>Supposed to be a genius
>Has the ultimate weapon to kill people without getting caught
>Still fuck up and gets caught
Defend this writing.
>Supposed to be a genius
>Has the ultimate weapon to kill people without getting caught
>Still fuck up and gets caught
Defend this writing.
Other urls found in this thread:
>expects me to read the entire instruction manual before killing hundreds of people
it's in fucking english.
the 2015 dorama solves this plothole by making Light a canon idiot.
He's an egomaniac. He could've gotten away with it a billion times but he wanted to challenge and outsmart L and Near all the time.
>being a genius makes you an all knowing being who can do no wrong
>the rules in the book tell you that you can give the deaths instructions including times
even if you want people to know you're a god killing criminals, neglecting to use this ability will obviously reveal information about your schedule, handing out clues to the biggest problem - narrowing down the billions of potential suspects.
Law of large numbers.
He was bound to make a tiny mistake eventually.
In the end trusting someone else to carry out his perfect orders is what fucked him up.
One of Light's main motivations was boredom. For him it probably wasn't fun if there wasn't the possibility of being caught. He also wanted the attention.
>In the end trusting someone else to carry out his perfect orders is what fucked him up.
the biggest fuck up was revealing his schedule.
second biggest fuckups was the continual murder of people who were investigating him.
third biggest fuckup was not trading half his life so that he could keep idiotically murdering anyone investigating him.
you forgot he also had flaws, his god complex was one. With that i didn't mean the heart attack thing, but that he figured he had to kill the detectives because they were against god. ALL his fuckups originated from that desire.
As L pointed out, Light was a childish loser.
> has a piece of the notebook in his watch
>didn't think of Mikami to have a book page for the meetup day with Near
He lost because He was too cocky
He was crazy, don't you get it.
He thought he could become god.
If his main driving force was JUSTICE, he wouldn't have had to eliminate L.
>Genius getting outwitted by a somewhat superior genius
Not to mention the fact that Light deliberately handicapped himself because he wanted to be known as a God of justice.
Seriously, has no one actually paid attention to anything that happened?
>being a genius means you are flawless
Wow, why is Sup Forums so stupid?
I think what really got him was the profile L got of light and what the fbi has on most serial killers on how they sometimes like to insert themselves into the investigation.
He got cocky and greedy.
>beaten by magical psychometric detective kid
>not a genius
He wanted the world to know he existed, to fear him as a god. This is why he succeeded in reducing crime rates, but also why he got caught.
>spies on the police even though he has nothing to fear from the police
>finds out they're analyzing his schedule
>CHANGES his schedule to make them stop
>now they know he's spying on the police
It's time to stop pretending Light isn't retarded. There is no universe in which someone gets caught using a death note if they're not retarded.
Makes for great meme material.