Why are half breeds such horrible, hateful little people? Either they turn into self loathing, racist Sup Forumstards, or white hating leftists.
Why are half breeds such horrible, hateful little people? Either they turn into self loathing, racist Sup Forumstards...
he's white
>half breed
literally a pure bred white man in your pic, op
whiter than Varg Vikernes
La creatura! Dios mios!
Flaring your nostrils doesn't automatically make you black, but you can still qualify for nigger
They can’t identify with anybody. They’re hated by both white and black people alike, so they feel they need to prove themselves. Also, I’m pretty sure Shaun King is like 10% black if that.
He is whiter then Elvis
I think it's a generational thing. Also too much Malthus. Also too much Potemkin.
Two words: single mothers
Literally 75% of America's problems can be traced to them
Nigger is a mindset and way of life. It has nothing to do with race. It is just happens to be that most niggers are black.
Black/White mixes tend to be some of the craziest people known. Not violently crazy, just irrational and batshit.
Ugly people produce ugly people, but in mixing you have the chance of an offspring that gather all the desirable traits.
>Why are kikes self loathing hatwful people
Are you speaking from personal experience, OP?
Shawn king is MAYBE 1/8th black. Maybe. I like to give the benefit of the doubt. I'm pretty sure he's just a self hating white guy.
also you have the change to get all the undesirable traits... like all the diseases each race is prone too. but hey diversity is strength
that is no half breed. that is a white man
If that anti-White piece of shit wants to identify as a nigger, let him. He's a pariah now.
they have no sense of identity, they're forced to choose between 2 worlds, 2 cultures, 2scoops.
this frustrates them because the lefty media doesn't allow them to do so, now they have to be proud of being disgusting mutts
ugly manlets, brainwashed halfbreeds
They have no identity. They can't identify with neither race because neither race accepts them.
It's pretty standard forward tribalism. Those that stick out get shunned.
It should be obvious that most virtue-signal-beacons are in resentment for having light skin. It's completely pathological, through and through.
how would you feel if you'd almost make it
Is this some sort of covert way of saying civic nationalism is the way?
according to Sup Forums
>finns are mongolians, not white
>anglos are honorary jews and not europeans, not white
>americans are 56% nonwhite mutts
>germans are aryan nonwhites who deserve to be firebombed
>argentinians are niggers
>shaun king is definitely 100% white
This thing is less white than britany venti.
he’s white. he just shaves his hairline like a black guy and flares his nostrils.