New York anons show your state pride.
New York Thread
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Fuck Jew York
New York is the biggest shithole I've ever seen in my life and I lived in London for 4 years.
how can i afford living in NYC? This seems impossible. How do people do it? Enlighten me.
Wasted half of my 20s in New York. Woman are third-world dirty.
I think nyc is a place that people go to ruin their souls. Get out user
They don’t make it. I used to make $400 a day and would be broke at the end of the month without enjoying myself at all.
>tfw italian from staten island
I want to leave this shithole so badly, but I feel the midwest germanics wouldn't accept me.
Who /longisland/ here
I want to move back to comfy queens. it is shit here
Thanks for all the Jews
>literally falling for D&C shilling
I don't look white.
They skyline is pretty but any amount of time spent in the city and you will quickly realize how much of a shithole it is.
t. jealous california trashes
daily reminder that los angeles is a fucking rural city
>skyline looks pretty
Yeah for third world standards
New York City is deteriorating . Any idiot who chooses to live there (((long term))) or buy property there, is retarded
As someone who also lives amongst a ton of Italians it has occurred exactly never to me or anyone I know to mistake an Italian for a non-white. This a JIDF meme
I just said I was from staten island you fucking mongoloid.
The trick is to live in the outer boroughs but close enough to the subway that it takes anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to get into the center of Manhattan. The retards who aren't fiscally responsible, fall for the rental Jew and end up spending 80% of their paycheck on a 1br closet along with Uber and eating out 7 nights a week will tell you it's too expensive but it really isn't. I'm always stunned when I see people making 100k a year who have nothing saved up because they're renting a 3k apt and buying expensive dinners and going to bars 6 nights a week.
Yeah. There's this italian girl in my class from the south and she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Meanwhile I look like a literal spic because of my trash genetics.
People who are from New York City don’t realize how shitty of a city it is unless you’re from a (((large))) immigrant community
>california trashes
I do realize how shitty it is that's why I said I want to go to the midwest.
Stop shilling.
>I had a cousin that lived in Elmont.
> Visited her there a couple of times.
> Everybody said fuck constantly.
> Cousin tells me she lease her place from a JAP.
>Met landlord, it was a white lady with curly hair and a big nose.
WTF? She's not even asian?
how high is the rent i nthe outer boroughs? ive been to NYC a few times. I was just wondering cause i have seen so many people with jobs that that def. dont earn them enough to afford the rent.
Queens here
.fuck this city. This place is all dog shit
Reporting in. If you're not Jewish you ain't shit in this city
We run you goyim
Like $3000+
New York is no place for a human being
there's nothing worse than living in a fucking rural city like los angeles, you fucking hick
but the guy said people that pay 3K rent are idiots. So it must be lower?
Italian features vary widely they can look like any other white, a jew or a spic and come from the same region
rural cities are no places for a human being
daily reminder that hicks are subhumans
literally the same as you user, staten island sucks balls.
Western NY separatists sound off. NYC is killing our, otherwise nice, state. Our tax dollars are thier piggyback for them programs.
New York City is Hell
what is worse, california or new york? - by new york i mean manhattan. obviously upstate new york >>>>>>> california
I knew this was going to turn into a shit on thread when I posted it.
you're such an idiot
hicks are subhumans don't fall in their memes
New York is the most massively cucked shithole state filled with the most arrogant overblown assholes around .. you all think you're Hot Shit , dontcha?
what part? gk here.
What is there to be proud of? NYC is a filthy, broken, multicultural rat's nest, the upstate economy has been gutted, and democrats dominate state politics because of that festering 5 borough cancerous tumor. Finally, because of NYC, we are second only to CA in creating and exporting modern degenerate culture and media.
Oh, yeah, also high taxes and the fucking "SAFE" Act. It would be difficult for this state to get any worse.
t. New Yorker
new dorp
it's shit
Upstate NY fag here. Fuck this liberal shithole. If I wouldn't have made a baby with a NY roastie 16 years ago I would be gone already.
I didn’t mean to quote you, I meant to quote the other Retard lol.
Dude don’t go to the Midwest . You will hate it. Go to Miami, Houston, or any other major city . Once you live In New York, it’s really hard to move somewhere shitty unless it’s another country or you already have a wife and kids.
Just stop, dumb faggot. You do not want to live in jew york. Even if you're just a turk, you'll have far more gibs and free white women in Germany than you would here.
No, if you want a decent area, you're paying at LEAST 2500 for a small ass shitty apartment with 1 room. New York blows dude don't come here. Manhattan is not like the outter boroughs
I hate this state.
both basically spic colonies
If you want to live in Manhattan and make min wage you'll share a room in Harlem, but it's not like you deserve better for being a dumb goy with a dream
Miami is Cubans
There's absolutely nothing nice about WNY. Been here for 18 years and can't wait to gtfo.
im just asking questions my dudes. Germans have a tough time getting into the US legally as immigrants anyway.
Bruh, fresh tortillas is dope and cheap though. /miss sushi excellent/
I can't wait to move to some where quiet in NJ, I'm so sick of bromans and mick animals and their entitled bullshit on this island.
I live in Brooklyn. Fuck nyc
but irish girls cute and live to be impregnated by italian cock
I’ve never been to LA, but everyone from nyc is literally from a shitty country, or las Angela’s .
nyc is a communist, far left wing, American experiment.
