How do we restore Christendom?
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It's like Sup Forums. You have to read scripture on your own and learn for yourself in order to try to debate and teach and learn from your fellow man.
Marry, raise children, aggressively meme against degeneracy. Do not cuck like Boomers and shill fear. Do not defend; ATTACK.
Get a state church going here in the United States.
Go back to the roots, that is, Esoteric Christianity.
Rec authors:
Tomberg, Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Amis, Gareth Knight/Coleston Brown.
Liberals and conservatives had comparable fertility rates before the 90s, but it's really dropped off since, partially due to real estate price growth.
Those city people are living in cramped studio apartments with their pets. Us rural and suburban retards can afford room for more kids.
One must refer to the Old Testament. Revival came to Judah when the king...
Mandated study of scripture.
Removed idols and banned worship of false gods.
Repented of all known sin as an example for all his people to follow.
There is how it's done. Question is, who will actually do it?
>How do we restore Christendom?
renounce the churches and the bible and start all over again.
Somehow we've lowered the barrier of entry below accepting Christ and following his teachings. We've removed responsibility for our actions from our own shoulders and put it on others (Church leaders, government, society). And we've distorted Good into nice.
Be unmovable in faith.
NEVER compromise for anything because that's how you get subverted.
Stop fucking helping people that never deserved it.
Purge the pedophiles and malcontents.
take back Constantinople.
If Jesus couldn't arrange a second coming within the lifetimes of his followers, as he promised to do in Matthew, what makes you think YOU have a chance?
what's /xpi/?
>How do we restore Christendom?
Introduce mushrooms as the center of the religious experience.
This user gets it. We win this battle with steadfast and unyielding intolerance towards anything that goes against our values.
This too. Hold the line, anons.
Teach the truth,than pass along
Christianity can never be restored to its former supposedly "glory" Days. My Lord Satan has seen to it.
Lucifer rules the Earth, Christian's shall be thrown back into the abyss.
LMAO, this is myspace tier.
Kek has seen to it that Christianity be destroyed permanently.
join Church Militant
Praise Kek, destroy the Christ fags.
>My Lord Satan has seen to it.
your lord satan is a bitch
St.Peter was crucified on an inverted cross :^)
Hail Satan!!! Ave Kek!!!
Knights. Knights are how were restore the Christian west.
Read your Ramon Llull. Read your Geoffroi de Charny. Read your Baldassare Castiglione.
All of these men were dealing with one core issue - lay piety. It's not just that they were knights (or courtiers). They were laymen, and focused on the formation and understanding of the lay vocation within ecclesial history.
Pope Benedict called for a "well-formed Catholic laity." The normative model for the lay vocation is the knightly one. The chivalric one. Prowess, sprezzatura, proficiency of action, and a vision that bridges the sacred and the profane.
Do your reading, Western man. Know your history. Know your heritage. And know your role in the Church.
You are knights of God.
As somebody who did that and more, you're more likely to see demons than Christ. Although it can be insightful in terms of following Christ better in your normal life.
Orthodox Christianity
Ave Kek!!! Ave Satan!!!
You don't. It was foretold.
There is nothing to "restore". The kingdom of God is not in this world. Your purpose here on earth is to harvest souls.
>weird hair
>fags are sinners
>trad Catholic
>BTFOs modernism
>great hair
Well, Sup Forums, is he, dare I say it, /our catholic/?
The Saracens also used it to mock the Christians in the Crusades. After they defeated the Frankish army at the Battle of Hattin, they captured a relic of the True Cross and fixed it upside down to a lance and took it back to Acre (I believe). It was that outrage that helped spur the Christian kings to join the Third Crusade, which culminated in the Seige of Acre and the slaughter of hundreds of Saracen POWs by the Lionheart. So the inverted cross is also a symbol of provoking Christian anger.
Ave Kek!!! Destroy all of the degenerate Christians.
>eat healthy
>read church fathers, apologetics, theology
>set a good example
>have a family
>go to church
>never give into degeneracy
>stay based
Do it
>by the Lionheart.
A fag, btw. Christianity was corrupted at the council of nicaea.
>using the flag of a christian state
Satan is the king of kings and father of beasts. Satan rules over the Earth and has cast the false god into the abyss.
so fucking easy, yet humankind fails so miserably over and over
>>go to church
I say stay away from church. The churches are degenerate.
speak for yourselves, Muhammad. My white neighbors live in peace and my people love each other.
>A fag.
Non-Albee sauce? He did have at least one illegitimate child. Might have been bisexual, but all the homo stuff is more of a modern theory.
But he was an extremely good general, and expert at seigecraft, deviously ambitious, and oftentimes extremely cruel.
So yeah, he was an asshole. But for a time, he was our asshole.
>Also team William Marshall ftw. In any other context, fuck the Lionheart. Even got his ass handed to him by the Marshall.
Follow the lead of Steven Anderson
Burn all of the churches to the ground my Lord Kek!!!
Letting go of our differences, and rallying behind the one truth of the Glory and Goodness of the Heavenly Father.
By burning the kike religion to the ground and worshiping God without being a part of a cult that deifies anyone who wants to protect their people
A "knight" templar and a satanist.
Haha; it's Sunday after all.
Richard wasn't a Templar.
The Marshall was only a invested with the Templar white moments before his death.
Learn your history, Western man.
and this
This guy is a problem man.... it worries me that Jay Dyer refuses to debate him. Is he right Sup Forums?
retaking constantinople and israel for the catholic church as it is rightful catholic clay
Basically this, in short form.
fuck off papist
Christianity is an ideology used by Jews to control the goym... Fuck off and die!
