Woke up this morning. Killed OP
when will we rid the world of these god damn whites who are in control of the media and the banks
Thank g-d Isreal is taking in all the Islamic refugees. They are always ready and willing to help those in need.
Blacks are such intelligent civilized people. I wish more lived in my area!
The future is female
I believe the mainstream narrative about life. Jews are amazing.
Guys, my oven ran out of gas, wat do?
Lol booga ooga black bois I'm coming for your women
I already got their women, now I'm going for the spicettes.
A jewish guy just gave me $100, they're the most generous of all the races
Based Rothschild fucked over crooked Trump again. Make Israel Great Again.
My black roommates were playing some nice Classical music late last night. Since I'm a big fan of Beethoven, I asked them to turn the volume up to help me sleep.
Hey, guys, let's get off the internet and go play basketball with some downtrodden inner city youths!
The [[[jews]]] have a long history of working for the advancement of every nation that has been lucky enough to have them, and so if they say that we should import millions of third worlders, you'd have to be stupid to think it won't be best for us.
Im so glad the #metoo movement is taking the rape of men so seriously
I'm sorry for what our ancestors did to your people. I will do whatever I can to repay you friend. :)
I had nig and spic girls I need an Asian or an Arab next
I admit when I'm wrong
Hitler was pure evil
a jew once tipped me $5 but he threw it on the ground as I was wiring his trailer.
Based Bernie will get rid of loan debt and make the rich pay for it!
The government just moved 16 Somalian refugees into the empty house next to mine, and I can honestly say that I have never met more honest, hard working, intelligent and kind people. The vibrancy in this neighborhood makes me feel alive!
It's not a fucking square. The Earth is fucking FLAT.
How can we better protect our PoC neighbors from the threats posed by Russian bots interfering in our democracy?
Earth is flat; You are all retards if you think you live on a spinning ball Earth and believe in gravity, a force never ONCE proven to exist in all these years. You are also retarded if you think god and Odin are real.
Think for yourselves - stop being so gullible.
>CGI is not proof of reality.
Nobody has been to space, which is why all images of space, even the Earth from space - are CGI. Nobody has ever seen a real image of Earth from space.
Silver age comic collector user here. Just saying Hi.
if the earth is round how come we dont fall off
>be American
>go about your day without being shot or subjected to any other type of violence
We need more white males, diversity is our enemy
Hitler did,... something wrong...
Waaaaah violence waaah
You fucking limp twisted cunt
Dia ár sábháil! Those Bitish death camps existed. I'm grateful that Germans and Italians liberated us but it's far far worse than you think. Over 6 million Irishmen were murdered during World War 1.
Thank God America didn't intervene or else we'd still be under the Lion's brutal rule.
Is that what blacks are calling themselves nowadays?
Alex Jones was right again!
>Last thursday I bought this whole fucking planet.
>You failed animals leave now!
i lost my wallet last week and just yesterday some black guy returned it intact with all my cash and cards. i tried to give him a reward but he politely.
no shills or faggots on pol today
>DICK OR GTFO (with timestamp)
most of Sup Forums isnt bizzaro, but a good chunk of them are schizophrenic and for some reason obsessed with jews i can tell you that. i think schizos have some fetish with jews im not too sure
HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA Brits mad cos of the United kingdom of greater ireland and Scotland