So what was the message here? He was correct and the terrible human society stays the same in the end.
Shinsekai yori
Other urls found in this thread:
Ugly people don't deserve to live.
the winners are in the right every time
"Don't trust in the justness of your cause to strengthen you."
The message was that everyone sort of had a point, even if many of them did terrible things.
Winners are right, there's your lesson.
Any system is going to eventually fall. Just look at America. it is repeating the same mistakes that the Roman Republic did and we all know how that ended up.
But you know what hasn't been tried? National Socialism.
what did he do wrong exactly? fuck the humans
But he is the human.
A race that has to use their own oppressors against them has no right to win. They only got lucky to come so far because the humans had nobody that would just sacrifice himself to kill their stolen child.
Message is that wrong side won the war.
>Roman Republic did and we all know how that ended up
With 1500 years of imperial rule?
I somehow doubt America will survive even the next 100 years.
>humans had nobody that would just sacrifice himself to kill their stolen child
I don't think it's as easy as just killing the child with their powers then dying, there's something both physically and mentally making them incapable of doing it. That's why they had that arduous journey to find the weapon.
Just saying that's what happened after the fall of the Roman Republic.
History is written by the victor
Might makes right
>People actually are on the side of this inhuman beast
You guys are the worst. You would literally betray your own race if say monkeys started to complain that they should have the same rights as humans.
What if it isn't another shonen and therefore doesn't have a final message?
If the ancestors of the monkeys were humans whose only fault was that they happened to be born without mind-powers that turn a significant subsection of the population into homicidal sociopaths unless properly indoctrinated. And they are only monkeys today because those ancestors were genetically modified almost certainly against their will into monkeys.
Then the monkeys have a fucking point
He killed Maria, fucker deserved it.
Espers that kill their children and brainwash them, fuck like animals they are and pollute environment with their psychic power and even mutate other non-psychic humans into beasts so they can kill them and rule over them are not my race.
Also those beasts are more human then those that look like humans.
It's siding with real humans against the oppression of filthy out of control psykers who destroyed civilization.
>Missing the point this hard
Squealer literally was human, user. You're the race traitor by not siding with him.
PKer isn't human
The PK humans are the most evolved sentient race on the planet so they get to rule.
did you even read the novel
>Has years to prepare
>Relies on a single human child to win a war
>Get's tricked by teens into loosing his only means of winning
Squealer deserved to loose.
more like mutated sub-humans. PKers deserve death, Kiroumaru should've left them to die.
they were like 26
their main power is unreliable as it depends on their subconscious which made them stop technological progress
who knows what real humans could have invented in all those years
National socialism had been tried. What do you think "Nazi" stands for.
He sacrifice his own people, enslave many other tribes that just want to live in peace and want nothing to do with his "ideal". Also betray and kill a group of kids who literally save his life when he was powerless.
Even if he win he will become just another tyrant waiting to be overthrown and restart the cycle, no difference than a human emperor dude at the very first episode.
This is literally the result of Squealer's glorious campaign. Had they follow Kimimaru's more subtle approach none of this would happened.
>it is repeating the same mistakes that the Roman Republic did
Please do not speak of things which you know nothing about.
The message was that being gay gets you killed, while being straight gives you a loving family.
Maria died because she decide to stop being gay and decide to let a fag impregnated her though.
>So what was the message here?
The Japs are absolute conformist cucks.
Every time they make a story about a revolution in a horrible dystopia they chose to preserve the system.
Collectivist mentality and conformism are the only things that are wrong with Asians.
Which may be the reason they dont own the world yet.
It did work. It didn't collapse on itself like Socialism and Capitalism does. The Nazi's fell the bad guys.
The fuck does a Love Live girl have to do with your post?
>Every time they make a story about a revolution in a horrible dystopia they chose to preserve the system.
t. somebody who never watched Code Geass
Kiromaru literally killed queerats ace and caused this.
He is just a cuck that doomed his race just because he didnt like one guy.
His people didn't mind being scarified and they considered it all for the greater good, they were fighting for their freedom and considered it a worthy sacrifice.
>enslave many other tribes that just want to live in peace and want nothing to do with his "ideal"
The other tribes joined him though but Kiroumaru's tribe he slaughtered.
