Major health problems for 7 years. Spent all my savings and scholarship for surgeries, drugs and shit. Still, docs don't know what causes the problem. Had to drop out from uni. I'm not terminally ill but in pain 24/7 so just gonna live like a broke peasant. OCD and toxic home don't help. Suicide is an option. Give me a reason anons
Major health problems for 7 years. Spent all my savings and scholarship for surgeries, drugs and shit. Still...
>throw all your ID into a ziplock bag
>hide in toilet tank
>apply brownface
>walk into ER
>demand surgery for free
What kind of pain is it?
Can you walk? can you go around in public? why not just do a bunch of drugs? that temporary pain relief might be enough to last you through until the next day. Maybe you'll have a revelation of sorts, idk. Your situation sounds hopeless but if I was you I'd just do every drug imaginable.
throat, head and overall weakness
I can walk and speak to people but im tired after a short walk or conversation. Pain reliefs don't work anymore and now cause damage to my liver. Trust me, I tried every possible drug
>tfw Doctor, Psych in training
Other than your memeflag, whatcha got?
Do you mind elaborating on the pain?
Feeling, pain location, effects of the pain?
I’m a practicing m.d
if you opt out, please cause a happening. don't be a fag
Apologies didn’t see above, hows you house?Would mold exposure or fungus be in the realm of possibility?
I once had a patient that was getting poisoned by spiders for 5 and a half years straight.
>OCD and toxic home don't help. Suicide is an option. Give me a reason anons
So all the doctors couldn't find a physical problem. Given you mention suregery's shall I assume it's back pain?
You may have psychosomatic pain. This does NOT mean it's all in your head. However, it means you may have created the ailment in your body. We study Dr.John Sarno here, and he wrote a fabulous book called the "The Mind Body connection" and a few others. I think you might find some relief.
The problem is for most people psychosomatic pain can be temporary. But someone with OCD this can ruin their lives as they lazer focus on X pain, which is causing Y to their lives.
May I ask, when you drunk, I mean fucking drunk, is the pain still there?
>throat, head and overall weakness
Have you seen a Neurologist? What surgery's were done? TMj?
Before you do, do one last thing for the glory of a fair and just cause.
It's left-sided throat pain while inhaling,swallowing or talking + head, sinus pain + chills on my back. Everything feels to be stronger during phys activities or stress.
Instead of us asking a million questions and you replying to each one only very narrowly
Why don't you give us a big, comprehensive writeup.
I'm sure a couple of actual doctors browse Sup Forums, and there are plenty of others with personal insights into illnesses from experience.
Almost everyone here will genuinely want to help. Including me, despite the fact that I otherwise hate the rest of you neocon drumpfshits and enjoy derailing your circlejerk threads.
I'm suffering from 4 conditions at the same time myself, I can sympathise greatly.
Have you tried marijuana?
what country
tell me your lab results.
>Major health problems for 7 years.
describe please.
Are you a smoker?
I don't really drink, was drunk maybe 2 times in my life. After a few beers I feel generally better but not for long.
>I'm suffering from 4 conditions at the same time myself, I can sympathise greatly.
Brit bong is right. I sympathise as I had an allergic reaction to a antibiotic and still have quite bad muscle weakness and neuropathy in my legs. But we move forwar.d
Fluoroquinolone, I'm willing to bet?
How is your physique?
Are your muscles atrophied? As user said above some with OCD focus pain and uncomfort and assume its apart of the problem.
Do you have any rashes, bumps, pricks on your skin?
Check the back of your neck, under your armpits etc.
You're Jewish
Lol oh God. Where in Canada?
>degenerate loser communist
>suffering from 4 conditions at the same time
You have an autoimmune disorder, most likely SLE. The throat pain is caused by histamine in your body skyrocketing, the pervasive headaches are likely caused by a low grade fever due to inflammation, and the weakness/tiredness is also a common symptom of SLE. You can send this into remission, but it would take major, radical changes in lifestyle.
I was thinking this myself
OP, have you taken 'flox' antibiotics in the past?
Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin?
Perhaps prescribed for some minor infection like a respiratory or urinary problem?
