Princess Principal

Why didn't the spell work?

Other urls found in this thread:

Magic doesn't exist

Threadly reminder that Chise killed her father for stupid reasons.

But it worked on that boy.

She's gonna carry that owie though.

It was merely her tricking the boy through repetition. Your move

Threadly reminder that she was justified..

Threadly reminder brainlets wouldn't understand Chise's complex motive.

Because the original caster needs to be alive for it to work.

THIS!! Owie, owie, fly away? More like brainlet, brainlet, fuck off!


Killing enemy soldier especially if he is traitor is no-brainer.

Dosent matter if he is your family

Why is ep 5 so good? A badass ninja killing her traitorous father for the greater good.

Chise's motive isn't complex. It's straightforward and justified.

>Why is ep 5 so good?
The animation. That's literally all.

The OP is too good.

Chise, Dorothy and Beato will have to run to the white house on Casablanca when Ange and Princess are doing their thing and they will discover that there's only one bed.

Best buddies

Okay, I laughed.

Not just that, man. Chise makes everything good.


We need more dork Ange, please Princesu bully her more

No mana left after battle

top bantz

Princess who?

Maybe Princess doesn't let Ange fuck her because Ange is such a beta faggot around her.

It's not like she doesn't want to fuck her, she just has a headache

That's the way they like, she just need to make it legal first.

It only works while the one who teaches you is still alive.

>the animation
Rotoscope was terrible.

Don't bully the cheese

Chise is a cute little midget.

I've heard it is just the animator's style not rotoscoped. You can still call it unnatural but I like how it stands out.

It was animated, look up ebata walk.

Why is there a mushroom on her head?

I want a wallpaper of Ange with her mask on but without the top hat. I remember seeing a few moments like this in the anime but I quickly skimmed though the episodes and couldn't find them. Did my memory failed me and she always had a hat on with the mask?

Charlotte's face is so perfectly punchable.

On the airship in ep 3 outside.

Which one?


Oh, that's right, thanks.
But weren't there more?

They pretty much have the same face.

Duke of Normandy pls

Tell me about ange, why does she wear the mask?

It seemed really pointless to me. It's like animating a puppet on paper. Strange taste

Between this and episode 3 we probably have enough relevant scenes to make a plane scene reenactment, don't we? Someone should let Sup Forums know.

>Someone should let Sup Forums know.

For memes.

>crossboarder cancer
No thanks.

Varient of traditional japanese helmet


Because that's all fake Nip shit
They're in Anglican territory now

You have to duel Chise.

What is your weapon of choice to combat her?

And no, you can't use your dick

First Beatrice, now Chise

I use Beato.

You wouldn't a midget full of muscles, right?

Aside from the CLANG, I can't really think of a swordfight this well done in recent memory and the best comparison I can come up with is Sword of The Stranger, which should be a great honor. I'm hyped about what the show will deliver next.

It worked on the kid at the train station though.

Head pats


Jesus Christ, Ange.


Heretics will burn

Now I hope that in the final episodes we get a similar well-animated. long fight scene, but with Ange having an Equilibrium-likeshoot out. But with who?

The brown spy chick, of course.

I like Yuri but I don't like seeing cute girls die. Should I avoid this?

>But with who?
Dozens of Beatos

So far not ONE cute girl has died, user!

The rest of the team

What about the hat though.

>Ange having an Equilibrium-likeshoot
And they say Dorothy is the shooting ace. They really have to step up their game with her if they want us to believe their bullshit. Right now Ange's looking to be the better shot, by far.

Lesbians generally stay alive the past few years.

What about not so cute girls?


No girls died.

When they said Dorothy is the shooting ace? I thought her specialty was driving.


When will punished beako show up?

The same profile that says her speciality is driving also says her other speciality is shooting. Sadly, we only got to see the driving side while the shooting part has been a disappointment.

In fact, I'm not sure how they would go about portraying this now since Ange has already taken the shooting ace spot.

Next episode is focused on Dorothy so we'll see her skills soon.

Wasn't it sniping? Wasn't she the one that shot the bird in the first episode? Because Ange only shoots at close distance. But yeah, the series really needs to show her dropping some bullets.

>we'll see her skills soon
Hopefully. I don't trust the hack writing this thing though.


Where? She looks like a twig more than anything.

>You wouldn't

Of course I would.

Do we know that or it's just people assuming it?

The preview had something about Dorothy and Beato infiltrating a morgue and Dorothy meeting with her father who works for the Duke of Normandy.

>its an user shitposts his retarded opinions while ignoring counter arguments while calling people brainlets

>But with who?
Cyborg Duke of Normandy.

We know it's about her meeting her father. Not sure about showing off her skills. Showing off her boobs sounds more believable.

What's with Okouchi writing Japanese people as idiots compared to anglo saxons? First Code Geass now this

Where is the preview? Also do we know what case number is this?


>p-princess what are you doing?

>Showing off her boobs sounds more believable
Yeah, imagine

>"haven't I grown as a woman?"
>"by the way I hang out with school girls, a slant-eye and a robot"

Why's she working on her gun on the bed of all places? Is this a metaphor?

We really need some scenes with Princess and Ange being cute together.

>アバンチュール : アバンチュール; アヴァンチュール (n) amorous adventure (fre: aventure); love affair; ED

Don't know, some user posted it a few threads ago, though it's only text. It's case 18.

Oh she'll be showing him her skills alright.

Big text:
>The love affair of just the two of us
Wew lads

>seductively approaching her from behind and removing her eyeglasses
What did the princess mean by this?