Guys they are coming after us hard now.
Guys they are coming after us hard now
Andrew Wright
Jaxon Harris
>if you ever shared a russian meme it means you're a traitor
Isaac Baker
Good let the divide and conquer destabilization begin. Even though divide and conquer is a tactic as old as civilization itself, to see it used in such a brilliant way is inspiring.
Ayden Gonzalez
This will still be discussed on Trump's 4th term.
Angel Hill
Andrew Cruz
>implying the memes shitposted here are russian to begin with
I guess that makes me a russian minority
Where are my gibs?
Adam Lopez
guy is 72 ffs
Xavier Hill
Leo Watson
Зaкpoй eгo
Austin Cook
>Redplits T_D
>Goys they're coming after us
You have to go back!