Is falling in love with your childhood friend (male) who gets turned into a girl (female) via ancient norse magic the one true form of love?
Boku Girl
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Shame >she got ruined in the end, I loved her as a reverse trap.
We will never find out because the author for some reason was either too stupid or too pussy to realize that turning him back was the logical conclusion and the only way to squeeze more drama out of the setting.
Would gorilla-kun have accepted her even with feminine benis?
The last half of this series really felt longer than it needed to be
>i'm kissless virgin neet that spends all his free time masturbating to hentai
>my childhood friend is Chad Thundercock that fucks new girl every other week and walks even into the toilet with at least five other people
Now i wonder how that will work out?
I am sure you can make Chad fall in love with you and forget about all of those other girls user
Has it been properly scanlated yet? Seriously, if a person started learning Japanese when they started doing those bullshit live translations only he would have learned Japanese by now and be able to just read raws.
if you don't want to fuck this you're the actual faggot
I read the whole thing and I don't speak moon so I guess it must have been.
Sounds like some Sup Forums meme.
very gay
but also good, very good
The straightest thing I have ever seen.
I feel like Boku girl would have been enjoyable (to me) if Mizuki was actually a girl in the beginning, but Loki changed the gender to a boy instead (other way around) and Mizuki was instead get picked on constantly by other boys. Lets note that Mizuki and Takeru are still childhood friends; but the supposedly selling point of the manga would have been jealousy mostly coming from Takeru (from seeing Mizuki, as a lady / love interest now, being hit on by other boys) as well as romance development. The comedy / ecchi part would revolve around Mizuki living in pants instead of skirts. The endgame would be Mizuki failling in love with Takeru and turning back into a girl, and goes on a relationship.
I know im nitpicking and this is gender-bender genre, but if Boku girl was like this but the other way around like i described, I would have enjoyed it more honestly. Both likable while keeping the gender-bender element relevant
comparable with emergence from /h/?
That would be a completely different story, what the fuck are you even.
Yes. But the purest form of love is for the guy turned into a girl to get in a yuri relationship with the girl he liked.
I know its completely different. But all im saying is that I personally would have enjoyed the manga if it was like that. That's it.
I expected the obsessive dad to become friends with the obsessive moral officer girl at some point.
Wait this TL got finished?
I thought it died when Aereus got hit by a truck
Yeah it's finished
Last I heard, some random dude started typesetting the Sup Forums translations and uploading them online but then the guy who made those translations complained about how they were hastily done and how he didn't want that low quality work to be treated as "real" translations so the whole project was canceled. Someone else actually came along and finished it?
Wonderful, I just finished what I was reading and needed something new, time to pick this up again
Spoil me a little bit, who wins the Mizukibowl
Takeru. It was pretty obvious, though...
Hell fucking yeah my dude
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki doesn't update enough.
It was pretty obvious though
You don't say....
What if this is achieved by means of body swapping?
Who swapping bodies with who?
Tfw tineye redirects to a full archive of Sup Forums
Secret admirer boy swaps into admiree's friend for purposes of naked observation and lesbian seduction.
This is actually in the manga. A wet dream in chapter 95.5
Oh shit yeah I remember now.
official doujinshi when?
Fucking him is like fucking a tranny, gay and wrong on so many levels as fuck
Magic you fuck. That's a magical real pussy
What if it was done by putting his memories in the body of his female duplicate from another dimension?
Well a magical tranny is still a tranny
You know Youjo Senki? Would you fuck that loli?
>Would you fuck that loli?
I'd fuck the woman he grew into. Takes time to learn how to woman, and grow tiddies.
>official doujinshi when?
Generally could use more doujins, only has like two good ones. Maybe someone will pick it up as an anime at some point and we get more.
Gender bending is such a cheap excuse to the "it's not gay if.." meme
What if his sex was switched using time travel, but he remembers life as both a man and a woman while having a female body?
It's not gay unless balls are touching.
Then it's half gay I guess?
All You Zombies by Robert A. Heinlein?
It's not gay if you have sex with yourself and you are both the male and the female and you turn out to be your own parents at the same time, right?
