Y-You're still thinking about me r-right?
Y-You're still thinking about me r-right?
every day, OP
what do i do in Sup Forums
Sometimes i think ''Maybe i should finally read Spicy Wolf volume 6''
Then i decide not to because i dont really feel like reading anything nowadays
So, yeah, sometimes
Who are you? Another meme waifu like Asuka and Yotsuba?
Korbo is better than C.C. at least.
every day for the past 8 years
Every single day.
Would the Horo be impressed by your financial status?
why didnt we get a book with nothing but lawrence/pregnant holo interaction?
Kitsune are so 00s
Disregarding your absolutely abysmal taste for a moment
She is the wise WOLF.
No, I am a WIP but I hope she would see my potential and I would do my best for her.
Got a daki with her
Who? Awhooo?
I wish I had a pet dog like holo
Just ordered vol 18. And ammo.
>Be into Spice & Wolf
>Meet first girlfriend
>She teases me while I travel around buying and selling electronics to exchange for silver and gold coins
>Picks apples and apple accessories with me
>Lose girl
>Precious metals market tanks
>Why am I telling this to Sup Forums
>Didn't mind Horo literally Marrying Lawrence
good for them
>she actually got pregnant and they have a kid
want to feel happy for them but can't
Don't know what it is but it killed all my interest in the couple especially Horo
I guess single woman are better, Sup Forums, /fit/, /s/ and /r9k/ are right I can't believe I have to say that but they lose appeal this way.
I can see why idols are forced in their contract to never date.
She literally dies in the latest volume so no, she's only an afterthought now.
smug mommy
She might be happy with my latest paycheck, but not much else.
Stop user I can only get so erect
I'm at volume 5 right now so it's pretty hard to.
Anyone still remember that sekrit underground site where the translations were funded because fuck Yen Press? I forgot and I want to check if the new ones are being worked on
You mean the 'fanfics', mister officer?
Every single day
How does the official YP translation compare to the original?
Autismbux ain't shit.
The apple girl.
every single day
The Spicy Wolf translation is one of the better translations that YP has done.
Furfags get out of my Sup Forums. Ree.
Which one?
I literally have all but one or two of her dakis.
I've been collecting them for 12 years or so but I've only ever taken one out of its package. Usually they stay in paper boxes.
Probably around 15k USD on them now.
I also have the musicbox
Did they stop printing the 3DPD cover on the Vol. 1 and 2?
>volumes 2-4 and 6.
You disappoint me.
This, YP actually did an excellent job on S&W translations, with markedly better grammar and much smoother sentences than the fan translation.
Yes, they stopped that years ago, just make sure you dont get an old printing of it.
I thought she was pretty. Maybe looks a little older than what she should be but if they got a cute nude 14 year old girl and photoshopped and or cosplayed some of the kemono stuff, it would be pretty nice.
>just make sure you dont get an old printing of it.
How the fuck do I do that?
Can I just ask Amazon directly?
>Tolkien with a 1990's or later publishing date.
My negro.
The problem was they replaced a much liked original cover with a mediocre cosplay trying to westernize the series.
The primary complaint i see with most manga/LN translation companies is over-westernizing with too liberal translations, and this was that in image form.
It would have been fine as something like a little collectable card you got with the book, or as a removable dust cover. Replacing the excellent original artwork cover with it was what made it unacceptable and made it very obvious to complain about.
Just dont buy used or second hand.
For amazon buy it new and make sure that the seller is amazon itself, not a store that sells through amazon.
I understand. Still pisses me off yen press changed shit like her age in the anniversary collectors edition. I wish they could have just kept it original.
What makes a publishing company want to edit shit like that? Sigh.
wait what? they did?
I've got the collectors edition but i just use the paperbacks for reading to prevent any possible damage to it.
Still waiting for her wedding figure.
Yeah. They edited some stuff. I have a early numbered edition. You can read about it on Reddit. Very saddening.
Not special anymore. Regular retailers are selling it now and for cheaper than the original project backers. Another damned travesty.
I regret buying the collector's edition. Not because of any changes, but because the text is a fucking gray halftone. They literally use dithered images for the text. If I didn't have my original LNs I'd be pissed at having to read through this fuzzy text.
>>Tolkien with a 1990's or later publishing date.
Those are the 1967 printings.
Yen Press more like Shekel Press
I just looked at my numbered edition. It looks clear albeit small.
Oh, I see. So did the original backers get anything special included with their order?
It's still garbage and hard to read though,not to mention the double column formatting and lack of illustrations when appropriate makes the whole thing look like a giant Bible
Get your face right up next to it. If it's like mine it's dithered, you can see the dots.
I ordered mine as a numbered edition from Rightstuf but it shipped as a non-numbered a month later.
In the United States you get a very slim chance of winning some obscure worthless thing. I am not surprised I forgot it. Though some people are saying that the fact we had a say to make changes in the figure made it worth it.
Is it true that Yen Press suddenly hurried the up and released all the remaining volumes because they found out we were funded it ourselves? I'm pretty sure if that project didn't start they'd still be jewing by releasing a volume every 2-3 years
That sucks. I got mine from rightstuf as well.
Well, I didn't get it for reading.
Probably yes. I actually got to talk to one of their translation staff at comic con and they picked up more speed after they saw the success that Crunchyroll was having and how much better sales did for titles that had anime announced. They're still holding back to no more than 3 titles or so per year because they don't want to flood the market but I did try to convince them that the market will handle 6 or more releases a year for longer series like Index.
What retailers?
The novels after novel 5 are really drawn out and without character development.
They were already both ready to fug by the first Eve thing.
I'm anxiously waiting for your nendoroid that' supposed to be releasing this month so I can stick it in my display.
Omly when someone posts puffy vulva memes
I didn't buy mine to read it, so I'm not too miffed by it. If I want to read the story again, I'll just use the original light novels. For now, that tome is solidly on a book easel in a glass curio with some wheat, fake apples, and Kotobukiya's Horo figure.
I love you and I still masturbate to you quite frequently.
a-user you sound lonely.... maybe i could h-help you masturbate...
My niece is out of school for summer and stays over at my place quite a bit so I am good. Thx tho.
It's going to be fall soon, do you have all your supplies ready to read SnW again?
if you live in Toronto you can certainly help me masturbate cutie
Don't fuck your niece, user.
I hope that's not a China knockoff. That one has a ton of counterfeits.
tbqh i find myself thinking more about your daughter nowadays
I thought you would of liked rob ford to jac
I got it from Hobbysearch. First release and also my first figure import. Pretty sure they don't sell bootlegs.
Rob Ford is dead unfortunately :(
with how many men has she lain?
I got the re-release from them, but mine has a the fellow fuzz on the base. Don't know if it means anything.
Everyday Holo
that is a comfy shelf of entertainment
You have so many grinders, dude. Goddamn.
>You have so many grinders, dude. Goddamn.
What does that even mean?
Sneak peak
Man, wish they brought that back
It changes color in the marble. On the bottom right there is a figure I never opened with holo and a apple. Every year around Christmas I crank it up and listen to it.
Every single day.
Sometimes it makes me sad though, because i'll probably never meet or even marry someone like her
You got a link to the compiled changes anywhere?
Maybe you should have realized that 25 years ago and moved on to other priorities.
Check Reddit spice and wolf. Unlike Sup Forums and imageboards, Reddit is a well organized and laid out site with a plethora of quality content on a variety of subjects.
I have been, all I've seen in regards to the collector's edition is damage from shitty amazon shipping.