Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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He reminds me of shooter from happy gilmore
Because he wasn't the anti-war candidate in his election, while Trump was.
Because he was a wet that wouldn't hit back.
Only one wife and no hundreds of side whores?
This is reality TV America, Mitt. Start doing coke like Trump and you'll have a chance.
He was a submissive little pussy who thought people would love and respect him for "taking the high road"..nobody respects the guy getting his ass kicked without even attempting to throw a counter punch. That's a lie conservatives were sold to make them look stupid
- cuck personality
- too afraid to be called racist
- personality of a cinder block
- liberal
He might as well offered his wife to Obongo to have sex with. Completely spineless performance against him.
If Obongo asked him, he would have bent over and spread his buttocks.
Romney is sorta like jimmy carter. He has a timid personality. He is always is worried about what people think of him.
Pretty much. The whole "ignore them and they'll lose interest and quit bullying you" meme doesn't ever work irl much less in politics.
He got taken down by "Binders full of Women."
He apologized to it like he was accused of rape or sexual harassment or some affair.
For fucks sake.
Trump beat out "Grab her by the pussy" and allegations by random thots.
He had no balls. Trump has big balls.
elitist cunt
stupid 47 percent comment
4 years of extreme PC exposure probably did it.
I heard somewhere that roughly the same number voted for Romney as they did for Trump, but Hillary was less popular.
Romney Ryan was peak cuck muh values, muh decency. It was like watching paint dry on a piece of white bread.
Trump has ushered in the era of identity group struggle.
47 percent comment wasn't dumb. Not doubling down was dumb.
Trump said Mexicans bring over drug lords, rapists, murderers, etc.
Romney was a dumb motherfucker who should have double down.
"Yeah, 47% of you dumb motherfuckers are dumbass SJWs. You gotta go back, Wall got 10 feet higher."
Yeah, right.
Because he's Generic Republican 756. Seriously, there's nothing to distinguish his from any other random GOP dude, except maybe he's a Mormon, which didn't distinguish him in any type of good way. He was also, as noted, a timid little bitch. He seemed to think, God knows why, the press would treat him in any type of fair way if he was "nice." Bitch, the press is mostly unamerican whores, they are not your friend.
Any Utah user: Could Chaffetz beat Mittens if he ran? If not, who? Can they be reminded HRC was a carpetbagger too?
I really don't want to see Romney showing up when we've finally got Johnny Wet-start about to kick the bucket.
If Trump endorses someone that runs against Mittens, Mittens will lose.
not a cuck
Alabama says hi.
I hope that is the case and that Mitt has staunch competition in the primary. Trump's endorsement didn't help Big Luther in AL, though. Geez, Romney... ugh. The political equivalent of a glass of warm milk.
Romney is passive aggressive. He is all nice and proper and groveling in public, then he'll diss people in private.
Nobody likes Mormons.
Nobody likes RINOs.
>Trump's endorsement didn't help Big Luther in AL
You can thank McConnell for that.
Obamacare was a copy of Romneycare.
The choice between the two candidates was a distinction without a difference.
Cause he looks, talks and acts like the guy who lays people off from their job.
mormon president over my dead fucking body that's why. i'd sooner let a jew up there.
He tried to play by the rules of the Dem's political correctness game. If you let your opponent set the rules, they win. Trump broke the game by refusing to play by their rules. The people are sick of political games and avoiding truth while spouting political bullshit.
Because he didn't hit back when Obama mocked him.
Too bad mormons will outbreed you by 2100
I'm pretty sure he was one of the most vocal republican anti-trumpers.
He is literally the Anti-Trump.
>I stand against everything you like, love me because of my party affiliation.
fuck this guy.
maybe in mexico.
Too milquetoast to rouse the base, too party-republican for cross-appeal
And Trump is the exact opposite. The very sort of bombastic that gets the base fired up, while actually being moderate enough to appeal to a wider audience.
Andrew Jackson was the same way, and in many ways was an 1800's version of Trump. Hopefully Trump turns out to be more like Jackson than anyone could imagine. We could usher in an entire century of prosperity of that were the case.
Because he wears a magical vest and underpants!
Trump endorsed Strange, you cretin.
he's a gun grabbing faggot that would have been worse than the actual nigger who beat his ass.
and this secret gay shit they do in the temple!