Why are white ethnonationalist so scared and jealous of asians and jews.
Doesn't he have a point?
they aren't. that's the meme. do keep up.
IQ is a stupid measurement whites are thr master race because they conquered and enslaved all the other races.
But nobody argues against that?
Shapiro is a kike, please don't use him as an example of white anything.
I love how it's "Asians and Jews are smarter whites" Asian whites, the best kind
>results gained through cheating should be accepted as accurate and genuine
He misses the point. Once the premise is accepted the conclusion is simply to avoid miscigenation with Latinos and blacks
White Nationalists readily admit white people are inferior to certain Jews and certain Asians in the IQ department. This does not mean white people shouldn't have their own homeland.
>china claims evercitizen has 140+ IQ
The funny thing is it depends on how you look at IQ tests. Some populations of Whites are smarter than Jews, but when you lump all whites together it drastically drops the chart.
Plus, the Alt-Right always admits Asians and Jews have higher IQs, that's not the point. The point is, we are being replaced and we don't want that
Jews and Asians are smarter. They have their own countries. Can we have our countries too Ben?
You can't win them all.
Negligible difference, but niggers are like 20-40 points lower. Also, why would this detract from having a white ethnostate. I want niggers to have theirs too, and stay there.
ok so he admits spics and niggers are inferior then?
yepp that is why the IQ meme is a nice tool simply saying we aren't equal is enough to throw the old narrative out the window
Lol comparing "white people" to select subgroups of jews and asians.
the higher iq of certain asians and jew populations has been discussed on pol for a very long time.
we accept iq differences, so why can't niggers?
So are you saying white people shouldn't be allowed to have their own homeland country? Or are you just nitpicking?
Whites btfo
i'm beginning to doubt the Jews are smart meme
Asians are notorious cheaters to the point where entire schools would go on a strike if they don't allow their students to cheat on tests lmao
Also, what is standard deviation? I thought Ben wouldn't resort to grasping straws and cherry picking but then again, he's proven time to time to be a shifty jew.
>“Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.”
Let's nitpick only MIT graduates to test for iq and say that's the white iq.
Ben Shapiro is a cancer to the ring wing party and must be gassed
did Ben Shapiro seriously post 'oy vey shut it down'? The world is fucking strange now
If Jews are so smart, why aren’t they running the world?
So white people shouldn't be allowed to have a homeland?
>IQ is a stupid measurement
it's not
Because this girl didn't post nudes
>not strawmanning
He has to misrepresent WN because it's actually moral and makes sense. His Jewish identity is what drives him to do this.
Whites have a higher moral IQ. Shadilay!
Don’t post here anymore
If black people are (intellectually) inferior to white people, then why should they be allowed to have 2 and a half whole countries dedicated to their ethnostate?
>Asians are superior in every way to anyone else
Based Ben was the first one to redpill me.
Shapiro is one of the moist brilliant and moral people in the media. Also, as far as I know bill Gates is not a Jew, but I believe he had a hand in working toward population control. Group and judge people by their actions, not their race.
I seriously believe focusing on Jews prevents people from organizing against postmodernists, pedophiles, and globalists.
I'll think about it
>higher moral iq
>judges people worth based on skin color
He's a fucking civnat you fucking Jew lover
Nice photoshop faggot. You know Ben wouldn't tweet anything about jews and asians being smarter than whites at the expense of blacks and mexicans having low IQ
Oh, why?
>population control
Whites just don't have kids. It's not a conspiracy. It's true for any other developed country.
They didn't. They never conquered Japan, couldn't make Persia into a colony.
>same stupid strawman of Sup Forums views that's been debunked for years here
He's a slimy dishonest fucking snake.
why not. Homelands are retarded. Britians have britian. Poles have poland. America isn't a homeland for anyone. The only people who have an ancestral claim to america are all dead.
If colonized peoples are justified in kicking out white settlers, why aren't whites justified in expelling Jewish settlers?
Gates is based precisely because he is working towards population control in developing countries
Europeans were enslaved by muslims during the muslim empires. Does that mean muslims are superior?
Didn't Israelis have an IQ of 94, about the IQ of an ape?
I'm a white nationalist but I actually think Japs are the master race. I'm not even a weeb.
fake tweet
The muslims used these "slaves" to run their empires
>white people never conquered Japan
give me a break
Who said anything about it being in America?
>Britains have Britain
No they don't, and they really really won't have Britain in a few decades.
that's because their country is like 30% Palestinian
i really really think that someone should kill ben shapiro
>literal jewish-supremacist racist and corporatist necon liar
>moral person
No, he's a neocon kike.
Our enemies are our enemies. The Jew is enemy to all so slay the Kike. The only duty is racial duty.
It's probably another fucking tranny.
Please don't post nudes to prove otherwise. That's degenerate.
You're conflating Ashkenazi jews (110 avg IQ) with all jews. Israel is about half Ashkenazi and half low IQ jews, putting the average in the mid-high 90s.
>africans are not heroes for being colonized, I like countries which weren't colonized
Ethiopian, Iranian, Afghan, Thai, Japanese Mongolian, Master race
you'd think someone from europe would understand that having 20% of arabs in your country lowered the averages by a lot
When they're acting in the interest of Jews, it matters. No one else benefits from this evil and it's been documented for centuries by Jews themselves that they want to hurt, enslave, and kill off other peoples. Barbara Spectre is just one of many contemporary examples of Jews that are documented admitting plans and expressing a desire to wipe out Europeans or fundamentally change (for the worse) their culture/society.