Stop eating sugar and carbs. Veggies ok, cut out everything that isn't meat or a literal fruit or vegetable though.
>not wanting another bullshit war = communism
You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums
I know this will sound hurtful, but generally if pain goes away when drunk there is a good chance it's psychosomatic, that is brought upon by yourself. This is very common, but very serious. Think about the people who dies from stress, that is another form.
I would really encourage you to consider reading Dr.John Sarno, and the TMSwiki community.
Combine with your OCD, one initial incident, plus some internal behaviours (perfectionism etc..) can lead to the body creating this constant pain.
I really encourage you, before killing yourself to at least work through one of those book, and one of those courses (free!) on the TMS wiki.
Additionally, a patient showed me a story from an american writer Dale Carnegie, and his book "how to stop worrying and start living", about a man so sure he was dying after 5 years in the hospital. He said fuck it, went on a cruise with what money he had, escaped people dragging him down, and low and behold a new man.
Shut the fuck up kid, I've several conditions myself. Being around all these kiked-out chemicals fucks you up.
t. not a Jew, been tested, ya nigger
>not wanting a war on communism
Yes, Cipro. I'm resigned that I'll never fully recover, but I'm luckier than most. I am still able to work, and my hospital was very understanding. Just unlucky.
I meant for the OP though
Seems obvious for Spainbro here
I am in the same exact boat as you. Back injury 8 years ago and it took literally 2 and a half years to get an mri to see what was the problem.
Then I got IBS -constipation after the injury and I have had that for 8 years. I went from 175 lbs and now weigh currently 120 lbs. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to find a solution.
I have had my revolver in my mouth 2 times and have hesitation marked my arm up a few times.
The worst part is i lost my social life completely, turned to the internet and its just been one drip feed of consuming bad news... from glp to ats to here. its weird to see how people will react to certain news storys, you can pretty much predict their reaction very well after watching so long.
But I am tired of it all, tired of spending all me weekends at home, tired of coming home from work and being all alone, tired of seeing the same news cycles and people having good lifes when they dont deserve them. Tired of seeing the proud boast about how they achieved this or that. Tired of people being selfish and arrogant. Tired of waiting for the world to change.
I want out so badly, i just stall when it comes to jump. I rather have your health problems op... I miss eating, miss not having anxiety, miss not seeing the world thru this eyes.
If you dont have your health, you got very little in life.
The universe is entirely indifferent to your self pity.
Again, I don't want to be insulting, but IBS and Back pain are the two most common Psychosomatic conditions.
Has you seen a psychiatrist after they've not been able to find a medical issue?
>OCD and toxic home don't help.
OCD is fake. It's a warning signal your brain is screaming for you to do something about your life. Just do whatever makes you OCD until it no longer does. That's the modern treatement actually.
Also GTFO of your parents house. That's a good start to having more purpose.
The Universe mabye not, but we here are.
No need for all that Britbong, this isn't Sup Forums
>nazi flag
>I've several conditions myself
sounds like you have the fibromyalgia or the multiple sclerosis.
Might have a hormone problem.
You has the weak constitution. Eat more meat, try to work out.
>The universe is entirely indifferent to your self pity.
Don't speak for the whole Universe you micro-kike.
Fuck off Ahmed.
Jesus Christ...
google ketamine + chronic pain
there is hope.
Look at Goebbels, you think he didn't have problems?
So tired of you faggot 17 year olds on Sup Forums who have no idea what NS even is lol
user. I know this may seem a little are fetched. Try an elimination diet. It’s called Paleo AIP. AIP stand for Autoimmune Protocol. Modern Dr. do not know much about autoimmune (not their fault either) but only to treat them with immune suppressors. There are no real “cures” for any auto immune disorders. You can only put them in remission. For example I have an autoimmune disorder called Hidradenitis suppurativa. There is no cure. Drs. Go to great lengths to cure it by surgeries and immune suppression drugs. But all I did was follow a paleo AIP diet and put it into remission. It also has put in remission, thyroiditis, Hashimotos disease, Multiple Sclerosis and may other ailments that are not really immune related. It’s better than killing your self I ca say for sure.
