What's her power level?
One Piece
Other urls found in this thread:
One of the best things to come from this arc.
Furries on suicide watch.
Oda doesn't write those comments, user. They're irrelevant.
Reminder to ignore all LuHan, SanPu, LuNa and SaNa bait. The only OP ship is the Sunny and Luffy X Meat.
Shipperfags deserve to be tossed into a raging dumpster fire.
Pedroniggers, Ceasercucks, Puddingtards and Carrotshits are all about to kill themselves.
Press "S" to shit on their graves
A real jimbebro would never shit on pedro and pudding, faker.
Great taste user
Give me one reason why I shouldn't shit on them you cucklet.
Jap poll
>hair bang covers on eye
Why is this so sexually arousing my dick is about to explode.
>jinbe is 46
older than franky (dad) but younger than brook (grandpa), i wonder what his family role would be
Her 6 tattoos would've been far hotter if they'd been on the outer sides of her thighs.
Little details like that add up.
Burger poll
Sadi chan...
Chink poll
is rogersbase /our guys/?
Pedro is based. And he's Jinbe's bro. If you can't understand it, the only thing left is sudoku. That's what any Jinbebro would do.
advertising is against the rules
There are people who still like Sanji?
Don't spam your shit, nobody cares.
He'll die soon tho
Chinks confirmed edgelords
Americans > japs > chinks
I still want the scene with Pedro and Jinbe arguing who should take fatal blow for Luffy.
Here we go.
>Reiju not being top 20
That alone makes the american poll the worse.
I have hopes Reiju is high in the chink poll
Is there any reason to like Reiju other than waifuism?
Reiju is a bland and shit character with genderbent OC do not steel design, her being top 20 is the worst thing in the jap poll.
Kill yourself dumb waifufag.
>Brook in 4th
Are Americans actually based?
>She cares for her brother
>She saved Luffy's life
>She helped Sanji a lot this arc
>She saved Nami
>She is a flirt without being slutty
>She has leg tattoos
Anything I'm leaving out Beiju friends?
Oda, where's my friend Zoro?
>Blackbeard 14th
i honestly dont understand why japanese dont like him. he definitely had his fair amount of success during this arc so whats wrong with him by japanese standards?
is it his personality? isnt his pantsu running gag/the old pervert a trope in japanese media?
is it because he's a skeleton? i read that they dont really like ugly/buffed characters (if i remember correctly, the redesign of ike from fire emblem was described as a gorilla)
It's because they have shit taste user.
blackbeard is shit.
end yourself
Fuck off
kys yourself
everyone could vote there. Not only americans.
pathetic joke character.
gas yourself you fucking imbecile
Why do people care about poll results? It doesn't change anything about the story.
People fall for the idea that ranking higher in a popularity poll is some sort of reward for the character.
That's gay. People vote for their favorite character. Big Mama will never be anyone's favorite character.
Hancock is ugly.
Your mama is ugly
What's up with the lack of SadiFags and VioletFags?
This sort of shit is what makes him so refreshing and likeable. He's not a calm edgy faggot like your typical shounen antagonist.
He's a fat oaf, and it's great.
She's also twice as old as Rebecca.
Fuck off waifufag
>My favourite charater is Law
What does that have to do with anything?
Do you prefer ShippingFags? It seems to me like no matter what is talked about people bitch. If people don't waifupost then shipperfags will be the only posters.
Why was the Zou Arc so shit?
She's perfect
It brought the furries to One Piece.
I don't, why is your taste so shit?
Luffy the lucky guy. Best girl Nami belongs to him.
Zoro is best Strawhat and this arc proves it, everything goes to shit without him
>Zoro actually beating Luffy in votes
China was a mistake
Viola is most underrated One Piece girl, I'm glad she's going to a Riviere.
Too bad she has to bring her useless excuse of a niece Rebecca along.
>Luffy the lucky guy. Best girl Nami belongs to him.
Luffy doesn't care about Nami at all.
Sanji has a much better chance of getting with Nami than Luffy does
Wait until he gets his day in the limelight when Wano Country Arc comes along.
Doffla twice taller than average human. She has The Mariana Trench there, used goods.
>Zoro's loyalty to Luffy is put into question and he spends the whole arc crying
No. They love each other.
>Zoro's loyalty to Luffy is put into question
You just convinced me. Good argument
wtf I love english now
Completely agree Violabro
Nami is gay, user. That's why she's always been warm towards other female characters but has never shown any attraction to men.
>i read that they dont really like ugly/buffed characters (if i remember correctly, the redesign of ike from fire emblem was described as a gorilla)
This is correct.
They may really like the personality and design of the character itself, but anything that isn't a cute mascot animal or doesn't have fashion model/sportsman physique won't actually be popular there.
Jinbe in this poll is the odd man, but his high ranking is probably because of his resignation scene being fresh in people's minds. The fact that he ended his partnership with BM in a professional manner appeals to the cultural Japanese sense of duty and honor, too.
Very buff or unusually-bodied characters will never get many votes in polls like these as a general rule.
Is Reiju stronger than Sanji?
Is Usopp actually black?
Who isn't stronger than Sanji?
Would you guys approve of a new manga/anime after One Piece ends, featuring the kid of Luffy and Hancock as the main character?
Kinda like Naruto/Boruto.
Pudding is stronger than Sanji
Zoro if Sanji uses Knives
Hancock's devil fruit powers has no affect on Luffy. He doesn't find her attractive at all.
No, Naruto's endin traumatized me. I hate kids in shonen now
So? Luffy doesn't find anyone attractive. He's asexual
He needs his bull Usopp
Epic meme, upvoted
Which means LuHan will never happen.
Goku is also asexual and he got Chi Chi...you know were this is going.
I don't care btw. I just think they're cute together.
What if Luffy, Zoro & Nami are in fact gay but Oda is forced to depict them as asexual for the time being because Japan isn't read for a LGBTQ-friendly manga?