Only the the Vatican
We can do it by finding empirical evidence of Jesus' existence. Once this is established we then prove he is God.
If that's really the case then it worked utter shit.
Stay based, Christian brethren.
Take refugees into your home or raise money for a charity for people who need it most. Help them by providing food, water and shelter, while introducing them to the ways of God.
You should know that we are in the end of the ages. Pray for your enemies. The bottomless pit will open soon.
We've got a ways to go yet. For now, it's better to make fun of your enemies and get a preview of the wailing and the gnashing of teeth.
"In your lives overthrow error and overcome evil by the love of the living truth. In all your relations with men do good for evil. The Lord God is merciful and loving; he is forgiving. Let us love God, for he first loved us. By God's love and through his mercy we shall be saved. Poor men and rich men are brothers. God is their Father. The evil you would not have done you, do not to others.
i could go for that
It's ok Bobby de Templar.
Just be more careful with your vocabulary next time. Words like:
"homo" "bisexual" "asshole" utter shit"
For an academic fellow white western brother uncle you sound suspicious but it's Sunday so i will be merciful and just make Trinity posting.
We are winning. The great awakening that happens every generation has begun again like clockwork. The more you look around, the more people you see finding the truth in Christ.
Suspicious? I wonder how...
Try Clairveauxposting sometime.
>"Go forth confidently then, you knights, and repel the foes of the cross of Christ with a stalwart heart. Know that neither death nor life can separate you from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ, and in every peril repeat, "Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.""
You should pay attention to the manifestations. The greatest happening the world has ever seen is closer than you think.
The older I get, the more longer-term perspective I have. We're getting closer, but I don't think we've hit the top of the first hill of the roller coaster ride by far. We're just slowly inching our way up there.
Jesus PBUH is God and the Father is God
However the Gospel of Luke says
"It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God."
[Luke 6:12]
You can't have Christendom until your religion makes some sense and you have the Christian Equivalent to Sharia eventhough somehow the Mosiac Law has been "fulfilled" despite Jesus PBUH saying " For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" [Matthew 5:18]
Repent and believe in the Gospel, Muhammad.
>Jesus PBUH is God and the Father is God
Doesnt that make you a Christian?
Do you really think the enemy will sit back and allow Trump to undo decades of planning and preparation for the new world order?
I'm pointing out christianity not making sense.
Jesus PBUH was in no way God's bastard son (Nauzoobillah)
Any anons do Sacred Harp?
it's one of the last bastions of white christendom in the USA, and is a purely, uniquely anglo tradition. please for the love of god, FIND AND GO to a sacred harp singing near you. they are all over the country, and they are currently being infested with sjw's. please fill the ranks and sing your heart out to the Lord.
vids absolutely fucking related:
Guys, please help my soul. I’ve heard niggers and Jews vouch for Christianity so much that there is no way Christianity can be the white mans religion. Paganism is starting to sound pretty sweet right now. Can someone convince me otherwise?
Prove to me that it is the trye religion.
You couldn't explain the errors I explained above. Christianity has too many errors to be from God.
Christianity invented white people.
You're a materialist skin worshiper, concerned with your perishing flesh body.
kill all whites so that we can import europe with based non white christians.
it worked for the b*zantines
Nice trips, but I think the enemy is thrashing about. If the enemy were clever, it would have used Trump from the beginning in obvious ways that I used to post about in great detail.
They sat back and let GWB undo decades of planning according to Zbigniew Brzezinski. UN Agenda 21 was relabeld 2030. They thought global cooling was going to be the right thing until global warming came along.
The fact [FACT] is that they're stupid.
ignore the fucking retard shills.
it'll change your soul. just singing beautiful texts w/ simple harmonies. no pretense, no politics, no bullshit.
Religion is supposed to be an eternal truth and not a political party. It can be both but must have the spirtual aspect first and foremost.
If you're christian simply because white people are christian then Jesus Christ PBUH says to you "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, " [Matthew 7:21]
By problems do you mean Trinitarian theology?
Study the doctrines of the trinity and the hypostatic union. Athanasius of Alexandria is a good source to start.
We'll have to agree to disagree.
>too much of a brainlet to understand the Bible
Not surprised a Saracen can't believe in something unless it's so simple and easy to understand that a pedo warlord could think of it.
>hurr hurr how can God pray to himself
Even your own filthy book the Koran your moon god Allah prays to Muhammad.
>They are those on whom are the prayers (salawatun) from their Lord and mercy (rahmatun), and it is they who are the guided-ones. S. 2:157
>He it is who prays (yusallee) for you and His angels too, to bring you forth out of the darkness into the light, for He is merciful to the believers. S. 33:43
>Verily, God and His angels pray (yusalloona) for the prophet. O ye who believe! pray for him (salloo) and salute him with a salutation! S. 33:56
This is the kind of answer I was looking for. I'm more a student of late-antiquity and the early middle-ages, but I'll have to look into your suggestions.
Serious replies only please. I don’t want to convert but I’m thinking it’s the right choice.
You were never a Christian to begin with, so feel free to walk out any time and become an atheist or a cum drinking pagan.
My reply was serious.
You are composed of a body, a soul and a spirit, which are three distinct elements of yourself, but they all come together to form one guy. In the same way the Godhead consists of three separate persons that compose one God.
I have four books for you:
The Book of the Order of Chivalry by Ramon Llull
The Order of Chivalry by Geoffroi de Charny
The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione
Holy Warriors by RW Kaeuper