooting students. Keep impressing us with that extra chromosome.....