are some people here genuinely NOT racist at all?
I am not.
are some people here genuinely NOT racist at all?
I am not.
Other urls found in this thread:
Im not racist
Racism for idiots that blame others for their problems
I’m actually not racist. I do love niggers
I'm a race realist
"All blacks are dumb." - Racist and false statement
"Blacks have a lower IQ on average than other races." - Race realism - true
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Define racist?
Is it racist to look out for the best interests of those who we share a common culture and heritage? Because if so then sign me up
I'm not racist, racism is a crime and crime is for black people
Slightly racist, but I don't believe race is the most important factor when judging a person. Some people here believe being white makes them superior despite being subpar in individual traits like IQ, wealth, looks, etc
>still thinking racism isn't a natural human reaction
In real life, I do try to treat everyone equally.
On the internet Same.
If I work with a black person, I'll temporarily forget this and give them the benefit of the doubt but if they turn out stupid I'll treat them like all stupid people.. Patiently. Actually, at work, I've had to have the most patience with Indians, interestingly mostly brahmin caste Indians. I think it's more that they're too arrogant to realise someone 10 years younger and white can help them though.
This too.
These days idiots are arguing not giving special treatment is racist and then theyll tell you what you're doing is patronising. Idiots these days can't define racism.
Think on a scale of 1-100.
Just knowing you are European puts you on the scale,
I hate everyone, myself most of all
Genuine non racist here. There are lots of us.
There is more to life than race.
kek, are you even white mutt?
Then why don't you marry one, user.?
why are slavs so based towards immigrants?
Everyone isn't racist until niggers move in your neighborhood. Even American liberals are the same.
I am a racialist, I acknowledge race and science. The results and my knowlesge force me to be a racist. I don't consider it bad though but congruously.
Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.
I actually would love to live in a country like burgerland with all the different ethnicities and races.
There's no racism in my heart, but there is a hatred towards stupidity.
no need to be upset, yeah, im white
>burger meme
No what you are is lying to yourself.
Racism is a base human instinct designed to make humans of one tribe protect their tribe from other tribes. You forget that in ancient times humans did not Migrate very much and all stayed in the same rough geographic areas around the world in tribes and ethnic groups that were closed off.
Everyone is instinctively racist what matters is knowing when/if it's appropriate to distrust someone based on race or not. Most of the time it's not but sometimes it is.
No, the liberals just move to a nicer neighborhood and repeat the same mistakes, thinking they were right the whole time.
I'm a realist about race issues. I don't care that a black doctor who drives a Porsche moved in down the street. Yet I also know better than to relax around some nigger walking past me in a walmart parking lot or in some shitty part of town.
It's two totally different issues. Even if I understand that black doctor might not see it that way and get pissed about it.
I also look down on most shit skins due to the culture and how they act around me, but I also hate poor white trash just as much. So in my mind, being I'm willing to given most people a chance I'm not really racist as much as I'm just a snob.
>but there is a hatred towards stupidity
IQ is based at least partially on genetics
so that means people don't choose to be stupid, nor did they get a chance to pick their parents to decide their IQ
so, hating genetically stupid humans is irrational
You are like the fattest country with most beyond imagination fat degenerates. How is burgerland a meme.
I've personally have never seen a person fatter than 150kg, who are super rare here.
lol, you look like that?
>t. Halb-Becker
If I could move to a planet with no black people I would.
Deep down I don't give a fuck.
we are based
I just follow the stats and keep my distance from ghettos
Being more articulate doesn't make you less racist, user, you're forever in here with us.
Irrational or not I don't care. I'd rather live in a country with super smart black people than with your average macedonian for example.
Its true that they didn't chose to be born that way, but doesn't mean that I have to deal with their stupidity.
How much of what people define as "intelligence" can be taught? Feral humans with no/little education end up dumb as shit, despite having the genetic potential to be as smart as you or me
Racism doesn't exsist. It's a spook.
