Nowadays 10 year old girls have bigger boobs and go out with less cloth though.
Thats physically impossible.
I thought she was at least 12
she seemed older than Ash
Literally my first fap. I thought my dick broke.
Go out more.
I've never seen a 10 years old girl who uses suspender.
She was supposed to be 13 in the original japanese version of the anime, blame 4kids
I'd let this 10 year old glop on my 10 years worth of unspent semen if you catch my drift
Not impossible.
Considering that fauna is substantially different from Earth, it's safe to assume that Pokemon "humans" are not exactly Homo sapiens sapiens either.
Fuck off back to your shitty containment board.
I thought she's 10 in the Jap version and 12 in the English dub?
Wasn't she 11?
Regardless of age I'd molest those legs with my penis
10 in the original, no age ever stated in the dub.
what the h*ck are you talking about
>tfw still go diamonds for Misty
Fuck everything.
Nothing wrong with that.
My first boner was from one of the grils from digimon. I don't even remember who, but she had nice feet
My four year-old self was conflicted between his elementary school crush and a 2D waifu for the first time
Stop watching children at the playground you sick fuck.
Cash me outside girl has bigger tits than my 43 year old mother
you didn't fap at four, user.
Misty is responsible for giving me my main fetishes
>Jean shorts
>Annoying tsundere that begs to be taken in her ass
Hes trying to make himself seem not underage
Misty was my first anime waifu