The patient in question lived in terribly unsanitary conditions, I would say near hoarder level.
At the time I was in London ontario, he had sores and acne from his living condition, it made it tough to identify the causation, but it was found that he had a couple nests of tropical yellow sac spiders in his vents.
its for real... i blew out my l4l5 and i have the mri hanging on my wall.
The sacral nerves that control your shit and piss all come out the bottom part of the spine.
I also have spinal stenosis now.
you will not be enjoying a wc victory this summer for your arrogance.
All you had to do was eat well.
High fat low carb.
But nooooooooooooooooo just had to follow the heard and naively believe social institutions would wants the best for you.
I only hope you didn't reproduce you genetic waste.
Your life sounds like shit and you are headed for death. Might as well take a risk. Move somewhere new, survive off a low-paying retail job, see if your outlook changes. Can't be any worse than your situation now.
>also, God
Exact same situation, only I don't have a gun and it's driving me crazy.
>So tired of you faggot 17 year olds on Sup Forums who have no idea what NS even is lol
This is definetly something you should try.
I myself greatly reduce my neuropathy by avoiding dairy and gluten. I thought it was bullshit but if you search "nih gluten neurological" you see countless entries.
All I know is stay the fuck away from anti-TNB agents like Humira. My (((doctor))) keeps trying to push it on me and I tell him to fuck off.
That's like paving a highway straight to cancer.
Nazi retard
Are you fat, OP?
why do you have to be such a cunt to him? Why do you poorly represent the american flag by acting like a 15 year old edge lord.
People on this site are not well adjusted people, it doesnt give u a excuse to act like a fuck
tonsillectomy, septoplasty 3 of 4 wisdom teeth removed. Drugs from the neurologist didn't help
I dont and didnt smoke
I'm physically strong, 11/12% body fat. I've got rashes on my upper back
I'd say Goebbels was the least retarded out of all of them.
yup mine wasnt that bad but i had no insurance from my work when i was 20 got in a few things owe a fuckload of medical bills.
Lmao what the fuck? How were they being poisoned? Where they biting them in their sleep or something?
> for your arrogance.
Didn't mean it that way Ameribro, honestly.
You didn't specifiy something specific had occured. Sadly, IBS is a catchall term in medicine for multiple possibilities, just like "adhd" is a made up term for about 100 things.
The majority of "ibs" is psychological. What you are desrcibing now is more autoneurological problems, for which you have my empathy.
I would definitely say to try the TMSwiki, or a program like it. You can't go back to the person you were, only be the person you are now. You might not like that person, but there is only one of you, you are unique, and can go on.
They're a bunch of faggots dude, so many people on Sup Forums are weak beta incels that use the site's anonymity to do this type of bitch made shit.
do you get very tired when you do eat? no matter what you eat?
Now whenver i eat, typically after 5 pm... i get very tired, eyes get sleepy, sometimes my limbs get pins and needles.
Wow. That's a lot. And had they actually noted anything, or was this simply to "remove" a pain?
I'm keto myself
There are many many thing that can go wrong in the body that have nothing to do with diet
Stop being a narrow minded cunt
>Suicide is an option
Yes, it is. That's why you can keep on living.
I'm just making an observation that radicals are nearly always socially retarded.
every morning... if i want to shit. I have to drink a big cup of hot tea after drinking 2 tall glasses of water. And then i have to have a cig... and then i can go to bathroom.
every morning of the past 8 years... failure to do this means I cant go. Its very fucking real.
When i wake up, it feels like i have rocks in my guts.
Might I ask, do you happen to have any neurological pain (parathesisa, neuropathy etc..?)
I'd be interested to know if the Keto helped, it's one of the few things I've not tried.
"In your blood, I said to you: Live!"
I would assume so, the yellow sac has a pretty potent bite and like I said his living conditions were disgusting.
I honestly still wonder if he built up some kind of immunity to some of the effects of the venom.
The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
1: Wait outside gas station for fueler.
2: Hit driver over head with frying pan.
3: Drive fueler into nearest mosque.
4: Ignite with flair.
5: Die hero.