>Blacks have a lower IQ on average than other races
But is it due to race alone? Doesn't it have to do with the fact that, on average, blacks are also less educated, have lower income, have less oportunities and so on? Why does this statement being true imply "race realism" or whatever?
inb4 brazilian monkey
Why? It's logical to hate fatties, manlets, Jews, people with other kinds of genetic diseases, and &c
I'm not even human
I am anti-human I hope we go extint all we do is ruin everything cool.
I used to be. I grew up in an all white city all white school never understood racism.
Now... I like mexicans, I like indians, I like Indians, Hell i even get along with arabs and jews
But fucking niggers are scum. Seriously. If all the black people died the world would be so much better. Every other race has come to my country and advanced and added something to us.
except fucking niggers.
racism is stupid but there was a problem with Germans in the past century and not only in Germany
It's made worse by persecution but the simple fact is that black people on average are not capable of living the same way that white people do. They're just close enough to pull it off until somebody figures out how to conjure out the inner nigger and then they start acting like niggers again.
No it is perfectly rational user, don't you know how low IQ individuals act? Specefically black ones.
Racism isn’t even real. It’s an excuse people use when they fail at things.
Yeah? So what. I hate spiders and poison ivy, too, and they're a product of their genetic lottery.
this is totally true
If you have 1 black person and 10 white people in a crowd everythingi is fine
if you have 11 black people together, they start acting like niggers. As soon as they get in a group, jesus, it's fucking bad.
I have a good job, my own house, my own cars and fucking niggers want to say i am entitled like I didn't work 70 hours a week for my shit.
Goddamn it. I know I sound bad but think of it this way
Go to a white neighborhood.
Go to a hispanic neighborhood
Go to a asian neighborhood
Go to all the other races places
then go to a black neighborhood
notice anything? It's something fucking genetic
Yes I as well have given this considerable thought. I think I can be considered a race realist.
I see the differences in the evolution of the different races. I see the obvious evolutionary situations with the different breeds of black Africans. I think we all understand the black African as primitive. I think we all understand that black Africans are a species of scavengers. The American blacks are mostly mulattos with a mix of American Indian and white blood along with their African genetics. This is where things can get complicated. American blacks are not pure black African for the most part. The vast majority of well-known famous American blacks are almost always mulatto. Oftentimes they are at least half white and secretly so.
Some whites choose to mask over the African situation for various self-affirming psychological reasons. However what is always telling about these apparently non racist whites is where they will send their own children to school. Where do these people who are always shouting racism send their own kids to school? What neighborhoods do they themselves live in? Where do they themselves to go to shop?
And take a guess why they are less educated, have lower incomes and less opportunities.
The dindu's were never proactive enough to do anything amongst themselves.
It's not rocket science, of course incompetent races will land themselves in shitty positions. It's called the natural selection. Unfortunately today the natural selection has been artificially blocked, so instead of dying out or whatever nature would have decreed, we basically have them on life support.
>Most of the time it's not but sometimes it is.
When is it appropriate?
and now anglo countries are full of niggers, chinks and muslims from colonies that he lost kek
Not exactly true, user, you're conflating intelligence and education, which makes me believe you might lack the latter.
That is a perfectly good reason not to like someone lol.
Do you like things that you don't like?
>Hong Kong
How many black people have you actually met and talked to?
Or is their situation a result of their own genetics and actions?
I'm not a racist, diversity is our strength, -JT
Yeah, not everyone can get along, did you just have this epiphany?
>Why does this statement being true imply "race realism" or whatever?
Uhh because it's true, it's real.
Also all the studies I've seen have shown that it is genetic.
You put blacks in the same environment as others, and their IQ will improve, but never reach the level of even the poorest whites.
Next he'll call me wrong for admiring people who genetically posses traits I admire.
Dude he's from hong kong, a clean organized, progressive city that is high tech. It's not detroit
He's obviously not around alot of niggers. Hong kong would burn to the ground if it was full of black people. Look at oakland.