The guy enslaved his town and lobotomized his queen.
Squaler was a huge cunt to his people when they didn't agree with his ambitions.
That a shit show remains shit to the end.
You know it was mentioned he was threating a ton of tribes by keeping their queens hostage, right?
That's what you get for globalism spreading over the world. Revolution = bad because either they're retarded enough to think they can some how fix corruption from within(Looking at you America and every western nation taken over by kikes and sandniggers) or they're cowards in which case Darwinism should have taken of that but since modern society believes it is above nature that they're too enlighten that they need to keep the trash of society and humans around to virtue signal.
>mc's being teens when fighting against squealer
>the 'real' humans being the espers
so easy to find the brainlets in this thread who didn't pay attention to the damn show
sure let's do it. worked out great for germany... oh wait.
>being straight gives you a loving family
worked out great for mamoru and maria. had a great loving family with a psychotic WMD for a kid. good lesson.
>being gay gets you killed
both saki & satoru were in same sex relationships. it's heavily hinted at that satoru would've preferred to stay with shun had he not broken up with him and died.
He didn't enslave them, it's a democracy and he's the leader.
>lobotomized his queen
She was a tyrannical and mentally insane menace who literally tried to kill him. She deserved it.
>it's a democracy and he's the leader.
I'm sure forcefully annexing countries by extortion and war then forcing them to accept you are the leader isn't a democracy.
And we don't even know how the rest of the queens were.
>slowly killing themselves and their environment with their uncontrol power
>got wiped out easily with only one akuma
>literally bonobo society
>most evolved sentient race
If only the docter was there
bye now have fun back in the containment daycare for mental toddlers
Ah, but pure, straight love survived. The two characters that were previously gay, only had a happy life after they got in a straight relationship. Maria and Mamoru would've had the same, but alas, Mamoru was marked to die when he was single and Maria was gay. Had they been straight all along, everything would've turned out perfectly. It was just too late for them.
This, I can sympathize with the guy and I can forgive anything he did to help his cause but fuck you for killing best girl, you reap what you sow.
Yes, Sup Forums should stay perfectly politically correct.
If Doctor was there he would look at their fucked up willage and go arm the queerats with Sarin agent.
satoru and saki were together because they were literally the final two main characters alive at the end. great moral there. same thing would've happened if it was shun and satoru or maria and saki. satoru and saki didn't even like each other most the time untilt hey were in their 30's
>Mamoru was the only straight character all the way through his end
Really makes you think.
>tfw bonobo society would have gotten me laid as a teenager
PK society stronk
What in the fuck are you talking about retard, Satoru was in love with Saki when they were kids and she sucked his dick when they were like 12.
stop confusing pedo doujinshi with the anime
I'm pretty sure you will be the first get feed to the cat
What? She only really fell in love with him when they were adults. She was in love with the other dude and the girl.
>be third choice
>while she's your second
>still end up fucking the longest
Almost sucked his dick.
She backed down at the last moment because "must not give into animalistic instinct of making pure, sweet love".
>30% chance of not developing powers and disappearing
>50% chance of getting eaten by mutant cat
What the point of this shitty society?
>Pure sweet love
>Sucking a 12 year olds dick while being in prison
well she did later get the D
>>be third choice
Actually, Satoru's dick was the first dick she touched, and Satoru was the first one to finger her. She also had her first time with Satoru, with penetration and all, as far as we know. So is he really the third choice?
Keep PK alive and most users not insane
It was pretty good at that really, its just that its garbage for actually advancing society in anyway since everything is set in permanent status quo
>Once again I caressed his most sensitive part. This time, I could see its size and shape much more clearly through the thin material of his boxers. I thought it was interesting that it looked almost alive, reacting to my touch like a little pet.
As far as Saki's feelings are concerned, she was Maria>Shun>Satoru and as far as Satyoru was concerned it was Shun>>>>Saki.
Then they died/left and they grew up together, but that's still true.
>It was pretty good at that
One akuma or oni and everything turn to dust.
Yeah. I don't know why the scientists don't just kill all the PKer and let's civilization moves on
>Satoru was the first one to finger her.
Where was this implied? Maria and her already did everything two females could do.
