Wtf was he thinking? He knows he's a NEET and she's a Stacy right? Why would he take such a huge risk like that
Does he get rejected ? Is she grossed out?
He gets rejected because he's fat creepy disgusting failure of a mangaka and she ends up falling in love with an actual popular mangaka.
> she's a Stacy
So she's going to die by having her neck snapped while free-falling?
The point of being human is to do irrational things and getting away with it.
Damn Chad mangakas
He isn't really a chad though. He's a autistic weirdo. But compared to lardass he is much more successful and skinnier too.
The point of being human is to survive and reproduce.
Humans are more than that, user.
I wish she ended up with the biker dude.
They were cute.
Appears Japan agrees too. There's more art of her with Fukuda than Kazuya. And there's 0 doujins I can find of her with Kazuya, when there's a number with Fukuda, Nakai, nameless rape men, and even Shuujin.
Guys always aim for girls out of their league irl user. It's not really a risk if there's nothing to lose.
No they do not.
>And there's 0 doujins I can find of her with Kazuya, when there's a number with Fukuda, Nakai, nameless rape men, and even Shuujin.
now that's just sad
This is the only art I can find of her with Kazuya.
>that fucking eiji
I don't even remember a biker character. She's the one who ends up with the guy who draws Otters, right?
This manga is a piece of shit
Why ya say that?
its not a piece of shit but it fails to deliver in some aspects. the editors being the biggest of it few flaws
>the editors being the biggest of it few flaws
I wonder if that ws intentional.