What a monster.
What a monster
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>we dont want trump come vist!!1!
>grr why trymp no come visit?1!?!?1!?2?
eat shit faggot
Your entire country got punked by thirteen Russians.
Oh, obama was there at the hoax to play along? What a surprise.
Maybe because the president was in on sandy hook? Have you seen the video of the father laughing before going on camera and then immediately putting on a sad face for the camera?
That there was no phone calls or internet to and from the school for the year of the shooting? The school was closed because it got flooded. For those who think that I'm some conspiracy theorist, then watch that video "sandy hook father".
The government has an agenda, whoever controls the guns controls the people. Glorified shootings cause more copycat crimes. The government could stop the news from shouting a school shooting.
The FBI knew about this kid in Florida, and local authorities received 20 calls and did nothing. Its like they didn't care and wanted it to happen.
We have a government who was caught running guns to cartels in mexico, also arming Isis! The government doesn't care about its people. And what better way to disarm people than to pull on heart strings?
We have a lot of bullshit lying news who hype lying to the public for ratings and fear. We have Christians like jerry bakker who sell buckets of nonperishables and say the world will end in hours so buy the buckets!
U.S.A. has a bunch of democrats trying to rape peoples wallets and say a 1000 dollars is crumbs to people who are barely living paycheck to paycheck! We have the left who are pushing men into little girls pool shower rooms and bathrooms! We have kids that are born retarded and can not even think that would be better off aborted but the left says "they are people".
We have kids who bully people 24/7 and social media and the news plus the government keeping racism alive and well as best they can. The few woke black people who are successful are shunned by those people too.
In spite of all of this..I am so happy to not live in Sweden which the libs destroyed by letting migrants in! Same for Paris, Italy too! We can eventually fix our shit if the government stops the news from glorifying shootings. The news,social media, and the dems in the government promoting racism. Obama not inviting black lives matter and he shouldn't of blamed cops!
We have a problem, its the libtards and the Democrats and the Jew run media engine. We have a huge problem with black people in thug areas. The government introducing welfare to push black fathers out of the home. Obama letting Hezbollah off the hook and allowing cocaine to fill the streets. We even had black lives matter stop the police from going into the black neighborhood and crime went up and they begged them to come back! Its fucked up
I remember that. Obama was a pussy. Leaders show empathy not weakness
He's here in Florida right this second. What the fuck is this whore talking about?
Trump met with veterans and goldstar families in private but didn't bring the news to do close-ups on his face while he's crying at each visit.
He even cancelled the Penn rally to come here. I guess if he doesn't drag them out in front of a camera to cry about gun control, it doesn't count.