Who would have won if they ran one against the other in 2016?

who would have won if they ran one against the other in 2016?

Probs Obama. He'd have snagged a good chunk of the female vote that voted for Trump.

They basically did. No outgoing POTUS has ever campaigned more or harder than nigger did for Hillary. Trump wiped him out across the board


if if if if if if if if if if if if

Obama. Don't listen to people who say Trump would win, they're delusional.

Albeit, Obama would've had less electoral votes than the previous 2 elections he was in. He would probably have the same amount of EV that Trump got. While Trump would've gotten the same EV's that Hillary got.

First term Obama would have won, but 2nd term would have probably been Trump by a microscopic margin. Hell, Mitt Romney could have beaten second term Obama. Trump probably wanted to run but knew that Marxist Obama was a hard case to beat and was not the terminal stage for America (which was Clinton). Trump did a great service in running, and people really need to realize this.

Trump in 2016 but GOATbama any previous year

Trump wouldn’t of even been the nominee

bongo ofcrz. How is that even a question, fgt

He be dat nigga

it was a very tasteful way of pausing and adding emphasis

Obama would be President for life if not for fucking Republican affirmative action aka 22nd amendment

This guy always wins.

except of course based bill would have already been prez for life

Probably would have started a civil war, I don’t even want to know.

Maybe if you pretend the country is only 9 years old

Oh, sweetie... you have no idea how america works.

you literally post the same images and same shitpost every single day on this board. i feel sorry for you, obamaleaf.

Okie doke!!!!!!!!!!

triggered russian bitches

>l-l-longest streak of job gr-growth!

Does anyone else think that that is absolutely absurd? Like, he doesn't have the lowest unemployment or the most job creation: just that he managed to be president for 8 years of constant "positive change", in the same way that making 5 cents a day for 8 years makes you have a "long streak" of earning money.

Trump. Trump would have humiliated Obama.

Trump only won because he was the only Republican non-cucked enough to attack him, ridicule him, and outright bash him.

Every cuckservative sucked his cock for being negro.

His first 2-4 years, the GOP cucked out and had the GOP run by Michael Steele who is now showing his true color as a black nationalist SJW.

There was a negro fever for the first few years.

>They basically did. No outgoing POTUS has ever campaigned more or harder than nigger did for Hillary. Trump wiped him out across the board

Because at the end of the day, it was still Hillary. Only so much Obama could do.

King Nigger probably.

lol. Obama is on another level.
Hillary is fake AF despite having experience and Trump only larps as an edgy far right redneck.

Now why wont Democrats use this same sensible logic when it comes to discussions about Trump and the results of statewide or even more narrowly local elections? Every time I read one it's about how the result of this one small race is equivalent to a national referendum on Trump and his re-election odds. I see that it is possible for some of you all to still be sensible, so while you're in the zone, care to explain?

Drumpf. Because America is full of braindead shitbrains brainlets

Obama has huge advantages over Clinton with turnout and Trump won by like 80,00 votes across 3 states.

Obama wouldn't have been so retarded as to just give up Ohio and ignore states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

Obama was hardly a good president but he was a great campaigner. If you look at the results rationally Trump JUST beat Clinton. The difference between Trump being president and Clinton being president is this

0.77 % in Wisconsin, 0.23 % in Michigan, 0.72% in Pennsylvania. Now does anyone in their right mind believe that Obama isn't going to do AT least 1 percent better than fucking Hillary of all people.

The donald wouldbe had that cia op stuttering so bad, he wouldve shutdown.

learn english before u shill


It was a typo you non deducing literal retard.


His hometown is in NYC

getting better boris

trump would win.
Nobody can fuck with the guy.
How many world leaders have told the pope to fuck off?

fuck off, Devon

Choke on a baguet, huang

it would be a landslide for obama

Da nigga

lol your french is worse

Barry. Trump's election is one of those events which occur only 1 in 10 times. A very fortunate chain of events (Hillary being an extremely shit candidate, DNC corruption exposition, Reagan Democrats flipping the Rust Belt, Blacks not bothering to vote) made it happen.

I dont know, Id like to think trump, but obama was very good and actually hired a far superior campaign team then hillary. Also he gets the black to vote, which though only 13% could still be kingmaker.
Trump on the other hand is a master of persusasion and we will never know what kind of linguistic kill shots he would have for obama.

Id have to say its pretty much an even 50/50 split.

other factors would include:
Reince Preibus ... yes i know everyone around here thinks he is a fag and a cuck, but he actually built a fantastic ground game organization for GOP, of fundraisng and getting out votes, nad he held it in place. Trump benefitted hugely from this.
Obama one other hand is a massive fundraiser, way better then hillary.
Obama hired hired master persuader Robert Cialdini, who basically wrote the book.

Id have to say obama would win, all things weighed in te balance. Not because obama is a better candidate though, just because the mob is fickle and generally stupid.

>Reagan Democrats

they're dead

1816: The Year Without Summer

Miserable. Gloomy. Freezing cold. In Canada, winter can be all these things. But in 1816, that’s how the summer unfolded —

Who cares about rifle dropper language?

Trump probably. McCain and Romney were cucks.

2016? Trump. Any previous election though and I would say Obama.

Thats right, McCain wouldn't go after reverand Wright both (((were above it all)))

fuck barrack soetorro!

The yuge irony is that obummer helped Trump get elected simply by being the most annoying leftwing Asshole America ever knew.

It was an Epic win when obummer claimed Trump would never be President.

They don't want to accept the possibility of a blue wave, they have no idea how to deal with the possibility of trump having democrats able to really get in his way.

Jim Webb

comparing job growth with presidency are liberals really this uneducated?