What does it say about society when boiling live lobster is illegal while abortion is legal?
What does it say about society when boiling live lobster is illegal while abortion is legal?
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Humans < Animals
This is one of the base tenants of belief for all the (((ruling elites)))
I thought crustaceans couldn't feel pain or something.
No idea but switzerland is 100000000x better than murica
humans were a mistake
Also, fuck hacker news for immediately censoring me when I politely pointed out this contradiction.
>boiling live lobster
submerging crustaceans into hot water kills the animal instantly - it ceases being alive to boil, making this statement an oxymoronic impossibility
No, the robots we create that will eventually enslave/exterminate us are the mistake.
How long could a human be in boiling water before he died?
we are our robots tbqh. before we had pointy stick we were just advanced chimps
You better get yourself ready for Mind Uploading then so you can be the one exterminating.
considerably longer, as this experiment has unfortunately been conducted by sadists for at least 3000 years
Unit 731 probably has the answer
No, the machines in the OP's clip are robots. They are far more uncaring and efficient than we could ever be.
So is eating lobster illegal in Switzerland now?
Their loss
>upload your mind
>your robot self laughs at you and dismembers you limb from limb
>a psychotic robot copy of yourself exists instead
abortion can be legal if you personally take care of every unwanted little shit
The Japs and the Nazis did some horrible shit in medical experiments (inb4 lol what Holocaust), but the rest of the world was more than ready to jump on the information they learned, and use it for themselves. I think the Japs did more heinous shit regardless of what could be learned for science, just because they're soulless gooks.
>What does it say about society when boiling live lobster is illegal while abortion is legal?
The lobster does not need to suffer for us to eat it. Neither does society need to suffer the curse of unwanted children.
>Not becoming a techpriest
It's like you want be beta.
So are we the Strogg?
Humans adapt much better the sudden changes in temperature. A hot shower could kill your average crustacean, hell the condensation coming off would.
for what purpose?
So I assume Switzerland mandates that the fetus be anesthetized. Surely they don't prioritize the welfare of lobster over that of fetuses.
It says pass the drawn butter
it dies instantly when it hits the water faggot, same as a knife though the carapace
>implying our robot overlords will have any need for human technicians
Even the priests of Mars simply wish to be machines, and they'll never be as effective as machines. Filthy fucking C'Tan worshiping heretics.
>for what purpose?
Efficiency and profit. The drivers of innovation. Well, besides violence.
Good. More fresh lobster for me.
>Kill children to prevent society from being filled with horrible people...
Really activates the neural processor.
Very quick and clean death. Crabby probably didn't feel much.
Sliced and diced by a cold fucking machine. At least with man, you feel some kind of beconnection, even if you're nothing but substinance to them.
Seriously this is why I am so pessimistic about humanity. I honestly don't know if I really give a shit anymore. We are all sadists. Look at us.
Does killing them before boiling alter the taste?
Maine Lobster is overrated.
>At least with man, you feel some kind of connection
Is this a joke? Crabs and lobsters aren't going to feel a "connection" to anything.
Hitler was planning to outlaw cooking/boiling live shellfish.
Why is abortion OK but drinking or smoking while pregnant is wrong?
Babies have rights and simultaneously don't have rights?
Work has set them free.
Did they make it illegal to buy live lobsters? If not, how can they possibly hope to enforce such a law?
Would it be better if we burned the information they learned. A lot of that shit is useful for medicine and saving lives. I think we learned a shit ton about frostbite from those experiments, for example. Would it be unethical to utilize that information simply because of how it was obtained?
Only the ranks of the Cybernetica are so zealous, true AI is considered Heresy by the order. Malignant AI from the Dark Age of Technology can be as dangerous as any Daemon Prince.
90% of people who get the positive test for Down's syndrome terminate the pregnancy. Poor people, the mentally ill and those with substance abuse problems get abortions more than wealthier people.
No baby which gets aborted would make society better. It is for the best that they never get born.
>Why is abortion OK
Unwanted babies are bad for society. It is for the greater good that they never get born.
Pretty sure the crabs are already dead before they get sawed into pieces.
>No baby which gets aborted would make society better.
I'm actually pro-abortion but let's not pretend that there isn't a lengthy queue of hopeful adoptive parents.
>Only the ranks of the Cybernetica are so zealous
Than why do they modify themselves to be so mechanical? It's one thing to replace a limb lost in war or an accident, but another thing entirely to voluntarily do this. I find fault with the Iron Hands as well for their insane bullshit.
Gordon Ramsay does it best
this, I'm pro mandatory abortion, anti elective abortion
disabilities of any kind should be either you abort or you forgo any gibs for the rest of your, and your childs life. Nothing at all, not even jobseekers, or anything like it.
by choosing to have that child you're showing contempt not only for the state but your fellow man, and it on your back to raise that child using your own means.
Gibs should be for the disabled (later in life, industrial accident, degenerative syndromes etc) and to get people back into work, not for keeping a vegetable on life support for 30+ years
Zombiejesus420 aka Jeff Sessions failed as a Lobster.
It's best if utilitarian sociopaths who believe soft genocide not only works, but is okay shouldn't be born. If your society falls in line with such thinking, they are already doomed and dead. Rhyme and reason make shitty parents.
I was sitting on the toilet constipated until I read this. Made my stomach churn in outrage for a moment then *plop* *braap* *plop* relief.
Thanks switzerland
the name alone made me laugh
Somewhere, somehow, he is happy.
You sure? I think they need to be alive as long as possible so they stay fresh as long as possible after this process
No, boiling lobsters at full conciousness is. Its also illegal to let fish suffocate. Cut their nervous system clean off and you can still boil them.
The ones lying on the conveyor belt don't appear to be moving at all. They're either dead or at least stunned/unconscious.
They could have been killed like 30 seconds before being fed into that machine for all we know, so freshness isn't an issue.
Who fucking cares, they're crabs. They're just larger bugs
Oh. I actually support this then.
>Would it be unethical to utilize that information simply because of how it was obtained?
But their nervous system is distributed throughout their body in the form of ganglia, they don't have one specific brain like we do. Cutting off the head would just paralyse it not stop it from "feeling pain".