KyoAni draws the sexiest female bodies

>KyoAni draws the sexiest female bodies
>KyoAni is mostly staffed by females
D-do you think they use eachother as references?

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Do you think those doujin artists use themselves as references when drawing the big fat orcs that these girls are forced to prostitute themselves to in ero doujins?




>do you think they use eachother as references?
If true, I want to meet person who drew sento.

>average japanese woman
lol no

That turns my horny on

sure, they draw their own dicks.

>there are two insanely hot girls at KyoAni, one built like supermodel and the other young and petite
>they constantly get bullied into wearing naughty outfits and posing in them so all the other girls can draw their bodies in extreme detail

Then I want to meet the person whose body was used for reference in order to draw Sento

They probably wouldn't be using themselves as the model. You want the person she's based off.

>not "I'm hunching over"
You had one job.

What anime is this?

Boku no Magic Hour.


Well they drew themselves in that K-On hair episode, so I can't see why they didn't at least model in those exact poses whike nude.

Meh, I've seen 3DCG-porn made by nip artists that is better and hotter on pornhub.

>implying they don't all use pads

I think the average cup size in the Kansai area was comparatively small (for Japan), though.


It's because they keep things relatively realistic while presenting the ideal form. It helps that they can draw, unlike a lot of studios.

Have you seen japanese women ? Most definitely not.

This is why there is such a prevalence of fat men in doujins.

Find me this person then OP.

Sola Aoi?


>Mole on inner thigh

My fucking dick


Ruru is a miracle of the universe. It's criminal how there's not more doujins of her.

So when's the next kyoani harem show?

Considering Netflix has apparently bought KyoAni, I'd say never.

All they did was get the license for Violet Evergarden, right?

ill help you out newfriend, amagi brilliant park


>do you think they use eachother as references?

Women are bombarded with marketing about "perfect bodies" and Barbie references their entire lives, this why they only draw that body-type.

>Artists using their own body as reference
Happens more often than you would think.

Fuck off.

>jap girls
>having sexy bodies

Same reason why every western artist in patreon and tumblr only draw black and fat people with multicolor hair.

None of the girls in that pic are japanese anyway.
