Polish Jews stunned, scared by eruption of anti-Semitism

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>Since communism's collapse in 1989, Jewish life has been re-emerging, with young people feeling safe enough in Poland's democracy to embrace a heritage their parents and grandparents had largely repressed.

>Amid Israeli criticism, a prominent Polish right-wing commentator used an offensive slur to refer to Jews. Rather than being punished, he was welcomed on TV programs, including a state television talk show where he and the host made anti-Jewish comments, including jokes about Jews and gas chambers.

>"Each time you have an anti-Semitic wave, there are Jewish people who leave," Grynberg said. "It's not just a whim: It's about their fear. Jewish people know what can come after."



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Leaving is the best option for them.


>feeling safe enough
if making jews feel unsafe is the only thing that keeps them out why didnt they say so a long time ago? i didnt know the chosen victims of god were so easily intimidated.

Israeli blackmail has consequences on the diaspora, it is the same for any other people. What do they want, a medal ?

oh no, this hatred must stop! :(

Jews have a track record

Wtf Hitler did one thing wrong and it was not allying the poles.


>go back to acting like kikes
>surprised when people hate you again

It was our retarded government who did not make an alliance with Germany. After Piłsudski's death we had literal imbeciles who believed in some 'anglo defence pact'.


I think that's the point.

Cromwell kiked the British long ago.

They overplayed their hand. They hand a fun century of guilt. The world is now righting itself. The monumental shift is going to be glorious.

Jews can never truly be your ally or your friend, it is always just a question of how long before they betray your trust.

>accuse your host nation of war crimes
>host nation says "fuck you kike"
>play victim
The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you.

Wtf i love poland now

time for ticket to Israel jewbros.

Just got back from a night out in town, passed a Jewish kosher restaurant on my way back, business as usual. Who's leaving? Goyim pls, this is fake news.

because every single jew has left your country by now, dream on

>Why do they persecute me so

No joke, the jewish community in my city is bigger than the entire jewish population in poland.

Why the fuck are they complaining, they aren't wanted and they should just leave.

god damn...im jealous of poland
this fucking timeline.

That's exactly what I'm saying, the only ones that are leaving or rather "threatening to leave" are hardcore leftists, usually women.

>including a state television talk show where he and the host made anti-Jewish comments, including jokes about Jews and gas chambers
video link pls

I wonder how that happened Germany ? Check out this Polish writing on this gate

They like to imply they bring all sorts of value, I think that's why the leftists keep making threats, because they truly believe their host countries can't live with out them.


>"Each time you have an anti-Semitic wave, there are Jewish people who leave,"

Isn't that the point?

That’s litetally what Israel is for.

Didn't the Jews commit a terrorist attack against the Polish consulate in Israel just a week ago?
>Oy vey, it's annuda shoah!
>pic related

Even though I fucking hate Jews, attacking them in public is too much; you play their game control the propaganda and make people turn against them.

> I didn’t know the Jews had a victimhood complex

Read the bible, dude. Their entire reason for existing is drama queen levels of victimhood.

These idiots did it themselves. I don't know what they wanted to earn with their ridiculous blaming of Poles for Holocaust when it's well known, that Jews sold other Jews way more often. Also nazi colabolators were swiftly dealt with by AK.

Israeli Jews are retards. The smart ones are all in murrica.

>"Each time you have an anti-Semitic wave, there are Jewish people who leave,"


fuck those inbred mongrels, faster we expel them the better

He would without hesitation, but our kiked government was ordered to suck british-jewish cock instead.

yep, nigger mentality

youtube isn't translating that at all. What's the joke?

Insist on calling them Polish death camps when they would never had existed in Poland had the Nazis not invaded.

Why do Jews go out of their way to piss off their host countries?

>Can't legally mutilate infants any longer

Oh dear lord how it must be horrible for the jew!

>It was our retarded government who did not make an alliance with Germany
This is how a lap dog behaves

>implying defending yourself from defamation is attacking

>They overplayed their hand
Jews in a nutshell

Youtube dont translate polish.

Where the fuck can Jews go anymore you dumb goyim :((

>England/France is Islamic
>Germany/Austria is better but full of antisemitic goyim
>East is all a shithole
>South europe is a shithole worse than Israel
>USA is becoming muttland because of (((our))) influence

I'm a Jew and I don't know where to move to. Does Monaco take Jews?

It's everyone else whose bad
Jew never did nuffin ever and it's all for no raisins

Rabbi Kiddiediddler says its anti-Semitic to take away his little boy snacks!

You know that you have your own country, right?

But its not actually fault of polish jews, mosty of them i believe are desent people.

They are Jews. But the smart ones. They wont' want you to taint their diaspora

>poles are responsible for the poles that helped german nazis
>how dare you insinuate jews are responsible for jewish collaborators in the nazi regime

Jews should be living in Israel. If they need to take some more land from the muslims, so be it, as long as they are gone from Europe and the USA.