You know that nyc is more socialist then communist Cuba ?
Fuck nyc and anybody who says otherwise is soygoyum 4 lyfe or one of (((them)))
upstate is based
Depends on what you're looking for. You can find stuff for 1500 if you're okay with taking a train or a train and bus and won't die if you can't live in Williamsburg or some other transplant trap. Some people will buy a room and share an apartment with others for like $600 each, which is decent if you're young and want to save and have a job or are in school so youre spending most of your time out of the house anyway. I know some guys in finance who just rent a room for a year then go get a house in the burbs or upgrade to a fancy apt unit. You could just take a look at the nyc Craigslist to get an idea. The people saying that apartments only start at 2.5 or 3k are retarded and probably buy $10 bagels every day or some other financially irresponsible shit so don't mind them.
Well if you ever do, never move to new York city unless you can afford rent in Manhattan, but even tben that's just throwing your money away. This entire area is dirty, crowded, old failing infrastructure that looks like shit, very diverse and in a bad way and people are rude. What you see of time square IS Not What the surrounding areas look like
Their women are cute, but I'm sick of Irish men.
That's not the question you should be asking. You should be asking why you would ever want to live there in the first place. It is filthy. On every street corner there is a Jew. There are transvestites in advertisements plastered to the back of the buses. The Donald Trump types get to do some pretty unique things but down in the gutter all you'll find is diversity, rats, danger and filth.
No, the rents are actually 3k+. Use Google you fucking moron.
There was this irish girl in my class who was really pale and I was too scared to do anything. Now she's dating some nigger that will probably take a huge shit in the white gene pool.
So frustrating.
Compared to NYC, sure. Doesn't matter how "nice" some rural areas seem, they're still governed by the same commie laws as the rest of the state.
This. The whole upstate is 10x better than shitty, dirty, nyc
well its just an ENIGMA to me when people say rent is so expensive but at the same time say all the people that live there are filthy scum that deserves to get shot.
Im just trying to puzzle the pieces together to find an explanation for the inherent discrepancy of these statements.
All the immigrants come here and the hipsters. Everyone wants to come here without ever being here and that jacks rates up. Or they don't mind living with the Dominicans that trash shit because they too are Dominicans
I don’t know, it depends on how far you take your LARPing.
I love Latin woman. They are the best in my opinion.
Where you want to live comes down so personal preference .
I really believe white woman can’t contain themselves . They are just whores. That’s why nobody on Sup Forums like them.
>pic related , average white woman
I work in Brooklyn, anywhere that's somewhat nice like Park Slope or other gentrified areas will be 2500+ for something that isn't a shithole. Places where you compromise or take a longer train ride to Manhattan are $1500-2000.
It's literally a meme, you have to be rich to actually enjoy NYC.
remember Chevys?
There are so many people in New York City that you should be able to enjoy any multicultural activity at some point during the week. Any niche interest should be covered.
In reality New Yorkers are so concieted and in their own world that they don't come together for anything. Rent is so expensive that hosting events becomes entirely impractical.
There are 16 places to draft magic in the Portland metro area. In New York City there are four. Shithole.
I've lived there too. It's the same as London, if you can afford London you'll pay the same in NYC.
Just find some conservative chick to pump and marry for citizenship.
I actually live in NYC you retarded nigger. You can find units under 3k if you're not using a Jew broker and aren't basing all of your knowledge off 2 seconds of Google queries.
Yes goy. White women are garbage. You should race mix.
Should be more confident m8 like us Aussies
So do I, retard. Learn to use Google or go out and pay your own rent
Bruh, look at this country
uhju uhju wait till you see the f- uhhujuJUJUJUUU NO NO NO NO ohhhHOHOo ohh uhhuhhuhh pffftt AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
she could really eat an apple through barbed wire
This, I prefer Latina/Italian women
t. the last germanic New Yorker
Also Manhattan has the 40% income rule. Nobody will rent a $3,000/m apartment to you if you don't make $120,000/y
Please. It’s not even race mixing . If a white guy like me mixed with a Latin woman who are known for shitty genetics , what will the baby look like?
>pic related
NYC fucking sucks for the most part but I think if you're rich and buy a condo somewhere in uptown manhattan where there's lots of neat stores around with mostly white and asian populace it can be pretty cool.
>rural cities
NYCfag too busy huffing subway urine to go to school. Enjoy your roachcoach Mr Softies.
Some of my relatives are half white/latin and they look they could be from scandinavia
NYC is composed of 5 boroughs: Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, and Manhattan.
For 1-2 months of NYC rent, I can BUY a plot of land somewhere and set up a small permaculture garden. For 1 year's worth of NYC rent, I can by hundreds of acres of land where I can set up a family compound, build a cabin, start growing food, set up a shooting range, or do whatever-the-fuck.. I don't know why so many people are obsessed.
Be nice. We new yorkers need to be kind to lesser states
Maybe in Haiti
NYC user looking out my window. AMA
Yeah exactly . I used to live in a Latin country and literally saw people like that all over the place.
Those people are rich though, since this specific country has a racial caste system and they have no interested in coming to the other than to study
>pic related
Is that on 31st / grand central ?
>staten island
i live in brooklyn. stop your fucking complaining
>tfw no cute italian gf to jerk you off with her feet
Two years left you can split