In this thread, post people getting what they deserve
In this thread, post people getting what they deserve
Stay mad Lightfags
did you not have the other one saved?
Most satisfying part of the movie tbqh
Do Nip kids actually do this irl? I'm genuinely curious.
Not the Oreimo picture I expected
>violated every human right possible,uses Mengele level experiments and formed an underground task force just to get ONE serial killer
>claims to have the moral high ground just because he is on the side of the "law"
Light's death was satisfying as hell but at least he assumed perfectly being a vigilante and a murderer even though he justifies himself for having a divine mission,but this autistic tokyo hotel member thought that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing and had no remorse for his methods
>[HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San Batsu - 02
if only
and on that note
Adulthood is realizing both L and Light are utter shit.
Wisdom is realizing Mello is the only one right because he was honest on wanting to prove that he's the best and didn't searched excuses (muh justice) to be a dick unlike the three others sociopaths
Too bad shiki was shit
>inner city schools
what is this from?
Only reason I kept watching after episode 25 was to watch this dude bite the dust and that was beyond satisfying
machines of labor
A shit
Nice one.