Have you ever been to a place where there are virtually no black people?
>Only speaks english
Essaie encore, anglo.
I hate virtually everyone equally, so technically Im not racist IMHOTBQH SENPAI.
I'm not racist. I just find the majority of whites and a few indians annoying
Welfare state doesn't count
You only say that cause you're a Jew, the race that's to blame for everyone else's problems.
I’m not racist, I just have good pattern recognition
Jews also always project very hard. It's too bad Jews are evil incarnate. What if good incarnate projected very hard?
Oh right, the Jews target and destroy that first.
Me neither. I just think they don't belong here, and mixing us kills alll of our cultures (exept (((theirs))) ofc, strangely, no African refugees there).
leave now user. And never look back.
of course not. What can Jews do for you?
Definitely not racist.
Prejudice though, yeah...
I’m not racist at all. I love people and animals. Who wants a hug?
Are Canadians a race?
Exactly. He is NOT around many black people.
How can he say something as "racism isn't real"?
This. I lived in a primarily black area for a few years during college and met plenty of black people around the neighborhood. Most of them were fine and my neighbor was a really cool guy. I met some retards and assholes too, but no more than I met in the equally poor white neighborhood I lived in growing up. Most of the "niggering" people do is because they grew up in a shitty poor area with a retarded crime culture from my experience. If you're trying to figure out whether or not someone is likely to mug you there are way better indicators than race.
>Go to a hispanic neighborhood
hispanic's not a race
>beeing this new
No, I really want to passionately murder you and your nigger foot soldiers, Jew. I'm just waiting for the peaceful options to be exhausted.
It's going to feel so good when we can finally get you out of our lands.
Well, at the top levels of where I work there are almost no PoCs. The gradient changes markedly as you work your way down. Even the maintenance workers are almost entirely white (because you need to build things and solve problems), but you get to the cleaning crew and it's almost entirely black (because you need to be a good robot while playing nigger music when nobody else wants to be working and this is the best you can do with your life).
We're all 56% here. So it's impossible to be racist.
I call bullshit. What area?
I know plenty of fine black people. Most of the retarded ones are those who live in favelas and have no school, their dad left home, grew up around drug dealers, etc. Even a lot who live in favelas and are poor are very nice, and those mostly have a hard working family, got the chance to go to school, etc.
The term racist is has a different explanation to many. I just want my country full of norwegians, not full of Afghanis or Africans. I would want them sent back to the countries they came from. I don't want them to die, but I want my country mine. Not "Ours". I feels like it's being taken over when too many from different places come. They always gather in groups. The same neighbourhoods, the same clothes style and cultures. They mostly don't want to adapt to ours, and it's been written a report about how much they cost each and every Norwegian per year. I think it was around 10 000kr a year, which is pretty much a long vacation in spain for 1 person. They're useless and a burden to our society. I don't know if that makes me a racist.
I'm kind of on the fringe.
I legitimately couldn't fucking care less what race someone is.
But every time I hear "fuck white people" and "black lives matter "*throws brick through window*, "muh white privelege", and that if you're a minority, or a nigger gets a job that he's legitimately underqualified for because of "muh diversity", the more I legitimately hate minorites
I love my kids more than the neighbor's kids. I want my grandchildren to look like they are related to me. Hell, I even prefer living in places where people have more in common than a shared postal code.
All humans are racist
I got to know plenty of pretty decent black people when I lived in a black neighborhood, too. WOW imagine that decent people come in all colors.
Go to any white neighborhood and you'll have to blindfold yourself not to notice the difference in basic things that don't require education or money, like not stealing electricity or throwing trash everywhere.
Reports are coming in from Israel that the brown Jews are threatening to strike due to long-term discrimination by the white Jews. And now they’re saying the white Jews want to exile the brown Jews to the West Bank!
This is insane. I wonder if the brown Jews will side with the Palestinians.
3rd ward Houston. It's not bullshit. I grew up in a shitty area of Bacliff.