If upper middle class whites have literally no opportunity in todays America, how the hell are poor black ghetto kids suppose to have opportunity? I mean unless you're in the 1% it's impossible to do anything, so if you come from a broken home and maybe even have a youth criminal record how the hell are you suppose to escape poverty?
Explain how Blacks are Suppose to Escape Poverty
Nigger please.
Caucasian please
Whites are supposed to give their houses to black families.
Black Lives Matter suggested it, it's not an actual law.
1. take shitty job
2. build reputation at shitty job for getting job done no matter how much shit comes your way
3. use reputation to get slightly less shitty job
4. repeat until happy or dead
Too bad certain demographics would rather chimp out than finish step 2.
It doesn't work that way. Goldman Sachs is never going to hire you because everyone at Cletus's hotdog store said you were de y best.
G E T - A - F U C K I N G - J O B
Lazy fucking jigs, whining about your problems but doing nothing is nigger behaviour.
cry me a river faggot
Same way other races do? Are you retarded user? Your flag says yes.
>All white people work at investment banks
You're one of those "if I can't get better than everyone else with no effort whatsoever then I won't even try" types.
>Explain how Blacks are Suppose to Escape Poverty
No one is SUPPOSED to escape poverty...
Slavery never went away, dood... it just got hidden in the financial system.
go cry somewhere else you white whiner
Goldman Sachs where the "best of the best" are only make 80K a year. That's a little over enough to fund a family of 5
Jobs make you poor. Go whine some more white brit
The only race that suceeded in America are Jews and that's nepotism which blacks don't have DINGUS
>Jobs make you poor.
Liberals unironically believe this
>spend all your time working
>make just enough to pay expenses even if your expenses are kept at the bare minimum
Yeah it's sort of true.
Blacks do t have high enough iqs to escape poverty. Their best chance is to go to Africa where they will have a relatively high IQ and then use that to obtain relative status among other blacks.
>Explain how Blacks are Suppose to Escape Poverty
literally, unironically, DEATH
>Explain how Blacks are Suppose to Escape Poverty
Ain't that just like the perfidious white man, always keeping a brotha down.
I'm a 26 year old high school drop out who owns a modest piece of property in a very expensive area and I really want for nothing, go learn a trade and be good at it. Nobody's stopping you pussy
They always boast about being fast runner's. How about they try running away from it?
Stop giving them free shit. There's a reason why there's a "don't feed the animals" sign at the zoo. Struggle builds character and experience.
You don't go from living in a shack on a plantation to being a hotshot lawyer with three Benzs in a McMansion.
>Shack nigger learns to read
>Teaches child
>Child grows up teaches children to 3rd grade level
>They teach their own kids, one becomes a teacher to 6th grade level
Etc etc so that's education.
>Shack nigger can build shacks
>Teaches his son etc
>Building company
>Shack nigger can cook good squirrel
You see what I mean? There has to be family, education, a sense of long-termism, a community, and selflessness. Boomers go on and on about younger generations not likely to live as long or as well as them because it's in our nature to want to provide our children with a better life than what we had. It is not in a nigger's nature so they will never improve.
Outlaw all athletics to anyone that isn't one drop black. Same with porn. Also only black with white women in movies and TV.
Simple. Fixed.
You're a pussy. My family are all former investment bankers and spent so much on tutoring to get me a job. I'm a 24 year old NEET who's going to be homeless in a month when they kick me out. You can't just magically become wealthy.
congrats on realizing what happens when you get rid of the middle class you dumb faggot
you aren't , you're supposed to vote democrat forever nigger, now be quiet while the Mexicans replace you
Fuck you, go back to Africa and take your poverty with you
>Jobs make you poor. Go whine some more white brit
You don't get to h8 on my cuntry if you post frum behint a kekisflag you greasy fuckin chimp.
>Earning money makes you have less money
You stop being lazy and work your ass off. Do good in community. If you fuck up you have to pay the price. That includes earning trust. You’re also a moron if you think being poor growing up dooms you to poverty. I worked my ass off since 14, and now do quite well 20 years later. Nothing is instant you lazy nigger.
im the first in my family to go to college. I invest on the market. By the time im in my 40s, I expect to be worth like 30 million. I like when liberals or poor people think they are being kept down by the same system that provides some of the highest paying jobs and securities ever. Its not the system that is keeping you down its your own stupid ass. Ill make more money sitting in front of my computer than most fuck heads will working for someone else.
