What a god damn waste of a cute cast.
What a god damn waste of a cute cast
I like how the sidekick isn't just a generic loser sidekick but is more like Yuuji from Baka to Test. Also I didn't expect that out of three main girls, only one wants MC dick while the other two want sidekick dick. That's an interesting change of pace.
He still should have joined the club, he could have just chilled and played Granblue there.
Just watched the latest episode, Karen shouldn't be allowed to be so cute.
Chiaki a best. A BEST.
They all get their screen time really
Tasuku was the MC in episode 2
While Karen was in episode 4
I would've been fine with Karen being a stereotypical famous blonde school idol who happens to be a gamer gurl, but her character went to shit the moment she fell for that faggot MC. Chiaki is literally Sup Forums except that now she's a slut, so that leaves Aguri as best girl.
I wish this was a SOL about a Gamer Club instead of Love Triangle garbage.
Will blonde get btfo in next episode?
>why does Karen like MC? Reeeeeeee
>why does Chiaki like that other guy? Reeeee
Just watch girls only shows you thin skinned virgin
>A school with a number of cute girl gamers higher than 0
Why chiaki a shit.
She destroy everything.
1: You got a perfectly cute gurl there
2: Dog, let me make it worse
Hell no, that hairstyle is 10/10.
The author trolled the fuck out of Sup Forums, and I for one love it.
What is your issue with MC? He seems quite okay to me.
Video games are meant to be played alone.
one of the worst MCs in a while, second only to the one from Re:Creators
I asked you what your issue with MC is. Are you unable to put that into words?
what am I, an English major?
He just comes off as excessively beta and indecisive. It's annoying and off-putting.
He doesn't seem indecisive at all to me. He seems to know perfectly well what he wants given how passionate he is about his opinions to even ruin his relation with Chiaki due to an ideological disagreement.
By "indecisive" I mean he's not making the same decisions I would make in that situation thereby making my self-insertion into the story and escapism from reality extremely difficult.
I see. Obviously that's a rather personal issue though rather than a problem with the show per se.
I guess you could say that, but as the protagonist of the reality my opinion is the only one that matters.