Will this accomplish anything?
Will this accomplish anything?
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Yes, truly Gen Z is the greatest generation...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, you're just as bad as the fucking hippies
Fucking Mutualists.
The niggers and spics should protest racism by refusing to use their EDT cards. I hope they never go back to school, so that we could shut down those communist making factories and slash property taxes.
Its important that you bump this fuckers.
Damn, what was she DOING to those kids?
kids walking on on 4:20
a weed holiday
to protest guns? more like get high
so no it will do nothing
pretty easy for her to give her flag up.
Sounds like a target rich environment.
>tell people they are victims
>they start to believe you
ah, so this is how niggers became niggers
>A bunch of fags who were gonna skip for 4/20 anyway don't show up.
How is this any different from any other year?
Niggers were nigging long before any boats ever touched their shores.
>in charge
Do you feel in charge?
>orange is the colour of the anti gun violence movement
says fucking who? fucking fascists who are they to say what colour the movement is, their fucking sign isn't even orange it's blue, let them wear blue
How about they protest changing schools to not be ''gun free zones'' anymore? Look how it worked out, I'm sure if few teachers were packing heat there'd be much less shootings and victims if one happened
They should all smoke a bowl lmao
yeah it’ll get thousands of people “randomly” drug screened
have fun getting parents on board with that.
>Open carry at a college is insanity.
Out of curiosity, how many shooting has that college experienced?
I'm a nigger, the movement.
Like I said before, we need to meme a walk out for Hitler's birthday.
I dont even need to look up who founded this" National School Walkout" group to know whos behind it. Fuck man "we are change" is a goddamn giveaway.
Leftist women are our biggest enemy. Never forget that.
Pretty disgusting how quick these people are to politically utilize students after a shooting. No one will question it as usual, though.
Meme them celebrating Hitler’s birthday.
Gee wonder why they picked that day in particular, surely it isn't to celebrate Hitler... Now what reason could thousands of lefty nihilists have to hold a mass protest on April 20? Could it be the Siege of Boston? Columbine? I wonder...
Russians Did This
>Will this accomplish anything?
Kids will get one less day of marxist propaganda
This reminds me of the time where they had the Hispanics don't come to school or work day, which I think everyone else forgot about already
>let's honor dead students by skipping class
>April 20th
Be sure to say happy birthday to your favorite fuhrer.
Ban grenades?
What are they trying to accomplish?
End school shootings?
Be annoying attention whores?
Yeah probably
free day off for teachers
fuck yeah
>April 20th, two months away from now for some reason
>Everyone's going to wear orange
Hmmmmm. Sounds like someone needs alittle time to organize his next color revolution.
Surely a bunch of rabble rousers on the internet couldn't make propaganda and commandeer this movement to make it seem like this is a celebration of Hitler's birthday. Or perhaps they'd try to show the public that all the students that walk out are depressant-smoking delinquents instead?
What we need to get trending is;
Students across the nation plan n walking out on hitlers birthday to proclaim his gun control policy was correct.
>those ratings
>hunting color
>tacky color
It's like these people are retarded or something.
lol remember when beaners didnt go to work 1 day?
It's a literal Russian psyop, but it's ok because it's lefty.
Putin has a history of running what he calls 'non-linear warfare' operations; support both sides and people don't know what to believe.
april 20 is the columbine anniversity brah
If these kids are so fucking bent out of shape about this why don't they just police themselves instead of looking to papa trump to save the day.
omfg kids these days
Fuck Donald trump
It would be a shame if it became a walk out to celebrate Hitler's birthday.
All of these problems in the 1st world, has anyone considered that a specific group of people is the core cause of them all?
>lol guns in schools and colleges aren’t the solution
>shooting happens
Really fires up my neurons
In the famous words of Malcolm X
>“an old woman can sit, an old man can sit, a chump can sit, a coward can sit, anything can sit. Well you and I have been sitting long enough, and it’s time today for to start doing some standing, and some fighting to back that up.”
sit ins are for people who want the praise for doing something without any of the effort nor do they themselves want immediate results. The kind of results they want must come from others, its a sort of activist laziness that embodies these sort of protests
Putin is as bad as a kike. Russia at this point is as bad as Israel when it comes to playing both sides against each other.
I'd imagine it's the orange tip you put on fake guns.
It's the color you put on something to show it's neutered and harmless.
At least the minorities will have a head start.
>Will this accomplish anything?
Drug test them the next day to find out.
They have no solutions. "Protesting" isn't going to help if you're not going against anyone.
Also, why doesn't anyone have any solutions? All these left wingers keep saying we need "common sense gun laws"... The fuck does that even mean? They offer no resolution. It's just like BLM who "protest" but they don't know what for.
it's on 4/20, the teachers are just gonna think the students are high and don't feel like doing shit. Why on earth would someone try and protest on a day when nobody will take them seriously
It's more important for them to be SEEN to be doing something, than actually accomplishing anything.
Lol inb4 edgy school shooter cunt takes advantage of this. Kids all outside, no structure, no security, open fires on a massive crowd. Fucking terrible idea.
>voice your thoughts
>here is what to say
This, unfortunately.
It's not that they care about virtue, but that they wish to be seen by others as virtuous. Thus they will loudly express any opinion if they believe it to be accepted by their peer group as a virtue, never once considering as to why.
why aren't we playing the left's game at calling all this unpatriotic stuff russian?
kill yourself and also reported
>People in orange lined up outside.
>Getting truck of peaced while protesting white guys with guns.
They don't get any say in keeping kids safe
not knowing whose birthday is on 4/20
>Using Hitler's birthday to protest gun violence
Literally no.
why havent we coopted hitlers birthday into a day against degeneracy yet?
orange is also the color of Drumpf
>plans school walk out
>on nation skip school and smoke weed day
>columbine anniversity brah
What good would this accomplish? columbine happened during the Clinton assault weapon ban
Lefties aren't known for their creativity.
>Government allows a known psycho to attack kids
>DWS and others tell them to march for a Government solution
really jiggles
Fucking typical Australian millennial getting involved when they have no idea about the reality of guns in the US
Why would it? Students want any excuse to get out of class. The only kids that would still go to class would be the kids with good parents who want their children to be good students.
The protests of children are meaningless. Fun is their priority and a protest is just a party.
The 19th Amendment was a fucking mistake!
>we are victims
Christ. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
>April 20th
Sup Forums
>We are students: well yes
>We are victims: Wait...wha-?
>We are change: .............?
Watch someone shoot up their protest. Seems like a bad idea.
The poster advertising the event is next to the "do not eat Tide pods" psa in the lunch room.
Come on Gen Z'ers. Don't be as fucked up as the Millenials. Countries are shaped by their youth not their old. Don't fall for the left's brainwashing like the prior three gens did.
heather is le 56%, maybe the eruopoors are right about us.
What a nice way to celebrate Hitlers birthday, really they should have the day off already.
>we are victims
What is it this time?
Gen Z is a joke, people who say they are redpilled don't have siblings in gen Z. I used to think my generation was as retarded as you could get.
Because Jews and dumb females are brainwashing and using children as political weapons. Its fucking disgusting
Lol I figured I couldn't be the only one to notice that
if students are against school shootings then why are they constantly perpetrating school shootings?
So now we know when the targets will be in place
First thing on my mind when I saw the date too.
All the students will be home blazed out of their minds on that day