hey Sup Forums what's your opinion on strike witches ?
Hey Sup Forums what's your opinion on strike witches ?
I think they should be carrying side arms.
It's a great show if you don't mind fan service
It's fun, or at least the first two seasons are. Didn't watch Brave yet.
Trude is my wife.
It's great fanservice if you don't mind the show
You'd know the answer if you weren't such a newfag.
The dubs are good too especially season 2
I think you meant THESE dubs
When a show would actually be improved by going full explicit porn, you know you've hit rock bottom.
Strike Witches is exactly such a show.
lucchini's voice gives my ear nightmares
I think you mean gun porn.
Lucchini is easy mode compared to pic related.
I used to love this show, but now my love is dead, may I say.
I'm sure you know already by now or at least you should be able to, why even bother asking something so inane? Unless you haven't been here since 2007 or at least 2013. Heck, the archive has your question answered several times by now after I did a quick search.
Anyways, it's a great show and was finished really nicely with the movie 5 years ago, with the OVA's being great addition 2 years ago for the rest of the cast. And we're finally getting the last OVA for Eilanya by the end of this month as long some nip rips it fast.
If you or anyone else ever feels like joining us talking about witches, there's a thread here always! Why would you stop loving a show if you loved it before? Unless you disliked the OVA's or something.
>If you or anyone else ever feels like joining us talking about witches,
Fuck off with your general.
Some of them do. Trude in particular has been seen carrying a metric ton of weapons.
It's alright, her butt makes up for it tenfold, and the twintails seal the deal. She's perfect.
Brave Witches was better
Really? There was nothing in BW that came even close to Sweet Duet.
>Why would you stop loving a show if you loved it before?
I didn`t say that I hate this show now. Just, maybe, there is time in our life for something, like Strike Witches. And now this time has ended for me. I think, the movie and OVAs were a good final for this story. But I found Brave Witches boring.
I liked Brave Witches, but it could have used a bit more development for the side characters. A second season for it would be great. At least we have the prequel manga for now.
Break Witches Best witches
I want to nipa Nipa's nipas!
Don't we all?
I don't.
Ah, alright then. Your wording was a bit hard to interpret. Yeah, the movie and ova's were as good it can get for finishing the story up and Brave Witches indeed was awful season with few good moments here and there.
It most definitely will get a second season sometime in the near future. But it's probably gonna focus on Hikari heavily once again. Not that BW has anything to do with this thread or OP's question really.
Eagle just go back to your shitty circle jerk /c/ thread, and leave us alone.
i love it,i come for the fanservice and i stay for the plot,yoshika was a great mc
I love it very much.
we use to have thread son a daily basis,i miss those love is alive and well threads
with fucking tripfags trying to ruin a thread every time one pops up.
They're still around user!
Fuck off already.