These mass shooters, especially school shooters, are almost exclusively white. When black peoples commit gun violence, it's rarely on this scale and they typically only shoot other gang members, not innocent people. White people, especially males, are a huge threat and should not own firearms. Dont you think its weird how this always happens in wealthy white schools and not ghetto black schools where guns are the norm? When was the last time you saw a gang banger go up and kill 17 people in a high school? Nobody wants to talk about white mass murders though. WTF? You know god damn well if this was a muslim, or mexican we lock down those fucking borders! White kids? Oh well. White radical extremists are the most deadly and apparently we have no answers except thoughts and prayers motherfucker! Oh these poor mentally unstable white school shooters! We should have seen thier signs! Poor adopted boy. But we WILL NOT talk about guns. If he's black, he's a gangster and all blacks are evil, we must take action against them. If he's a Muslim, he's a terrorist and all Muslims are evil, take action against them. He's white? "He's mentally ill, you can't blame all of us, there's no need to do anything about this! You can't judge us all based on this one guy!" Give me a break, you're all hypocrites.
We NEED to take guns away from white people
Other urls found in this thread:
Relevant graph
Black people in Detroit get shot everyday by blacks.
Time for niggers to put down the firearms and start fighting with spears and arrows.
Horowitz, eh?
Check out the comments sections on articles like this. Places like yahoo.. the hill.. The kikes are fucking up really fucking bad I have never seen comments sections so fucking red pilled.
bring us some screen caps lad, i could use a morale boost
Come and get them you bastards
>dumb nigger says a thing
Good thing I’m part Italian
Not just white people. But yeah.
Why is this board so convinced everything they can't debunk is a troll? I'm 100% sincere
This is fake or deleted, I can't find the article anywhere. OP provide link or kys
Read what I said, it's typically gang violence, not innocent people being slaughtered.
Lol black people commit more gun violence in a month than mass shooters do in whole year this is complete horseshit. Black Americans are criminals and murderers.
Nice cherry picked images. It's incredibly rare for it not to be a white male
fake article, but very believable
Again, they typically keep it confined to their communities, only kill gang members, and don't slaughter innocents.
the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Tell that to these guys.
>Confine to their communities
Bull fucking shit you dumb nigger lover. Those mother fuckers relocate to other neighborhoods and turn into a fucking shithole.
>Don't slaughter innocents
Again, you have lost your fucking mind if you believe this shit. Niggers will kill you for the shoes on your feet.
It really is the niggers....
Yes and only whitey hmpf hmpf.
Remember Whites are Bytes
>(((Fellow white people)))
Pic related. When do we start disarming Jews?
someone needs to check the gun crime rates by race I think
Fun Fact:
Niggers, spics, and other darkie subhumans commited more firearm-related crime in 2017 than all white people of the previous decade combined.
Oh but let's talk about white people and guns are the real problem
Except shooter was a jew
but you are wrong. niggers kill more per capita by a long shot.
Slavery era America
.1% of whites owned slaves
40% of Jews owned slaves
And now .1% of Jews tell blacks that whites are the reason for their oppression. Really jogs the noggin. Meme this.
EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME IS A JEW. Do you have any actual arguments?
>Fun Fact:
>Niggers, spics, and other darkie subhumans committed more firearm-related crime in 2017 than all white people of the previous decade combined.
Actually a true fact.........
Dorner does not belong in the same category as these losers.
but thank you for never letting us forget.
disarm the black community and were are 80% there
>Why we need to round up the Jews now more than ever
Love when people say cherry picked. It's what everyone does user, you me and everyone else is bias.
Ky for butt sex
Ky for butt sex with bug men.
This is a faked BuzzFeed Headline. The OP is a Larp.
See this link for BuzzFeed's response to this:
See this thread to explain what happened, and why faggot shills will never learn.
>And remember, fuck kikes
>Slavery era America
>.1% of whites owned slaves
>40% of Jews owned slaves
>And now .1% of Jews tell blacks that whites are the reason for their oppression. Really jogs the noggin. Meme this.
...and it get's worse. Non-white offenders are frequently recorded as white. The numbers already show blacks commit a staggering amount of violent crime, but the reality of the situation is even worse than that.
>Broward Sheriff Scott (((Israel)))
>muslims kill about 500 people last year with numerous terrorist attacks
>#notallmuslims, islam is a religion of peace!
>some mentally ill white incels shoot up schools numerous times
>media draws conclusion that all white men are evil and their rights should be stripped away
They do exist a political climate where I get blamed for everyone in the world's problems of coarse you can have my guns. I'll just drop them off on my way to the gas chamber.
fellow white people
>Insanity - Jewish Encyclopedia
jewishencyclopedia com/articles/8123-insanity
>Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.
>Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia - Haaretz
haaretz com/israel-news/.premium-1.560128
Oh? How about the Downtown Fresno Shooting.
Or the Chuck E. Cheese Killings in Colorado.
Or the Hartford Beer Distributor Shooting.
Or the Washington Navy Yard Shooting.
Or the Fort Lauderdale Revenge Shooting.
Or the GMAC Massacre.
Or the Navistar Shooting.
Or the Excel Industries Mass Shooting.
Or the Baton Rouge Police Shooting
Or the Edgewood Business Park Shooting.
Or the Kirkwood City Council Shooting.
Or the Long Island Rail Road Massacre.
Or the R.E. Phelon Company Shooting.
Or the Dallas Police Shooting.
Or the Pinewood Village Apartment Shooting.
Or the Coffee Shop Police Killings?
>if if if if if if if if if
Because black and hispanic people are much more trustworthy with guns of course
Nigga do you really think I'm gonna read all that gay shit?
In 2014, white Americans committed murder at a rate of 1 per 100,000.
Black Americans committed murder at a rate of 10.5 per 100,000.
Hispanic: 3.2 per 100,000.
>doesnt read
>want to be part of discussion
rake yourself
mass shooters are a jew majority.
Missing a few including "Fags in Pulse leave with no pulse" Omar Mateen, and "The Dallas City Slaughter" Micah Johnson
Thoughts and prayers? More like "hang that motherfucker right now and make an example of him".
"mass shootings"
Is that the FBI definition, or the Brady center definition?
>56% spic shoots up school
>the media lies and says he's white
Why are they allowed to lie? They literally are fake news
Fuck man. Whoever is photoshopping fake news headlines deserves to die
This is a great time to use the app that switches white to black.
Look ma, a fucking retard!
>white people are the problem
We don't have full travel bans, walls, and our prisons are overcrowded
>Look to the fields, nigger.
Whoever produces these mutt images is fucked in the head
In my head I always knew we were, but the constant le 56% shitposting has really opened my eyes to how physically repulsive so many of our compatriots really are.
12 Feb 2017
In One Month, 94 Illegals In North Carolina Committed Sexual Assaults On Children Over 500 Times
We need to expel blacks from America. This would solve more problems.
we need to take the dicks away from your mouth because you're just out of control
ITT dumb nigger apologist fights reality and loses.
>"News Reporter"
It isn't enough, we should just ban white men in general, and force white women to only breed with other races
>words on a screen
White men can weld, machine, mill. Y'all take this one, I'll yank up a fencepost and turn it into a Sten. Not to mention the millions of parts kit builds that are out there. If having any gun is a crime, might as well leave the giggle switch intact.
You just don't get it; kinda like my gun.