>there are Jewish people who leave
with no where left to go lmao

you reap what you sow

>mosty of them i believe are desent
mosty of them can fuck themselves. If they were decent they would defend us louder.

What about hollywood? jewish men there are obsessed with black cock, but apart from that it's okay. Plus, the earthquake is coming, plus the immigrant invasion will see it all burnt to the ground and gated streets Bengazi'd within our lifetimes. Fun times ahead!

Well we have Jonny Daniels who do a lot in order to calm down this, chef rabbi do a bit and o some some other their petition but i would say that rest dont want do "bad move" so dont do anything. Instead demand from them anything we should send time pile of book "the prince by machiavelli".

Since 1989. People should really look into stuff before thinking its empowering to call yourself jew.

They call it Chutzpah, it's a matter of "jewish pride" to have no idea when enough is enough.

yeah, so I can't understand it

Israel is full of shitskin arabs larping as Jews

Most of us prefer living in goyimland and mixing with whites for that reason

I'd rather have Jewish-Germgoy mamzers than mix with brown Israelis

I mean if you accuse someone of doing something and in response they flee the country I'd say that sounds like someone who's guilty... dindu nuffin

Learn Polish, soon it will be sacred tongue and lingua franca for whites lol.

It is Loxist of Jewish Poles not to defend you

>brown Israelis
But they're the based ones

Wouldnt it just be incredible if someone gave them their own country? Then they could go there

>The American English word lox[3] is derived from the Yiddish word for salmon

always makes me chuckle

Oy vey! This is so sad. It's a shame they don't have a home country to flee to. Oh...

I would be perfectly fine with Jews of they stayed in Israel, I think we all would.

No, frayed knot, old chap

they were talking about "Polish" death camps and one of guys said
>well if you look at it from language side - that were Jewish death camps, who run crematory and died there?

Ashkenazis are 17% there, a minority in the country they built

Why would any Western Jew move to Israel? That's dumb unless we're under threat and making a last stand

fuck the germans

The main reason why Poland isn't as cucked as other European countries is because they kicked out Jews in 1968.

The main reason why Jews are now pushing the "Polish death camps" so hard story now is because it's one of the last bastions of nationalism in Europe & a threat to EU hegemony.

They want to guilt the Poles until they're as cucked as the Germans and they open their borders to the third-world.


sorry can't read polish

Gas Chamber Tag

Not It....

And this is why Jews aren't welcome anywhere and will always be getting kicked out of OUR homes, nomadic parasites to the very bitter end

All jokes aside, Jews here are at least claiming that they are doing this. As Europe becomes Islamic, they know what's coming for them.

>small jewish community


Taking a shit where you eat is a bad survival strategy, you are going to have a mess on your hands after whote Christians are gone. Your cheap asses arent going to pay the muds welfare and you will be joining the white Christians fate, at the hands of your golem.

>kvetch about internal law regarding 'polish death camps', including getting daddy US to be 'very concerned' about this internal law
>constantly harass country which let you live in it for 400 years

Oy vey, why does Poland hate Jews for no reason???

Alles klar

The 68 expulsion was literaly the commie party purging jewish commies that took part in prosecuting the polish resistance after the war. The did that to have a better image of the party among common people.

>Remember kikes, I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me!

>constantly harass country which let you live in it for 400 years
Polish-Jewish relation has around 1000 years not 400 and they god many things like rights.
>Located in the Poznan province west of Lodz, Kalisz was for centuries a border town between Poland and Germany. One of the oldest cities in Poland, Kalisz also played an pivotal role in Polish Jewish history: in 1264, Prince Boleslav V, Duke of Krakow, was the first to grant a charter to the local Jewish community, giving them settlement rights as well as certain religious and financial freedoms. This "Statute of Kalisz," expanded by later Polish rulers, provided the legal foundation for Jewish rights in Poland.


Arent you already there?

Based old bat Ziemkiewicz. Didn't he just get banned from UK for being a nazi?

Oy vey!
Talmud tears ain't workin' for goyim ears

he isnt nazi but yes xD

Most of them stay regardless, there's only a few hundred immigrants from UK who leave for Israel every year. It's just articles whining, do you see Jacob Rothschild claiming he's moving to Rishon LeZion? If you do I'll move too


can she be my tutor? she is polish

As opposed to being England's bitch.
I hope the jews give you a nice shakedown. Fucking Polish goys, man.

Good thing the Jews made sure to preserve the ovens in Auschwitz heh? I'll get the coal, just bring em in.

No. XD

>Why would any Western Jew move to Israel?
israelis are gradually taking over land. As they improve their country's safety, any land investment will increase in value.

Omg if you could for even a second have any self awareness about what you sound like...

>self awareness
>self criticism


I know he isn't. But it is what he got banned for. And that is hilarious.

We have important business/positions of power to hold overseas, do you think the memes you hear about on this place are a joke?