So if a woman has memories of having a dick and fucking other women for a single day, but otherwise remembers only being a woman and is physically female, then it's only trace amounts of gay? Does her having a reoccuring dream about having and using a dick make it slightly but increasingly gay? If you have memories or dreams in proportion to hers about vagina wielding, does it even out to not gay, or compound the gayness? Is it gay to swap bodies with a woman then get fucked by her?
That wasn't sex change by time travel, just sex change then time travel. Sex that results in pregnancy can't be gay.
thanks for you opinion!
I'd like this series more if:
>it didn't drag on needlessly with other shitty characters joining in (especially that one unfunny 'weird' guy)
>misunderstandings didn't keep happening as a roadblock for progression
>Mizuki had any personality
>the ending wasn't rushed and super sudden
Literally the only reason people like this is because of Mizuki's character design
I don't entirely disagree with you, and I believe that the series should have ended with him turning back into a boy and getting with the girl, but transforming into a girl also seemed to effect his brain chemistry, which makes sense considering it was a magical transformation. Still gay for Takeru, but a lot less so if Mizuki were to get with another guy that didn't know him before he changed into a girl.
>But he's a guy...
Thanks japan
Any gender-bender romance manga that are less gay? All the ones I've read, including Boku Girl, were all "but I'm a boy" tier, I want a story that is less about the guy accepting his friend suddenly turning to a woman and more about the gender-bent person embracing their new gender
Someone spoil me the ending, I dropped this ages ago cause it was still being written.
Gets given the choice whether to become a boy again or stay a girl. After Takeru confesses, he/she decides to stay a girl and hook up with him.
Read it a couple weeks ago and I still have trouble remembering it, I think he turned back to a boy for a while but then he chose to be a girl and ended up with childhood friend? The later chapters of this manga were such a slog to read through.
There's not much conflict in the story if it opens with the MC just getting what they want and liking it.
Thanks anons. Honestly I prefer that ending than him reverting .
The first gender-bender manga I read was Inside Mari so I might have my standards set pretty high.
>standards set high
Dude didn't it end up her just having a psychological melt down and wanting to escape the stresses of her life rather than genderbending?
Cause goddamn that story started promising but when I was told about that I dropped it immediately. It looked damn good too.
Yeah let's be honest, the guy was already a girl with dick before the transformation. It was better for him.
You got a link to that? Never knew there was a Doujin of Boku Girl
Yeah that's exactly it, it was a nice twist even though it was predictable if you were familiar with Oshimi Shuzo's stories. It might have not been your standard gender-bender manga but maybe that's why I liked it.
Nice twist? I mean I am not familiar with Oshimi Shuzo's work but god damn man, the potential wasted on that twist was phenomenal.
There could have been a brilliant story arc of both characters gradually adjusting to their own bodies, first meeting conflict, then doubt, and gradually fitting and even excelling in their new roles within their new bodies. Break down the original characters life only to rebuild their own.
Maybe I'm thinking too much into it but I felt that would have been more powerful. We already have plenty of anime about going into the darker ends of the mind and its coping.
>no hung futafuji to compete with takeru
so much potential wasted
I think I would like it more if the dude wasn't so obviously gay for his best friend but then ended up with the convenient circumstance that the dude turned into a girl. At that point it's basically just the mc accepting that he loves the penis and while I'll fap to that all day, an interesting story it does not make.
The chick falling for him in spite of him being a girl was way more interesting. I wish it had focused on that instead.
But Mari is a story about healing, sure there are twisted individuals but keeping it somewhat realistic gives more credit to character interactions. It's all personal preference I guess, I might be biased since he's my favourite author after all.
Yes, it all ended in "Sahakata Ga Nai". Pissed me right off.
BlazBlue Remix Heart focuses on the protagonist accepting her new gender. The guy she develops feelings for doesn't even know that she used to be male.
Yes it has been completely scanlated in Spanish
>The guy she develops feelings for doesn't even know that she used to be male
That's pretty much what I'm looking for, thanks man
I'll never understand the appeal of genderbent stories where a dude turns into a girl and suddenly they want a boyfriend. Why even make it a genderbender story to begin with?
Remix Heart is the only manga I know where that is the case. The other manga where the genderbent MC develops feelings for a guy I know of (Artificial Maiden, Boku Girl, Idol Pretender, Kanojo ni Naru Hi Another, Megu Milk, Nozomu Nozomi, Sekainohate de Aimashou), all have the protagonist falling in love with a guy who knows that she used to be a man.
