Who had the better ending film?
Eva vs Gundam
I wonder, is it the revolutionary movie with incredible framing, cinematopgrophy, visual design and animation, or a Gundam movie that looks a million times worse than 0083, which was released less than 4 years later?!
EoE excels technically.
Char's counterattack's ending is fucking astounding in every-way. But it's not the actual end to the gundam series.
Either way its better then End of Evangelion.
But a better comparison would be EOE vs Ideon Be invoked because Gundam and Eva have very little similar situations other then Shinji possibly being inspired by Amuro and maybe some Kamille.
EoE had the best animated apocalypse ever
and the faggot MC got exactly what he deserved
They're both complicated movies, for very different reasons.
EoE is definitely a better movie, as far as construction and animation go.
It also has the benefit of being the ending to a 26 ep. show, instead of a 150 episode franchise/story arc
Doesnt matter anyway, CCA cant compete with EoE in any form or shape. The only people who unironically claim that are Gundam fags who cant accept that the vast majority of the franchises works are buttom of the bin tier or they bring up that Anno supposedly said that CCA is better, which in itself is a worthless thing to point out even if it was true. While CCA is good, it is far from being great. Its actually hard to even pinpoint a single Gundam entry that would deserve to be called great, thats how goddamn bad this toy advetisement is.
Why would I watch eva when I could just watch zambot 3.
>Eva isnt a toy commercial
Why would I watch Gundam when I can watch [insert most mecha shows]? The only impressive Gundam entries are 0083 for its visual direction, Unicorn for its animation, Turn A for how much you can turn a mecha show into a hippy fest with virtually no fighting whatsoever, Thunderbolt season 1 for its art and maybe Zeta. The rest you can throw into the trash, none of it is salvagable.
>comparing the availability of merc to Gunpla, the entire reason for Gundam shows to exist in the first place
Nice one. Guess its just a conincidence that the Gundam main mech alone receives like 3+ different remodeled kits per show.
CCA was shit because it practically throws any characterization Char has in the latter half of 0079 and Zeta in favor of making another "epic" battle between him and Amuro as rivals instead of following his ideology for humanity.
Why you don't include 0079 or War in the pocket yet include the pretty mediocre Thunderbolt is beyond me.
Char was always a psycho. He just never showed it during zeta besides small little scenes.
>He just never showed it
That's called bad characterization.
0079 is dogshit, WitP is a fair addition I guess although I personally think that its insanely overrated. I dont like Thunderbolt cast or story at least, but thats why I pointed out the art. It is without question one of the best looking Gundam entries so it has its merits, especially since its only 4 episodes long so you dont spend 10 hours watching trash, you just spend 90 minutes. Seems like a fair deal to me.
>shit vs masterpiece
I wonder, is it the revolutionary movie with incredible framing, cinematopgrophy, visual design and animation, or an otaku ciclejerk movie with writing as sophisticated as a Linkin Park song?!
>got exactly what he deserved
making peace with many of his demons and figuring out what he truly wants for himself? Yeah, I think so too.
It's funny because Eva fans are literally watching a chinese knock off of Tomino works made by a guy that hates himself. Everything is just Anno ripping off Tomino, then when he wrote himself into a corner ripped off Ultraman and Devilman.
I didn't know they were talking about Johnny Destiny, Space Ninja, I thought they were talking about Eva.
CCA is the best animated Gundam
>the Evangelion fanbase
Thanks for making me laugh.
kek, Zambot 3 is childish, only the human bombs episode and the ending were interesting, rest is just tokusatsu.
And by the way the best thing Tomino has ever made is Ideon.
The actual ranking: Be Invoked>The End of Evangelion>>>>>>>Char's Counterattack
Gundam is more popular and has had far more impact worldwide so I'll give it to Gundam.
You didn't understand Char's character during latter half of 0079 and Zeta. A lot of people don't, he's a pretty complex character along with Amuro.
You need to pay attention.
>ignoring the rest of the post
I completely disagree. I felt most of the episodes had interesting moments in them. Kappe being hated by everyone in the town in a serious manner and actually seeing how it effects his mentality was extremely well done. and they combine the cartoony looking monsters with some grusome scenes well. But those episodes you mentioned are the high points.
>Be Invoked
Simply epic meme. CCA and Gundam was Shitteon done right.
Just look at how bitter and frustrated gudamfags are.
>watching either
Back to le reddit with you
Please, Be Invoked is an absolute masterpiece and had one of the best ending ever. A greek tragedy perfectly done.
Anons shit taste is incredibile.
>an absolute masterpiece
>visually completely unimpressive
Thats not what masterpieces are user.
look I love Gundam
Really, UC Gundam is the best shit when it comes to mecha. It doesn't matter, if it's UC I will watch it, and at least like it but probably love it besides the sacrilegious G-Savior which really does not count as Gundam, let alone UC
But CCA put me to sleep. The build up to the battle was fantastic. The actual battle? Really boring. I don't even really know why, it just is.
EVA was better by virtue of having End of Eva which was a revamped version of Devilman.
HA: "The finale of Eva will end up being [like] "Devilman." That's what the story has to be. I guess I'm doing it unconsciously. [Eva] already completely contains the "taste" of Go Nagai. I can't wipe it away. I can no longer deny the impact of Devilman. If I were to deny it, I feel that I would end up completely overturning my own life."