Only to spaniards
They mostly used them as cum dumps actually.
the average IQ in america is 95, you don't think that if you removed the black and latino groups it wouldn't be much higher either?
Muslims usually took byzantines as slaves. Huns from eastern europe. Germanics from central europe.
They are, but they'll never permit whites to be seen as victims in that way because this is a deliberate attack on whites.
Holy shit literally nobody has realised this post is bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you. If you haven't listen to been Shapiro's arguments, debates and speeches you really have to place on pol. Nice echo chamber you all have going on here.
Pro tip. He's never said anything even remotely like that and wouldn't. Endless (you)
No it's actually well known that the first thing Islam would do when they would take over a new place was to basically assimilate their system of government into theirs and used the subjugated people as experts since they knew how to run shit. They took over tons of Byzantine cultural and political elements, they remodelled their government after the Iranian model, etc...
>Eastern Europe
>Forrest nigger barbarians
I should have specified white mean French or British
Once again white nationalists are mistaken for white supremacists.
That's the average IQ of California. The overall IQ of America is 98
I've never seen a white nationalist or anyone on pol downplay the IQ of East Asians. The Jews have their own thing where they try to claim their average IQ is 115, which nobody believes, but when you talk about it they call you a nigger.
can you imagine how dirty that fkin water is m8
The 'rebuttal' about Jews and Asians does not actually address the original point that literal gorillas have higher IQs than blacks and abos. All it does is introduce some higher IQ groups at the other end of the scale.
Right, the Holocaust means that whites need to be punished, forever. For Americans, replace with the 1924 Immigration Act, since we didn't do enough to take Jews from Europe, thus making us complicit in the Holocaust. This is what they really believe.
This isnt a movement of superiority. All though at times we do look down on others its usually because they preach one thing and do another.
This is about preservation and perpetuation not ruling or controlling.
ew, did little Ben really post that? I've literally never seen a white nationalist cry about IQ stats showing Jews and Asians outperforming whites, and I've been a WN for almost 20 years and have hung out on Sup Forums since it was /new/.
weak, Benny-boy. You pre-pubescent voiced baby-cutting kike scum.
>That's the average IQ of California. The overall IQ of America is 98
its hilarious that California is in the bottom 15 states in terms of intelligence considering just how smug californians usually are about how smart they and their almost bankrupt state are.
very european if you think about it
I did faggot. And so did this user
I have literally never heard anyone who brings up race and IQ say that whites are the smartest. They ALWAYS say that Asians have slightly higher IQs than whites and that Jews are in the same boat
sounds like another strawman from the King Jew
How does this contradict the need for ethnostates?
Asians in America have higher IQ's on average because it's the smarter and more motivated ones that go through the hassle of emigrating from an authoritarian country to a more 'liberal' western one. You see the same effect with first generation immigrants form Africa; they have higher iq's than the native white population, though supposedly the subsequent generations do not
True but why would I need to know a single goddamn thing about Shapiro other than that he's a sneaky Jew?
>Right, the Holocaust means that whites need to be punished, forever. For Americans, replace with the 1924 Immigration Act, since we didn't do enough to take Jews from Europe, thus making us complicit in the Holocaust. This is what they really believe.
No it's not. I've never heard anyone say that or approve of that. No one thinks that a 20 year old German today had anything to do with the Holocaust and should be treated as such
she did tho...
why do intelligent people like Ben and JBP use such shit arguments against WN's? It's like there's a mental block
I love hearing this point, because it brings up a crucial talking point for our side: Why don't we hate Asians?
Think about it. Asians do have a higher average IQ than whites, but nobody on the Alt-Right talks about Asians controlling all the banks or holding disproportionate control of our government or running degenerate industries. Why is that?
Oh right. Because the Asians don't do those things. So maybe, and hear me out here, maybe the reason people hate Jews, and hate them more the more they learn about them, is because of what Jews DO. Maybe the reason we hate niggers is that they're violent and stupid. Maybe they reason we hate mexicans is that they're violent and stupid and maybe the reason that we hate Jews is that they're highly intelligent but fucking evil. Asians don't do anything wrong, they don't abuse their abilities they're just regular fucking people.
Shapiro own-goaled himself seriously here.
Their average is indeed higher but they pretty much don't have a group with 120+ IQ.
This honestly explains why they never invent anything in the modern world anymore.
And the average IQ of Israel is 95.
White supremacist=/=white nationalist
When will people figure this shit out
>They never conquered Japan
Japan was forced to westernize or end on opium like China, also what is Japan today other than airstrip 2.
>couldn't make Persia into a colony
If you mean Iran, it was split into spheres of influence between the British and Russian empires, then once again in WW2 had its leader changed after joint Soviet and British invasion.
Every bit of land on this earth has had the heel of the white man's boot inside it.
Kill all the kikes and then try to educate the rest of the races. They may possibly be able to grow and advance as human beings without the kike brainwashing. We owe them a chance. But, you know, if ultimately, we have to exterminate them all, we do it without a second thought. Evolve or die normies.