Because you get to see the character struggling with novel feelings cause by her new body before eventually accepting them. And the character realizing that she now likes boys is a good way to have her accept that she's now a woman rather than a guy in a girl's body.
If the character simply likes girls even after her transformation then she doesn't have to question her gender identity in the way a character whose sexual orientation has been changed does.
Because she used to be a man, that's not interesting enough?
For good reason. It makes the protagonist less sympathetic if they're selfish liars.
That's disappointing, I've read Boku Girl and Kanojo ni Naru Hi while I have Artificial Maiden and Nozomu in my backlog. I think it's a very interesting genre but more often than not it turns into what feels like every gay man's fantasy and since I'm not gay myself it's a bit off-putting. I'm more into understanding the intricacies behind the opposite gender (either sexually or mentally) but unfortunately none of the series I've tried so far delve into this subject that much.
But she did not use to be a man, she's just trolling him. Stop misleading people, even though Sundome is a good read.
Why does it make them a selfish liar? Why should someone bare their past to others, especially if they worry that it may lead to their ostracism? When it comes to genderbending the character is a biological woman, so it's not as if it makes a difference.
And the protagonists in the series I listed didn't choose to confess their pasts either; the guys they fell in love with simply used to know them before they transformed.
I claim that is false, and that changing orientation as well is a lazy story element to bring about the desired conflict. I submit this image pertinent to the discussion of storytelling in this medium in support of my claim.
>Why should someone bare their past to others
They're starting a serious relationship.
Once a relationship starts then sure. But in Remix Heart the characters are not in a relationship.
The idea that having a girls body would make you want the dick is what is stupid. The story is then just "wow, girl loves boys news at 11". Interesting genderbender stories actually deal with what is physically different and the difference in people's attitudes towards the mc. Having the mc just fall for some guy just makes the story a typical romance with a contrived plot device to keep the relationship from progressing. Using your body as an excuse for who you fall in love with is boring.
>But in Remix Heart the characters are not in a relationship.
Do they get into a relationship in the future? if not, dropped
You haven't even started reading it and you're asking to get spoiled so you can "drop" it already, fuck off retard
>Stop misleading people
If they aren't sure if that's the reason or not it can still provide conflict.
The human brain is sexually dimorphic. Male homosexuals have brains that are wired similarly to those of women and lesbians to those of men. There has been plenty of research on this area, e.g.:
It makes perfect sense that a magical transformation which gave the character a heterosexual female brain would cause them to start being attracted to men. You don't consciously choose who you are attracted to and the person's sex is an extremely important factor.
And there's no reason for a genderbending story not to have the elements you mentioned and also have the character's sexual orientation be affected.
I don't think so. The mc just accepting that, as a girl, she now loves dudes is boring. An occasional thought bubble of "but I'm a dude,I can't fall for another boy!" is on the same level as "but she's my childhood friend!" when it comes to stalling out the romance.
I need more manga with this premise
I wish this happened to me ;_;
Magic in fiction can work however we want it to. Stay on-topic.
I know it was published, but was included in the actual takobon?
What is on-topic? The only long genderbending manga with a heavy lesbian focus is Kashimashi and its protagonist was more girly than most of the girls even before getting turned into a woman. Plus, she immediately adjusted to life as a girl, everyone instantly accepted her as a woman and the lesbian love triangle proceeded as if the protagonist had always been a girl. It covered none of the things you seem to think a lesbian story would allow to be explored.
If you're just going to change the mc's brain to like the opposite sex then what's the point of making it genderbent? It just turns it into a plot device for why the romance isn't progressing. If you just take a male brain and turn it into a female brain then all you've done is given your mc a contrived backstory. I do think it's possible to make a good story out of this but I've never seen it happen.
Enigma by Peter Milligan uses this premise. But it also uses a heavy dose of reality warping esper powers.
Friendly reminder to all of you uncultured fucks: its not gay if its magic
The point is that the character faces conflict between who she is now and who she was in the past. If the protagonist has always been a girl then there is no such conflict and it would be much more difficult to have it in a story where the character's self-conception as male isn't challenged. Also, you can have that in a story where romance is a secondary element.
It is if the magic turns you gay.