some black racist "BLM" -thugs attacked white girl for visiting theatre with movie " black panther "
White Girl attacked for visiting Black Panther
I feel bad for her but its her fault for entering a room with wild animals and expecting anything other than their subhuman behavior.
probably fake
implying the autistic denizens of pol will not recognize that particular bloody white girl face from an entirely different chimpout story
>things that never happened
isnt pic related some girl in sweden?
That picture is from a different article.
Yeah, it's fake news.
The pic is of a Swedish girl attacked in a Malmo nightclub by an immigrant. Probably happened about three weeks ago.
These are fake... most of them have been proven fake.
We only care about facts on this site.
Movie sucks but stop trying to push that this shit is from us (on this site).
You’re simply trying to invalidate the reputation of this site.
I think we should roll with it and turn her into a meme
The only part of this that is true is that some enrichment arrived via glassing a white girl's head. This is a pic of a chimp attack victim at a club in Sweden.
You know they're getting lazy when they're trying to spin fake news with a pic and a story everyone already has seen.
fake and gay
Trying to post fake news won't work on Sup Forums m8, even if it's something that would match the views of this board
>our reputation
>literally not a single wound, cut, bruise ANYWHERE on her face
>covered in red liquid, all over her face, clearly traceable flowpaths but no indications of open skin where the "blood" drains from
It would take a real retard to actually believe this picture is anything close to real
>inb4 over 100 replies
>Trying to post fake news won't work on Sup Forums
Hello and welcome. You should probably lurk moar before posting.
>bullshit from a german
you expect those destroyers to be honorable? danes not so bright after all
Hey roastie, watcha doing?
No, MSM outlets already reported on this "fake news meme", and shills are trying to make us pick it up to discredit the right.
If you guys have not noticed, the left are basically adopting right-wing memes to D&C the right -- hence why the "Amerimutt" meme has taken off, the left can't meme for shit, what they can do is use right-wing memes to their advantage, which is also pretty damn brilliant of them.
Memes work when there is truth to them, we don't have to act like Jews when niggers already provide plenty of evidence of their violent nature.
kek, this
This bait is just as week as the Queen is dead threads that have been shitting up the board all day. No one's fooled mate.
I know it's fake but I wish it would have happened. There's no good redpilling for normies like having your face smashed in by the *people* you are trying to help.
Fucking NIGGE.. And it's fake news.
Fake and gay
Lmao reverse image search
> Best guess for this image : sweden
actual reaction
swedish media is going ape shit over this. Trying to paint blacks as dindu nuffins and telling everyone its fake news
Not fake. Niggers are savages
It's a movie like Superman. Can you imagine white people carrying on like that after watching Superman? FFS.
This is such fake soros bullshit
If you hang out with niggers, they are going to do nigger things
Thats the bitch who got glassed by some guy for not wanting to fuck him. At least use non recent pics.
Dude probably smacked her himself and made up a fancy story to avoid jail
Fake news
you don't really know much about Soros or his causes, do you?
nigs be nigs
FAKE, I already saw this picture in another story
like a week ago too
i know its fake ... the image itself says " troll " -
but i use it as my opportunity to express my hate for black people and Blacklivesmatter
BLACK LIVES DONT MATTER !!! at least for me !!!!
FUCKING NIGGERS !!!!!!!!!!!!
You're doing it wrong and making it harder for people who are working hard to honestly red pill people.
Find a better way to channel your concerns.
This didn't happen
>implying soros cares about black people
>implying soros doesnt play 21D chess like Putin and funds both sides
>implying soros cares for anything but chaos
i dont intend to redpill anyone ... i want some niggers to read this shit and know that white people intentionally , openly create fake news against black people to insight hatered towards them ...
this will cause black people to feel outcasted and will feel hate towards black people ...wich will lead to voilance against white people, since niggers are stupid animals and easy to manipulate.... then real storys about niggercrimes happen and more and more white people will start to black people ...
Good. Every white who pays for this shit shoud be beaten.
This is fake af, this is the 19 year old Swedish girl who was glassed at a Malmo nightclub by a "migrant"
OP is a fag
You forgot to edit the file name.
i dont intend to redpill anyone ... i want some niggers to read this shit and know that white people intentionally , openly create fake news against black people to insight hatered towards them ...
this will cause black people to feel outcasted and feel hate towards WHITE people ...wich will lead to voilance against white people, since niggers are stupid animals and easy to manipulate.... then real storys about niggercrimes happen and more and more white people will start to HATE black people ...
Fake news, old picture from a Swedish women being assaulted by a sandnigger.
BS. go wank off your dog.
Did they at least drop a load in her blonde snatch?
Fuck you OP, this shit is fake.
Go back to whatever shithole you came from
Fake story but I don't even care anymore.
They lie about the right 24/7, why shouldn't we have a little fun.
No its not...I was there and I took that picture....Poor Amelia
That is the most fake picture I've seen in a while. All that blood, not one cut.
we absolutely should have fun. Plus... Thats how memes work. They can not wield them but we can.. DO NOT LET YOUR MEMES BE DREAMS!
it's fake but still hilarious
facial wounds bleed like a mother fucker
You fucking idiots; this was a ruse to trick BLM niggers into reverse searching the images and exposing the immigrant problem in Sweden. It’s fucking beautiful.
pic is real, she was being hit on in a club or some shit by some nigger/muslim in Europe, she turned him down so he glassed her
haha, guess they were kings and shit
but they don't bleed upward
she should have a slice in the forehead
(((Germany))) bringing fake news
this is from south africa you autistic sausagenigger
This isn't actually what happened but we should meme this on twatter.
Pic is real, but unrelated to Black Panther
Thank God I can't make a black baby.
Superman is literally about an illegal alien refugee child arrival. I'm surprised he isn't DACA's poster-boy.
Funny because it still forces the media to admit that nigger are violent.
Toll paid.
Why didn't her father warn her?
This is the swedish girl that got a bottle broken over her head at a club. This post is fake news
Who would care? Only sluts are going to see this stupid movie.
you think they're smart enough manage that?
Like where this is headed. Moar plz.
It’s the perfect kind of fake news. Should be hundreds more pics with th same caption.
That picture is lauren southern....
You aren't going to get your black/white race riots, you faggots. so STOP TRYING.
We literally don't care about the black panther movie, or that its cast entirely with black people, because it fits the comic books.
Hell, if I had some disposable money (that I could justify on going to a movie), I might even see the damn thing.
Yes. And it’s hilarious.
This is fake. Fuck off.
Notice the nigger boyfriend didn't get glassed.
That picture has been floating around on Sup Forums for about a year now
niggers are fucking autistic animals that need to be genocided
Isn't this the swedish chick that got bottled for complaining about a Muslim groping her?
fake...old pic
How dare you speak that way about animals and autism
Sorry kiddo. That image has been used here many times before. Try again.