Episode 5 today.
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni 05
There's already a thread
>one of the worst fucking premises for a series in modern history
>faggots on Sup Forums actually watching it
And you people say Japan has shit taste
A day old garbage one, full of non-anime related shitpost.
This thread is for episode 5 discussion.
Looks translatable, I recall someone posting alphabet equivalent.
gozaru's gozarus
Based MC.
It's alright actually.
Fucking perfect
There's worse than that.
Best girl
>slimegirl genocide
>trampling over someones life long work
I raged
Nigga spent his life making his own monstergirls possible.
What a man.
She's better with drills
>not enjoying watching your daily dose of isekai
/tg/ ruins everything
At least the MC understands.
Charlotte the green titty mage a qt.
Linze has super lewd pantsu
At least the MC is finally using the phone in interesting ways
They should leave the building alone.
Arson is a crime.
This is what confuses me the most about this show. What is the purpose of having the phone? I came here expecting smartphone asspulls but so far he has only been using google maps and ocasionally having a chat with kamisama. Everything boils down to OP magic. Its not even used for gags, not good ones at least.
Jesus Christ, the fucking fire arrows.
mana is one hell of a drug
I want her to teach me everything thoroughly.
>implying google maps is not OP magic.
Exactly! If they are going this route, might as well replace any function the phone could have with a spell of some kind. Wouldn't be the first time an isekai has done it.
Legit 0/10 anime
Elze is better.
I am still watching it and enjoying it
Truly anime is the pinnacle of entertainment
haha brainlets say the darndest things
>implying I'm not an iq160 demigod genius
There's the other thread for you to shit up.
Elze butt.
Reimu is so cute
fuggg Linze has the goods
post lewd linze
>those last few button presses
>and record
these are a bitch to stich by hand
I wish the slimes succeeded at attaching to the princess
>princess with bigger tits
If the slimes took form of Jesus's harem then would they have been another form for scientist bro?
It probably mimics the closest female form.
That would explain the statues
How can he literally Search for anything he wants?
How can he search for something he doesn't know himself or ever saw in his life?
Google powered by God.
The limit of what you can Search for is probably based on your magical aptitude, so given how the MC has all his stats maxed out it doesn't surprise me that he'd be able to search for anything.
>burning an entire dead man's work and remaining records that he ever existed just because ecchi
The protags are the true villians
raymoo Reimu's reimus
Why do drills make every girl better?
Only the girls.
MC had to go along for his sake.
Only if you tip.
a cute
They go in pair.
Reminder that this series is also bad because it focuses more on the Mc being perfect than giving his harem any sort of character.
>Else and Linze: Twins
>Reimu: Samurai
>Princesss: Wants the MC's dick
That's the extent of the characterization given to them five episodes in.
Elza: run errands/quest as a source of income, skilled fighter
Linze: mage and knowledgeable
Yae: Foreigner with great swordmanship honing her skills
Fuck me, he casts one spell and all the females in the room suddenly want his dick.
Some nip did it
You've explained what they do, not anything about their personalities.
The spells names are pretty clear.
All I see is a bunch of tits.
Well, the slime thing made me conclude they are gigantic prudes, so there is that.
I only watched it this far because i couldn't believe how fucking stupid it sounded when user made a thread yesterday.
The smaller text is not english, it's their world language.
What's in english in the "ancient magic script" Linze mention
So those glasses MC made essentially allow you to translate english to your native language.
thank you smartphone, you are finally useful for once
Too much salty posters today
I don't know why people bitch about the MC.
He may be all powerful but everyone gets to shine.
And he isn't a beta around the girls, just a lawfag.
I don't know why but it sure does.
No enough drills in anime these days.
You just know he saved it.
>learns the power to give girls drill hair
>never uses it
Wrong, they all want MC's dick, search more
Will we get a onsen/beach episode?
After that Linze scene I need one.
Novelfags, when do we get the fucking GUNBLADES ?
Please respond.
Sometime in the next few episodes.
The LN got one (of course)
It's in the second volume so yes.
Yeah I swear, just the tip.
that degozaru is the lewdest
Donate first.
Do we get more fanservice anytime soon?
damn your life is sad
Not as much as the person who needs to ridicule anonymous people on the internet in order to feel better about themselves.
MC walks in on them changing but other than that I can't think of much fanservice.
what is that bear?
You're gay
that's best girl
Slime researcher was a God amongst men.
>created peaceful slimes that didn't hurt anyone
>his ultimate creation was 4 slimes that could transform into any girl you wanted
>Just wanted a harem of cute slime girls that wouldn't hurt anyone
And they burned it all down. Fuck these girls, did they feel that threatened by the slime girls?
They weren't even that bad for being lewd slimes, they didn't even try to enter the butts of people!
Bigger breasts would ruin yumina's perfect budding chest.
She did good killing those slimes.
I love the eyecatches