Why is a is it easier for a young man to buy a gun than it is any woman to get an abortion?
Why is a is it easier for a young man to buy a gun than it is any woman to get an abortion?
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Because purchasing a gun is not murder but killing a baby is murder
guns aren't whores who can't keep their legs closed.
Because militant feminists want women to be insensitive to murder.
I don't remember the Constitution guaranteeing right to abortion, but it's been a while since I was in school
Over 800,000!of muh babies were ripped out of wombs, skulls crushed, mutilated and dismembered.
If they weren’t simultaneously arguing that abortions were awesome then maybe. But then again 10x more babies are killed by abortion every day in USA than people are killed with any kind of rifle each year so uhhhh
The constitution means what activist justices decided they want. It’s extremely harrowing to realize the extent to which this is true.
t. Lawfag
Yeah are they assuming we’re entitled to a consequence free murder with each gun we buy? That would be novel.
Anti 2A thread 3
Because it's a last resort in case the gun doesn't work
Nice fake source
>10x more babies are killed by abortion every day in USA than people are killed with any kind of rifle each year
[Citation needed]
>~3,500 abortions per day
>~350 rifle murders
Most gun violence is suicides and handguns in the hood but we don’t like to talk about that. These are easily obtainable figures.
Machine gun abortion !! edgy
Is over 500,000 ok, asshole?
Because the gun could be used to abort both.
Rifles are a lesser used type of firearm in gun-related homicides. Handguns and shotguns are far more prevalent.
If abortionists were limited to 3 rounds like hunting rifle magazines, that would limit the amount of infanticide.
Abortions are subsidized by the state through planned parenthood.
I don't recall Uncle Sam cutting me a check the last time I bought a gun.
If abortions were performed with a .30-06 instead of some .223 peashooter, women would be less likely to seek them out.
Every woman who gets an abortion murders a child, few men who buys a gun murders a child.
BEcause the odds that someone will use a gun to commit a murder are one in several hundred thousand. Abortion kills a person every time.
This right here.
I bet the left wouldn't be so anti gun, if abortions were preformed with tiny little guns.
cunts aren't protected in the the constitution.
Your question is probably the most ignorant and illogical and utterly stupid thing I have read all day. Do you, perchance, have a vagina?
The collective body count on my guns is zero. Should i send them back to the manufacturer for being defective?
Methinks she doth stumble over her rhetoric.