Just got done reading this manga and am now feeling the void.
pls help
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
bumping with some more alpha
It never fills. You have to go outside and carry that weight with you.
Atleast I haven't read his other works yet.
Are they on the same level of quality as YKK?
I haven't either, from what I heard they're good but YKK is unmatched under the heavens.
Guess I'll read Kotonoba Drive now
Or you could mourn ojisan
it's okay at least they live together now
best yuri couple ever.
Nah. There are fleeting moments in some of his other works that are on par, and they are altogether also nice,comfy and reflective. But not nearly on the same level as Yokohama. YKK is Ashinana's flagship, and it leads by a country-mile from the rest of his works.
At least someday Alpha will meet her sister who rules the plane. I wish I could witness it.
Post favorite chapters
Someone post the camera one. You know which page I'm talking about.
>feeling the void
Stop touching me.
t. void.
Not even close. His other works even seem quickly drawn, for the fun of it. Still a pleasant read though. YKK is so much more meticulous.
>You have to go outside and carry that weight with you.
>not lifting and carrying more weight
step it up senpai.
>implying I don't lift
You're dead kiddo
Fucking computer illiterate. That's how you transfer data
Come at me bro.
>tfw reading YKK while listening to aria OST everyday before going to sleep and achieving maximum comfyness
>thanks to that i always had good dreams
>tfw i pretty much cried when i finished reading the manga
>the manga had such a slow yet constant storytelling you never had to keep reading to satisfy the suspense
>the charmful drawing thad makes you feel like the characters are looking at you
>the goddamn scenery porn
the only thing i wasn't comfortable about the manga is that kokone didn't went to live with alpha way sooner, or at least both went traveling together
Also that the ending was a bit of a letdown, i expected more like the ocean was rising faster that alpha's house was destroyed, or that the old man/lady died of age or something
Anyway, nothing comes close to this series ;_;
Can someone explain the ending of Kabu no Isaki?
Here's what happens to you now
>He didn't read a single chapter to wind down before bed a few times a week and read the manga over several years.
>yes I like Slayers
You a fool. The right way is to shelf the last few chapters for decades.
Does someone have raws of this that aren't dumb double scans like pic related?
any chapter with Takahiro and Alpha always hurt my heart
fuck, this chapter made me cry
I read slowly up to chapter 62 and then stopped reading for about a year and read from 62 to the end while listening to the mushi shi ost and nujabes's departure.
I have the 10-volume reprint, but it would be a waste to rip it apart unless the scanlators are skilled and reliable. From the release by Habanero, it seems they have at least volume 1 of the reprint too, so you would ask there first.
It's not even yuri though.
who is the char on the bottom right in the first panel?
what's the manga like in comparison to the ova
Much better
medicine seller from Mononoke
This shit is never getting a physical English release and it breaks my heart.
I'd buy it in Japanese just for the art.
I've considered it, but I'm poorfagging it at the moment.
Watch something healing.
If it helps, this is a pretty comfy post-apocalyptic manga as well. It's also getting an anime adaption next season which is unexpected.
Watch the anime.
>good scanlation never
I'll never stop getting goosebumps from this page
I got both SSR and YKK in my top 5 manga.
I found out about SSJ by accident by visiting a manga store in Akiba and buying all the released tankobon. Soon after that the anime gets announced.
Great time to be a comfyfag.