By organizing a mass return to Africa where they can harness their violent nature to murder the natives and build a new homeland free from exploitation by Whites, Spics, and Kikes.
Shift their cultural priorities to hard work, strong families, and moral integrity and away from violence, criminality, muh dick and fuck whitey. The black community doesn't even realize that theyre culture has been completely subverted.
>Suppose to
You should been less of a faggot and actually learned shit
>earning very little money and having to spend it on communte makes you wealthy
I did work my ass off. And i came from a family in the richest 3% and im going to be homeless when they kick me out in a month
it is in south africa
>building company
i dont think u understand how the world works. you need money to own the means of production
No you won't. You're going to be some 40 year old virgin. I love how you think you're not an oppresed victim just because you have a superiority complex. It's funny
I did. Didn't help much since im not 1%
end wellfare, decrease their birth rates even more. Try to breed out poverty. Basically cut every single government hand out, including student loans. This is just to reset things back to normal supply and demand chains.
Takes more than one generation. Folks need to stop having kids they can't raise....for one generation. Done.
>public libraries all over every major US city
>where black people are
>free computer use and internet literally all day
>can't figure out how to learn a skill when the Great Library x 10,000 is at your fingertips
motherfucker, I'm not going to wipe your ass for you.
every race except blacks has thrived in america. japanese were interned here and have higher earning rates than whites. your kind of thinking is exactly why nothing changes with the black community.
>Explain how Blacks are Suppose to Escape Poverty
genius sperm donation.
>>Earning money makes you have less money
this is what were dealing with over here britbong. dont let this happen to your country.
Whites don't thrive in America anymore.
How does learning a skill help you? No ones going to hire some faggot who's "skilled" at the library.
>Whites don't thrive in America anymore.
then why are you always trying to get shit from us? also some blacks still do thrive, the ones who don't buy into the toxic black hivemind.
Get a fucking bicycle nigger.
Get an more economical car
Get a job closer to home
Get a different job
Get a new qualification
Stop spending your wage on weed and 40s
You're trying to justify being a parasite, I don't even think you're kidding yourself.
Cry more faggot. Just kill yourself and fuck off.
You should look up the NAACP and non-economic liberalism. Where some kike bastard turned you into a weapon against whitey instead of advocating for your own economic benefit
its just going to keep getting worse at this rate.
You need to be high up already to get those things
Keep crying whiteboard
I've been staring at my carpet in my small apartment trying to spawn cash by praying to Satan.
It's week 3 and I've been consuming 50mg of meth a day in hopes I can summon Satan from the universe trapped in our minds.
I know I'll spawn the cash, I know it.
Just you 4channers wait and I'll be the spookiest king skeleton with so much cash that it'll make my bones rattle when I walk. Then I'm gonna build an amusement park called mr.bones wild ride and it'll be a spooky good time.
Remember kids to succeed, one must first learn to accept and innovate from failure.
They're just not able to do it, dosen't matter what you do or how many resources you throw at them.
"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.
In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail."
exactly this
And leftist still think welfare actually helps the poor..
Don't be a nigger.
How to be a non-nigger:
Find a nice girl and don't have kids until married, don't get divorced.
Get an education and job in a trade that will always be in demand and can't be exported like HVAC.
Don't break the law.
Teach your sons and daughters to do the same while separating your family from the other trifling, shiftless niggers.
Sons and Daughters now start out ahead because they may be niggers but try not to act like it all the damned time.
Fucking hell, first thing you need to sort out is your test levels, you sound like the wettest soyboy faggot ever. Secondly entry level jobs aren't that hard to come by. Cheap cars aren't that expensive. Your trouble seems to stem from a complete lack of testicles. I hope you are made homeless are get pozzed by some nigger tramp.
apologize Sup Forums
this woman is clearly starving
majority of millionaires/billionaires are self made. quit crying and get to work faggot.
This. It's about escaping poverty, not living lavish.
Biggest thing they can do immediately is to stop having kids. One is just a death sentence for a poor person, let alone two, three, four, by different mothers/fathers. Not doing drugs is an obvious one, or at least hard ones.
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