That fucking kid.
That fucking kid
/ss/ is the best fetish.
Do you like /ss/ because you wish to do things to little boys? or do you wish these things would've been done to you when you were a little boy?
Someone else still watches this show?
The latter.
if you wish to be raped then it can be arranged, degenerate.
I-I'll pass this time. If I want that, I'll get it on my own terms.
There are no "your turns" those kids are clearly too young to decide for themselves if you want to be like them you should forego that luxury too.
Would've been nice to get my weewee sucked by the hot teacher.
c- because of things I've done when I was a little boy
>/ss/ is allowed
>loli like that never is
Fuck you Japan, and double standards.
Are you kidding? For every hint at /ss/ there ten outright loli character that are hungry for MC dick.
No, there aren't.
And there's especially no MC that is into lolis, or touches them like that, stupid memeshitter.
say no more senpai
>No, there aren't.
I can easily name a shitload off the top of my head.
>And there's especially no MC that is into lolis
ok, I'll concede that point. those loli's aren't event blimps on MC's radar. they're the little kid from across the street or the little sister of the friend.
Fucking what? Loli bullshit is easily more prevalent in pretty much all forms of jap jap weeb shit. It's a common stereotype in anime/manga as well as video games. Everything from the short, flat childlike high schooler to the loli mage/priest or 1000 year old loli dragon are heinously common. It's almost a fucking credential for a piece of media to have one. Christ, my examples are so universally applicable that there are likely several people here who will look at this and each come up with different examples. What world do you live in where it's hard to find this shit, you fucking mook?
And I can name a few non 18+ titles where a shota impregnates an adult woman or has sex with one, nothing with reversed genders, at all.
So in the end, lolis always stay in the joke zone, while actual shotacon happens from time to time.
>"I am a newfag and am dazzled that there's a few loli from time to time, so I'm under cultural shock and anime looks like it's lolicon to me still"
You're so cute and stupid.
"Anime" and "lolicon" are pretty much different worlds.
>And I can name a few non 18+ titles where a shota impregnates an adult woman or has sex with one
oh, please share. I dont know any non 18+ titles like that. I need it for cultural research.
>So in the end, lolis always stay in the joke zone,
As they should be.
Loli are daughters, dont lewd the daughter.
>oh, please share
Lotte no Omocha and Oda Nobuna has little boy impregnating adult woman, Dance in the Vampire Bund has vampire adult onee-san fucking with very little human brother for example. And there's always girls lusting for shota, like Maid Dragon, Clockwork Planet or Made in Abyss, just to name some of the recent seasons.
>Lotte no Omocha and Oda Nobuna
I'll check it out.
> Dance in the Vampire Bund
has R+ rating so its recommended for 17+ which is practically the same as 18+
>there's always girls lusting for shota
doesn't count. you said outright sex no female lusting after shota.
>has R+ rating
In case you're being serious, I'll say it so that you would understand: "18+ titles" are basically "porn".
DitVB is not a porn title, but something that even aired on TV.
>"18+ titles" are basically "porn".
yes, with 17+ titles being videos with sexual content and nudity. the only difference is them showing the sex explicitly rather than obscure it not a whole lot of difference.
There is a lot of difference, because we're talking about Japan, not your murrican shit ratings, so there are two types, porn and non-porn, with the former being very hard to advertise and can only be sold where it's allowed, under strict rules.
My initial impression, that you are indeed a newfag, was spot on.
>not your murrican shit ratings
I might've check the American rating, but I'm European. we aren't as uptight about sex as other countries might be.
Doesn't matter either, since how it's rated in Europe has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying, and if you weren't new, you would know that right away.
I am.
I wish i could transfer my mind to that boy.
I was seriously deprived of any feminine affection growing up.
>tfw no swole genie that gives you money
>Faceless old man:Origins
>top tier casting
>actually quite enjoyable
>ded as fuck threads
Too bad.
>And there's especially no MC that is into lolis, or touches them like that, stupid memeshitter.
Araragi from Monogatari is into lolis, and has groped and kissed them.
Yeah I played doctor a lot when I was a kid.
so will this show turn into yuyu hakusho or what
None, I just like seeing bitches getting fucked by huge (and sometimes tiny) shota cocks.
purest form of love
There are even raws for this thing?
milf yandere x shota mangas never. there are like 3
Basically this
Every faceless old man began life as a baby, senpai. So do mindbroken girls.
It's the ultimate self insert that is miles better than the normal high schooler.
nobody knows about the yandere milf rape shota win so sad
>look at all these tits I'm grabbing and you have none
I was raped by my aunt when I was a kid. It was very weird and developed a fear for women for a bit of time. Now that I am reminded by it, it all just seemed so silly to me.
I want to turn into a little boy. That way I get to be a kid again, but this time with a sexy twist.
I want to be in 2D world where little boys are cute and can get raped by their onee-sans with no repercussions and mostly good times.
I know its rare nowdays, but I always selfinsert in the male. So...the latter
Neither, I just like non-extreme size difference but there isn't that much content about it and /ss/ is the closest alternative.