He didnt sacrifice anyone. He even bring this up when he was imprisoned. His soldiers all willingly laid down their lives because they were sick of being treated like shit
>praise jannies
>get deleted
based jannies
this. and saki was satoru's 2nd choice at best, seeing how infatuated he was with shun and how hard he took the breakup.
Still hurts man. I feel like they actually loved each other despite the whole bonobo shit.
its an allegory for all the raping and torture and grotesque things done in the name of science by the japanese in world war II to people they deemed inferior despite being fellow humans. you can figure the rest out from there
Why didn't they just inject some poison into the fiend like someone else did the first time?
The scientists were PKers, no one wants the plan to save society to have "We kill ourselves" as a step.
And maybe they thought turning the Normals into Queerats was "more humane" than genocide since both sides technically got to live. Its still stupid and abhorrent since most people would probably chose death over being stripped of their humanity and freedom like that. But hey, maybe surviving multiple apocalypses caused my crazy dudes with MIND BULLETS fucks up your long term plan assessment
Because the first time he willingly came to a doctor and did not know that he was about to be killed. Marias kid just killed everything human that she saw.
there are others that would also find this amusing
mutants and Slaanesh cultists lite
>float a poison syringe into her arm
surely this is easily than going on some epic quest and acquiring some super specific weapon that has to be thrown and only works once.
During their prison scene. He slips his hand in her pants.
>>float a poison syringe into her arm
Death feedback will stop you from doing that. It's a lot easier to stave off the feedback long enough to physically inject the fiend than to use Cantus to do so, latter will trigger death feedback instantly and your Cantus will stop working long before the needle reaches her.
Better plan would have been to attempt to ambush her with said needle. Cantus users are still limited to human senses and human reaction times, if she's otherwise busy you could probably get close.
One example was the small colony that help Mamoru. Squealer went with his army and harassed them, eventually conquered them. In queerat's culture they kill all the adult of enemies' colony and took the infants to raise them as slave. The one dying queerat that proclaim how they sacrifice their life for Squealer's goal look identical to the one from that colony. It is pretty much obvious that he is a slave that was raised and brainwashed since the beginning of his life, same with the red hair boy. While I agree that some of them (one from his own colony) did believe in the cause, most of them are forced into it/ brainwashed.
The Doctor literally would have fixed everything. Killing the Espers is the only right choice.
they killed one fiend with debris while tearing building apart to build barricades
next time when others tried it again they couldnt tear buildings apart cause of attack inhibition cause subconsciousness knew they were trying to kill another human bean
Anyone know how well the manga adapts the LN?
I dont mind fanservice as long as it gives me more of the original plot. A bit of fanservice here there wouldn't ruin the experience.
A righteous cause is not a guaranteed victory, and sometimes the system is too big and fucked to be uprooted or done away with.
The biggest changes are the small ones given time to blossom.
That said, fuck that, Squealer was absolutely in the right and as far as I'm concerned those psionic fuckers lost the right to call themselves human the moment they genocided the non-psionics and warped them into pets/workers for them. This is the only series where I genuinely wish humanity just died off, and that's coming from a HUMANITY FUCK YEAH guy.
Squeeler wasn't in the right.
He responded to subjugation with extermination, thus losing the moral high ground.
he was no more right than human society.
The laughter during his trial proved there was no other choice. Diplomacy would have, at best, ended with just them laughing him out of the room, at worst them killing him for even suggesting that shit. They were never to take queer rats seriously, and were willing to genocide them completely for what he did. That's how little they valued them in general.
It was all or nothing, and he lost. That's all.
>He responded to subjugation with extermination, thus losing the moral high ground
Name a single other alternative.
This The current gov never give a fuck about rats, at best they consider rats their play toys. It's either going all out or being a toy forever.
Agian, PKer isn't human.
The real point of the story was to show how heinous you can become when you tell yourself it's OK to do whatever you want to them, they aren't human.
Humanity as we knew it killed itself and new humanity was completely on a 100% self-destructive route until the scientists amongst them realized something had to be done before some lunatic with psionics killed them all. That's why they came up with the feedback system.
Its a novel not a LN
> A bit of fanservice here there wouldn't ruin the experience.
They literally fuck on page.