Why is Aoko blushing?

Why is Aoko blushing?


Close proximity to Soujuurou.

>we will never get the Mahoyo sequels
>TM will continue to rehash Fate and Saber #543195801 for eternity
Fuck Nasu

To be fair to Nasu, Japan didn't like it.

They're the same people that can't get enough of FGO. They don't deserve to have nice things.

what about the original tsukihime fanbase? didnt they like it?

Those titties are amazing

She should be wary, mountain bumpkins are quick to breed all fertile females.

Aoko's gonna get Teen Pregnant.

You mean you wouldn't?

But he's a herbivore

That's just what he wants you to think

Nasu disagrees.
>"An honest and unsophisticated young man from the countryside. But although he might be honest and unsophisticated it doesn't mean he's completely pure, so while he might look like a herbivore he is, in fact, a vigorous feral boy."

It got delayed too much and offered too little for the price tag, but at least it was better than a fucking gacha kusoge.

why would i?

Another Aoko thread? I'm happy


Is there a translation for her game yet?

Who's better Aoko or Touko?

i want to slice those tits off

Aoko, KnK only has one good girl


Unless you need something destroyed then Touko is just overall better.
Sure Aoko would win in a fight but that's fucking nothing when you've got the ability to jump bodies.

>ywn have the most amazing threesome with these two